MovieChat Forums > Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016) Discussion > STOP injecting feminism into period movi...

STOP injecting feminism into period movies

Seriously, it's just stupid. There were no female ship captains in the 19th century. But that's the least of this film's problems... it's just horrible. CGI crapfest with no coherent story. Even as a kid's movie it's crap.


Have a question for you....

What movie, in your opinion, has good CGI?

It seems every movie, there is always someone complaining about the "bad CGI."


I'm pretty sure the OP's term "CGI crapfest" means that it's a crapfest with too much CGI vs story, and not necessarily the quality of the CGI itself. Which I agree with.

But I also agree with what you're saying about every movie attracting comments about "the bad CGI". Perhaps many of those commenters actually mean to say what the OP did.

IMDb-boards would be less confusing if people would mark their signatures clearly.


rogue one
star wars 7
star wars a new hope
the reverent
Jupiter ascending (love the *beep* story)
final fantasy kings glave(fully motion capture animation)
game of thrones
you can really feel the bleed of the green screens that the used(look at the behind the scenes) and come on the boat scenes physics were atrocious the boat needs all the sails to tilt but cutting one small sail makes it go straight again and boats just don't tilt like that even if the wind was coming from the side but the way that the sails were facing implies that the wind is coming from behind and that the boat starts to sail straight right after the crossing the ocean simulations were terrible just look at the white water i expect good results in films ocean simulations are a really common thing nowadays just look at realflow or Houdini if you want to see how simple it is to get a good ocean simulation and if you film the hole thing on green screens with mat paintings i expect good cg


A remarkable woman, Mary Patten, temporarily took command of a clippership in the 1850s. In July 1856, Neptune's Car left New York City for San Francisco. Captain Joshua Patten was in command and accompanying him was his wife, Mary, nineteen years old and pregnant. She had married at sixteen and had already been to sea on several voyages during which her husband had taught her how to navigate.

Mistrusting the first mate, the captain removed him from his position and took on his duties. As the ship was rounding Cape Horn, Captain Patten fell ill, his hearing and eyesight failing. Next in line for command was the second mate, but he could not navigate. Mary Patten assumed command, with the second mate's help and the support of the crew. Navigating and caring for her husband filled every moment; for fifty days she was unable to change clothes. The ship arrived in San Francisco November 1856. The insurers of the vessel rewarded her with one thousand dollars. Mary Patten and her husband returned to New York where she gave birth to a son. Sadly, her husband died three months later.


During the 1850s, I doubt this would happen.


Well i doubt a person in the 1850's crawls through a mirror and enters a magical world either ! this is a Disney fantasy film it's not a historical piece, nothing wrong with making Alice a strong female character for kids to look up to in my view :)


I don't like feminism shoved down my throat either, which happens in many movies. But this's the opposite of a period piece. It's a girl's fantasy. So her being a captain is fine. The books were even based on dreams I think.


When watching the opening, I did think she was some fantasy of her. It was just so hard to believe.


Agreed. After that unbelievable opening sequence, it was really hard for me to get involved with the rest of the movie. It insults our intelligence right from the start. After that opening, everything else felt fake and contrived. I only saw every actor trying far too hard, especially Depp.


A fantasy film set during the century 19th (BTW it was the 1870s, not 1850s). I can except the fantasy elements of someone crawling through a mirror and entering a magical world. But not the inaccuracies of the real world depicted in the film.

Even if Alice was a dude, there was no way he's have climbed the ranks to captain so early.


Awesome. Glad you found this.



Actually feminism is an integral part of the Alice character.

In a traditional time, Alice is a very unconventional girl/woman.




That doesn't mean it is feminism.
Whenever a woman does something feminism shouldn't automatically be rewarded as if it is really the reason she did it.
Besides feminism didn't exist back then. The suffragettes weren't until later.

And she doesn't hate men, use feels instead of logic and misrepresent lies as truth so you can't call her a feminist.


I hate feminism, they keep ruining my favourite things like video games and complaining about women being too sexy in them. SJW are scum of the earth


The best thing about this movie is the treatment of Alice and how well she is played. She's a smart and tenacious character, with her own personality and individuality. That's good to see. Whilst notions about her traits in relation to the period are misfounded. Especially when social mores were touched upon in the first movie.


I didn't have a problem with the so-called feminist aspect here. Feminists were still abound in the 19th century. Being an adventure film with a popular literary heroine, which was created by a man and being predominately about a wondrous, dreamlike fantasy world, Alice's headstrong personality suited the film. I found it to be a visual marvel and very enjoyable to boot. It's been about 6 yrs since the first and that was when I last saw it; but I think I enjoyed this sequel more. I also found it funnier.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.


It's a fantasy film not a documentary.
Next you'll be telling me door mice can't speak.


Really? Mice speaking is just as crazy and fantasy-like as a woman becoming the captain of a ship?? I thought this was supposed to be empowering for women. BUT when people associate the idea of women in power with talking animals, I think this feminist dream is going to backfire.


...when people associate the idea of women in power with talking animals, I think this feminist dream is going to backfire.
😄 Good call Luke. I think the poster was only implying that since the film is pure fantasy, that whatever Alice's real life achievements were in the film's story, they were still nonsensical regardless, just like Wonderland.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.



Oh there was but I am sure they were disguised but we have to remember its a Film

ChuckyTiffanyhorror »

Mistrusting the first mate, the captain removed him from his position and took on his duties. As the ship was rounding Cape Horn, Captain Patten fell ill, his hearing and eyesight failing. Next in line for command was the second mate, but he could not navigate. Mary Patten assumed command, with the second mate's help and the support of the crew. Navigating and caring for her husband filled every moment; for fifty days she was unable to change clothes. The ship arrived in San Francisco November 1856. The insurers of the vessel rewarded her with one thousand dollars. Mary Patten and her husband returned to New York where she gave birth to a son. Sadly, her husband died three months later.

Actually feminism is an integral part of the Alice character.

In a traditional time, Alice is a very unconventional girl/woman.

actually it pedophile not feminism Carol would draw nudes of little girls

I hate feminism, they keep ruining my favourite things like video games and complaining about women being too sexy in them. SJW are scum of the earth

I do agree especially My body my child but we want equality honey if its equality then man would be able to give birth too

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


Lewis Carroll drew what?!


Lewis Carroll drew what?

take it as you will

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


"if its equality then man would be able to give birth too"

What? That's a stupid argument.
If it is equality then women would get men pregnant honey.

See how stupid your argument is now.


That part didn't bother me. What bothered me is that she knows absolutely nothing about business, never shows any interest in business before she returns to Wonderland, and doesn't learn anything about business while in Wonderland. Suddenly, she returns and her father's business partner is willing to give her a ship and crew of her own?

The ending came right out of nowhere and only served to allow her not to be married off.

To love another person is to see the face of God! - Les Miserables
