Can Anyone explain me the ending ?

I loved the movies from start . The only part I didn't understand was Ending .
Please Can anyone explain me ending:-
01. Did Riggan Died On Stage & all later scene were imagination but of whom .
02. Did he died in Hospital .
03. Did he jumped out of window & died
04. How the hell did Sam saw Riggan flying & smiled .

Can anyone tell me is it play adaptation or Adaptation from Book


If the movie won an Oscar for Original Screenplay, then it`s obvious that it`s not based on a book or anything


I can explain you some god damn grammar son

All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain...


try not to see it as literal things happening. This is a movie about dealing with the complexities of the human ego. Representations of hopes, fears, wishes, fantasies of the self.


The bird was the "monkey" on his back.
But in reality, it was the dry spell after Birdman.
Everyone who hated him.
Those who showed no support and all of the above.
The turning point was the scene between him and the critic at the bar.

His ex tells of the many points to the shows success with smiles and kisses.

After he shoots himself and the audience stands to applaud, the critic briskly walks out.

At the hospital his best friend shows the rave review and contrary to her promise.

His daughter now has a revered
admiration to her father. She opens a Twitter account for him and reveals the 80,000 followers he's amassed, in one day. This being a form of approval.

In the bathroom the bird is on the toilet. While he removes the bandages not a peep from bird. (Pun intended).

He does not commit suicide.
He finally has acceptance.
The bird needs no more to offer twisted advice.
That inner conscience has flown out the window.

Oh the daughter?
That's for us.
Brings out the critics and admirers to go at it.
Like now.

Want more?
If we criticize a real fake super hero movie, why not this?
This is a comedy and a movie.
This is not a documentary of a real person.
I can understand the criticism towards the ending of the Sopranos because it geared to real life mobsters.
Especially after all those years of build up.

This film was superb for its intention of tearing down the smug critic who gives themselves the right to kill a show.

It also entertained many but perplexed those who didn't understand this film.

All movies receive good and bad reviews.

There are great movies, with many in agreement. We know the list.

But this director asked another for help on attempting the one sequence filming.
The advice was to not do it.

He did so anyway as it was more of a challenge. This being only one aspect of the directors choice to continue with the project.

And he won Best Picture with Best Director along with two more Oscar wins for the unadvised filming.

You gotta say Iñárritu has balls for starting such a movie.
Great film.


The movie starts with him levitating.

He's shown multiple times using his powers throughout the movie.

Birdman is tormenting him to no end.

In the end, he embraces the hate and goes back to his roots.

Unless you really hated your father, you wouldn't be happy having just seen him commit suicide by jumping to his death. No, she saw him flying.

Everything else being thrown at you was a smokescreen. The twist is he actually IS Birdman, period.


I just saw the movie for the firs time last night.
I see it 3 possible endings:

1. He jumped to his death.
2. He actually flew away.
3. He climbed up the building.


My choice is that he climbed up the side of the building and sat on the ledge like his daughter did earlier in the movie.
She is also into the bird idea (see her tattoo).
That is why she smiles; because she sees her dad doing what she had done, chilling out on the top of a building looking out on the world.

* I'm not a fan of the other choices or the idea that the movie is all a dream since the time he shot himself on stage.

BB ;-)

it is just in my opinion - imo - 🌈


My take of the ending is: Riggan made the play to get noticed and get back the fame he lost after quitting doing the Birdman movies. His motivation was to be recognized as a good and serious ARTIST, not just some entertainer who wears super hero costume in the movies.

Well, obviously he failed to do that. But by shooting himself on the stage, the press noticed him and "his pain" - as much as Hollywood and press love scandals involving celebrities - and he became "something". Shooting himself was Riggan's "van Gogh moment". By doing something stupid which had nothing to do with art or theatre, he got famous and got back what he felt was lost. So he didn't die and the ending is metaphoric. He got back his "wings" (of celebrity) and (his career and life) took flight. In the end, he was nothing else but The Birdman and that had to do.

Notice too that the ending - how the press concentrates on and notices the suicide act instead art - which is a stab against tabloids and celebrity press and such.


I recall early in the movie when they are doing the first rehearsal (right before the actor was injured), part of the dialogue is that the character attempted to shoot himself in the mouth but couldn't even do that successfully.

I thought it was obvious he was going to commit suicide on stage from early on, but liked the fact he "survived". However, the hospital scene seemed like a dream. His bandages not only had the Birdman beak, they also recreated the eyehole frustration that his character talks about at the end of Act I in the play. Just when it seemed he was saying goodbye to the Birdman in his head (even watching birds fly away) - boom we are led to believe he jumps out the window and becomes Birdman. I didn't get it, obviously.


What do you think happened?

You are correct.
