The bird was the "monkey" on his back.
But in reality, it was the dry spell after Birdman.
Everyone who hated him.
Those who showed no support and all of the above.
The turning point was the scene between him and the critic at the bar.
His ex tells of the many points to the shows success with smiles and kisses.
After he shoots himself and the audience stands to applaud, the critic briskly walks out.
At the hospital his best friend shows the rave review and contrary to her promise.
His daughter now has a revered
admiration to her father. She opens a Twitter account for him and reveals the 80,000 followers he's amassed, in one day. This being a form of approval.
In the bathroom the bird is on the toilet. While he removes the bandages not a peep from bird. (Pun intended).
He does not commit suicide.
He finally has acceptance.
The bird needs no more to offer twisted advice.
That inner conscience has flown out the window.
Oh the daughter?
That's for us.
Brings out the critics and admirers to go at it.
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If we criticize a real fake super hero movie, why not this?
This is a comedy and a movie.
This is not a documentary of a real person.
I can understand the criticism towards the ending of the Sopranos because it geared to real life mobsters.
Especially after all those years of build up.
This film was superb for its intention of tearing down the smug critic who gives themselves the right to kill a show.
It also entertained many but perplexed those who didn't understand this film.
All movies receive good and bad reviews.
There are great movies, with many in agreement. We know the list.
But this director asked another for help on attempting the one sequence filming.
The advice was to not do it.
He did so anyway as it was more of a challenge. This being only one aspect of the directors choice to continue with the project.
And he won Best Picture with Best Director along with two more Oscar wins for the unadvised filming.
You gotta say Iñárritu has balls for starting such a movie.
Great film.