For anyone who thinks this movie sucks... are an absolute dumbass. That may sound harsh, but really if you think this movie sucks you clearly don't know *beep* about good movies and film making. This is one of the greatest films of all time and it deserved best picture. Really hearing jackasses saying this movie sucks is just so arrogant that it hurts my soul,because they clearly aren't a true movie goer and probably didn't even give this movie a good enough go to see what a great masterpiece it truly is.


It doesn't suck, but it isn't great either. A bit too full of itself (like a lot of Inarritu's films) and completely unoriginal (ditto), but it still has its qualities.

I've seen all of Inarritu's films and It's definitely in the lower half of his work. If you want to see Inarritu at his very best then watch Amores Perros.


I didn't enjoy this movie, so according to the OP I must be arrogant and not a 'true' movie goer, despite majoring in film at university, working in the industry and going to the cinema at least once a week, often to arthouse or foreign films.

A couple of friends of mine who also work in the industry were horrified when I said I didn't love it and, like the OP, gave me the judgemental vibe that I'm not a REAL movie fan.

Sorry, but the story didn't move me or interest me, it's as simple as that. I was impressed with the performances and technical achievements of the film. But the number one important thing for me while watching a film is the story, and it just did not engage me.


I thought it was a masterpiece. Perfectly acted, fast moving, iconic shots, awesome screenplay and of course the amazing cinematography.


'Agree with me or, or, or you're just a big stupid head' was the op written by a 5 year old?


i thought it was going to be something else entirely
