Yes. Thank you, very well written - so that even the toughest junkie can comprehend.
I was going to write how the movie doesn't suck... It blows (like Emma Stone would)
Check it, as Ali G once said, here's her acting (some recent IMDB feature photos, Oscars or something - not even bothered with it, it's just a clown-show in recent years); and then it's her acting like an idiot:
There's no reason to -even- comment, really. I get that she might've been young(er) and gullable, to take on something as stupid as this; perhaps she thought that she's cute, or something, how she can get away with it (who knows). However, Michael Keaton, Naomi Watts, Edward Norton... I don't understand, taking hard drugs at their age. Like, wasn't it enough to see Zach Galifianakis on the cast list. Whatever, why am I even here. xD
Edit: Dang it, had to edit: mrb27896 ^^ yeah, graduated from a film-school (way back in 2000) and it doesn't change anything.