Zero chance, but..

I know everyone, including me, has gave thier opinion on what a Riley/Maya relationship would mean. I know there's zero chance of it happening, but I way be for it. The love those 2 show each other is unlike anything I've seen on any TV show ever. And more than a lot of real life couples. I wish Disney would allow this to happen, but at least we get hints every 2 minutes lol. 😪


Both characters have shown to be boy crazy with no attraction to girls on a physical level. I think you guys are mistaking friendship for attraction. You can develop deep emotional bonds without it going to the next level. Conversely you don't need friendship at all to establish that someone is attracted to something.

I just see them as Corey and Shawn but it's 2016 and you can't develop a friendship nowadays without people shipping it. That Riley quote is a cute quote but if you actually watched BMW you'd know Corey and Topanga's early relationship was just as awkward as Riley and Lucas. At that age you're always going to be able to form closer relations with the same sex while your attempts at dating is going to be awkward to say the least.



I do not think anyone from the LGBT community being on a show would end anything for Disney. I understand that they have a conservative history and would probably lose some viewers but the world has changed and hopefully become less judgmental. While I do not see Riley or Maya as homosexual or bisexual, I do not think it would be wrong if they were. Television should be able to reflect the world and the various people who live in it.


You do realize that the "someone above" who you think will take out Disney is part of the same group of people who greenlighted The Real O'Neils, Modern Family, The Fosters, etc and who continue to purchase the rights to air sports with openly gay athletes. Unless for some reason you're implying that God is going to show up and obliterate The Walt Disney Company, then you are sadly misinformed. Maybe mommy and Daddy should teach you how to write properly before they fill your empty head with lies about LGBTQ relationships being evil.


Unless for some reason you're implying that God is going to show up and obliterate The Walt Disney Company, then you are sadly misinformed.
You must be misinformed - Mommy and Daddy will show up and destroy the Disney Channel economically, not God - which makes this whole idea ridiculous from the start..


Yes, because the multi billion dollar Walt Disney Company is going to be completely crippled by some idiotic parents who can't understand love. Disney channel isn't exactly known for its high ratings so why not make a statement that it won't pander to bigots. Target and ABC already have.


Yes, because the multi billion dollar Walt Disney Company is going to be completely crippled by "some" idiotic parents who can't understand love.
"Some" "idiotic" parents ? Try Multi-Millions of parents (who remain bigoted or are simply intoleer5ent and add a number of the people they're related to or socialize with ? And the people who aren't bigoted or intolerant - but ignorant enough to believe that their children would be unfavorably affected ? Or the multi-number of national organizations that would scream and condemn a "channel for children" that would dare to do such a thing ? The effect ? - The Disney channel, already low on the scale, is dead. This is nothing but a claim from trolls trying to start an argument on the board(s) - It does not belong here - and they've already learned that fact..


i dont see it happening. Im not against it, though I do wonder where this is coming from. Tumblr, Instagram and this site have endless boards, fan blogs, etc calling for Maya and Riley to couple up. Am I missing something when I watch the show. Again not against, just dont see it.


I don't see it either.And sick and tired of everyone sexualiing all kind of affection


No one is trying to sexualize their relationship. Them liking each other is not sexual. It could be completely innocent like all the other couples on the show are innocent, just two girls liking each other like kids do.

Also, this is literally the reason i think they should have them be a couple, so that it isn't sexualized. So that can be seen. A couple that is just innocent kids liking each other, holding hands, being shy and awkward.


Sex not involved,it's friendship,sisterhood,motherhood....these are non sexual affection...You can be sexually attracted to someone without being in love.But you can't be in love with someone without sexual attraction.You love someone very much,have very strong feelings for someone without being sexually attracted to them?It's friendship,brotherhood,sisterhood,motherhood,fatherhood.......In love includes sexual attraction.If they make them a couple in love,it would include sexual attraction. They already have a very strong friendship,no sexual attraction involved.


Except it is not. Initial attraction is not sexual. I don't think any of the other couples on the show right now are sexualized at all. The kids aren't thinking about that right now. They are thinking about how each other are cute and they like talking to each other and holding hands and hugging and going to the movies and things like that.

That is what Riley and Maya's relationship would be like too. It would be just like the other couples.


You can't be a couple in love without sexual attraction.If there is no sexual attraction,no matter how strong and deep are the feelings,it's friendship.


That is just not true. I am thinking you won't be convinced, but romantic love does not live and die on sexual attraction. Also, they are kids for goodness sake. They don't need to be in love right now like adults think of love or fake talk about love because i can't imagine many people think of love that way.

There are relationships that are about sex that have nothing to do with attraction or love. I think that is possible, so it is just as possible the other way. I certainly don't think sexual attraction comes first. We are talking about young love and, as i have said multiple times, their relationship being exactly like all the other couples on the show which have nothing to do with sex.





 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)

