MovieChat Forums > Girl Meets World (2014) Discussion > What is your exact opinion on the new Di...

What is your exact opinion on the new Disney shows?

I've noticed that some people like some of the newer Disney shows a lot, think others are okay, but don't like the majority of them, so I want to know which Disney shows do you like out of the pack?


liv and maddie bores me, kc undercover is insufferable (plus i'm not a zendaya fan so that didn't help their case), and bunk'd is Jessie pretty much and both i hate. i like best friends whenever and stuck in the middle (this cast is truly so sweet and genuine. Jenna is an amazing girl, very appreciative)

I'm watching bizaarvark today. *gasp* i've made it through six full episodes and even chuckled. kill me now for this lol. HOOOWWEEVVVEERRR, it needs MEGA work with the acting. the kids aren't the best at cracking the jokes (which need help as well). the comedic timing can be off especially from the youngest boy. they just have to stop overacting and show less webcasts. in this show everything they do is about the webshow. i want to see THEM and what goes on outside of their hobbie (a good episode for that is Unboxing). also THOSE SONGS HAVE GOT TO DIE lol drop those music videos and songs or at least dial them down to a few episodes not a whole bunch. They’re too cringy

now that i think about it, gmw does what bizaarvark needs to do and vice versa. the gmw kids needed more activities outside of life problems and each other. (if they had some 'all fun no drama' episodes besides Rah Rah, let me know). Maya wanting space from Riley in Girl Meets Money was awesome. I actually hated that they came back together lol. Sometimes I felt like Riley didn’t have a life, outside of her friends. what did SHE enjoy? Maya had art, what does riley like? Cheerleading should’ve been explored some more or have her in an after school club, they didn't have to do this i just would've liked it for her :).

now on bizaarvark they need to drop the webshow for a while and just LIVE. Who are their families? What’s life like for them at school? Who are THEY? why should i care about these girls? one thing i will say is gmw does give you a reason to care about the characters. i only liked maya but even so the others had stories as well that anyone could relate to. maybe you're not a riley or a maya but maybe you're smackle or even a lucas. they, dare i as a non gmw fan say, inspire me with my own fictional characters to show readers who the characters are!

so yeah I like bfw, sitm, LREF, and MM. bizaardvark is alright too but not a favorite


As far as the Disney Channel proper goes, I don't think that there's a single show that I can say that I totally dig. Several have elements which are worth while (only to be bogged down by other elements), but none of them have that 'hit me in the gut' feeling.

For instance, Bizardvark has an interesting setup (a YouTube type of company as a backdrop), and the two leads are interesting, but the rest of the cast (along with the majority of the plots) let down these two promising aspects.

Best Friends Whenever leaves me as cold as a flounder. Nothing--not the cast, not the concept, not the plots--nothing works for me.

Though it is interesting to be channel surfing at night and see an episode of this opposite an old rerun of Full House, and ruminating over how strange it is that the two shows share the same universe. To think that somewhere in the background of this Disney show, D.J. Tanner and her clan are living their fictional lives. Trippy.

Stuck in the Middle has a standard enough concept, and the lead actress is winning, but I feel that it has an edge that makes me uncomfortable with it being on the Disney Channel. It almost smacks of a stripped down version of something that was intended for Freeform.

K.C. Undercover has a lead actress with some chops for comedy, and it's good to see what 'Dwayne' is doing post A Different World. But show itself is more of a modern take on Get Smart.

Historically speaking, Disney Channel's 'action' shows have not been too great (and they have not exactly lasted long either). K.C. Undercover tries to get around that by including the sitcom elements.

It's an o.k. show, but not exactly something one would jump up and down for. Though, again, it's weird to think of how it shares the same universe as Family Matters when one sees the two opposite each other on the dial.

As far the network's 'foreign imports', they aren't really Disney Channel shows per se, and as such, I don't include them in this discussion.


Apart from GMW, the only new Disney show I truly enjoy is Stuck in the Middle. I appreciate the return to the single-camera format and the cast has great chemistry. It will be interesting to see how the story develops.

Bizaardvark - I couldn't get through more than two episodes. The lead actresses are charismatic enough to carry the show but I think the material (writing and plots) hinder the show.

KC Undercover - It's okay, nothing that truly engaged me or made me want to tune in for more. I also don't think Zendaya is suited to comedic acting, but maybe I haven't watched enough of her shows to tell.

Best Friends Whenever - Didn't like it. The cast was never really believable to me.

This world is but a canvas to our imagination.
-Henry David Thoreau


Bizaardvark - I couldn't get through more than two episodes. The lead actresses are charismatic enough to carry the show but I think the material (writing and plots) hinder the show.

so glad somebody gave the girls credit. they really are believable are friends because they both play weird so well lol. i got past 6 episodes *falls out* lol it's not horrible just needs work but yes those two girls are great. they can lead a show together just need better material.


Don't know, don't care.

This show is the only reason why I view GMW on Disney. There's nothing remotely interesting about watching a kid's network station and having to sit through a bunch of mundane, inept crap week after week.

The last time I have ever viewed any of their T.V. shows was when my parents had to actually subscribe to their service.

I'm mentioning Fraggle Rock (1983) and Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers (1989).

By that time, I had completely disregarded the station thereafter. Nothing was of interest of me at that point.


KC Undercover is actually very entertaining. It seems to have taken Gravity Falls's place as that show you would not expect to be on Disney Channel.

Live and Maddie and was what Girl Meets world should have been up until the most recent season. They built an enjoyable universe that dealt with issues without sacrificing comedy of turning into a PSA. It's lost a bit of its charm recently but the Christmas episode was good.

Best Friends Whenever was pretty average during its first season. They seem to have found their rhythm now though and the show is actually pretty good. The plots are entertaining and all the characters are likeable. Even the token little sibling comic relief with Bret and Chet makes me chuckle more often than the trope usually does. Shelby is pretty much a better written version of Riley.

Stuck in the Middle is alright.

Bizaardvark kinda reminds me of ANT Farm with its live-action cartoon elements. It's hit or miss though.

Bunk'd is trash.

Walk the Prank is beyond embarrassing. Every year Disney try to force one of these cringeworthy prank shows onto us and every year they fail.


Every year Disney try to force one of these cringeworthy prank shows onto us and every year they fail.

Looks like this one succeeds but agree with you.


Best Friends Whenever was pretty average during its first season. They seem to have found their rhythm now though and the show is actually pretty good. The plots are entertaining and all the characters are likeable. Even the token little sibling comic relief with Bret and Chet makes me chuckle more often than the trope usually does. Shelby is pretty much a better written version of Riley.

that shelby comment tho :'D so true. shelby beats riley, they're both supposed to be the nice, calm friend but shelby isn't so freaking whiny with it. she actually has her own comedic side and she'll even join cyd in mischief as we saw when they both put the mannequin's hands on the other mannequins butt. riley would've talked maya out of it, shelby JOINED in because at the end of the day, good kid or not, she's still a kid and ALL kids can be silly. shelby shows that, whereas riley comes off as the ideal kid who's always just good good GOOD. Don’t get me wrong there are kids who do good and try to stay out of trouble, but those kids still do have flaws of their own. Riley almost has none; I was glad and surprised to see her mouth off to her mom like a real teen would and even runaway for a moment. About time.

Bizaardvark kinda reminds me of ANT Farm with its live-action cartoon elements. It's hit or miss though.

truth i actually like the show a bit but no matter if i like it or not i will definitely admit some episodes are like a no. the one where meredith foster guest starred was great and the episode Unboxing was great for a first "friend" fight episode. then there's ones like Best Friend Tag that they could've kept.


Only other Disney show I've paid attention to is Bunk'd, which is terrible. I watch it only for Peyton List, who has some charm and charisma.

I don't think Disney Channel ultimately really cares about the quality of their shows. In some sense they are still chasing the music dollars of the Hannah Montana years, albeit with diminishing returns; do people really think Sabrina Carpenter is gonna be a big pop star?


Yeah I don't like Bunk'd either (though I did enjoy Jessie) and I do think Sabrina Carpenter is a great singer but I don't like that Disney keeps recycling this style of their music.

