MovieChat Forums > Girl Meets World (2014) Discussion > Was it a worthy successor?

Was it a worthy successor?

I'm asking this because i only saw the first half of the first season and then left because it feeled like any other Disney Channel kidcom with BMW characters in it.

To any one who has seen the whole show so far: Did it got Any better? Or you felt it stayed as another Disney Channel Show that didn't even explode its predeccessor's style?

Lets be honests BMW hit their spot from in 3rd season, the previous 2 are totally generic sitcom about a kid learning lessons but once they grew up and it got into mature and weirder stuff it became a memorable show.

Did GMW showed that in any of the seasons or at least showed some promise of getting there in the future?


Not really. It started to look like it could have gotten there if it weren't on Disney Channel.


Unfortunately, no, it wasn't.

The episodes where they brought back old characters were generally the most fun, but even those typically suffered from "overdoing" the characters.

Boy Meets World was great because it dealt with real issues. The relationships felt real, if a little goofy at times.

This was what everyone worried about when it was announced... too Disney.

I do believe it would've been better on another network, and been closer to being a worthy successor. It remains to be seen if we will find out (if it actually gets picked up elsewhere), but I think this may be it.


I hated how the show turned out, but this doesn't need to be it. It needs a revamp. A new network needs to pick it up and sign it on for six seasons so we get through the characters' lives for the rest of high school and then throughout college to make up for Seasons 1-3 being so tame and boring. So we're talking a total of NINE seasons here but with Seasons 4-9 basically being almost like a separate show and to provide a bigger bulk of mature content and develop it over a period of several years than if a network were to just pick it up for just three seasons and cram everything in it and it just comes out bloated and a last minute tack on.




If they had different actors in Ben, Danielle, and Rider's place and it was titled something different like "Growing Up is Hard," I don't think anyone would've ever thought the show resembled BMW at all. It would've just been seen as another Disney show and probably would've had poor ratings.


Exactly. This show could not stand on it's own and I don't think Disney is to blame for it's lackluster stories. Nickelodeon aims at the same age group and Bella and the Bulldogs wasn't preachy, the kids had flaws, and didn't spend all their time worrying about growing up.

2017! The Year of WestAllen. Time to bring Linda back. Where y'all at Snowbarry?


yo i would of watched "Growing Up is Hard" that sounds dope!


Nope. It was a complete failure and only got worse. Everyone involved really let down the original fan base except for the old cast members.




I think it might of started out as one but it did not end as one.


Do you mean successor or sequel? I think the successor to BMW and the entire TGIF is the Disney Channel. It even aired edited BMW episodes. Based on about ten minutes on Wikipedia Even Stevens might be the closest direct successor BMW has.

GMW isn't a worthy successor because it isn't a successor. It's a decent sequel.


No. It has been one long disappointment. The Girl never met the world because she never matured.


She devolved
