MovieChat Forums > Arrival (2016) Discussion > Some scientists theorize aliens might be...

Some scientists theorize aliens might be avoiding us entirely...

Wait until we advance to a certain point as a species before making contact.


Hostility abroad would probably be too costly against a sapient species, especially for a colonizing force.


WTF are you babbling about??


Aliens who want to avoid a messy invasion can engender memes to infect the minds of homo sapiens. The message in REVELATION is a good example of a meme designed to insure human self extinction and rid this orb of pesky nasty humans.


If aliens are not already amoung us, they are watching our TV. Will never contact us in the latter case.


Speed of light = No aliens


wormhole = aliens


Wormhole = speculation



The closest mankind will ever get to a wormhole is a few equations on a whiteboard.


yes assuming that we make progress from on, but human civilization is as young as one second in evolutionary time table.


"Ye canny change the laws of physics captain" No matter if we are around for one second or one billion years.


but are we so certain the law of physic is absolute? in the nano scale, law of physic does not make sense. and wormhole does not break the law of physic either, not saying it's possible nor am i saying it's impossible.


Mexican research team developing spacecraft can travel 10 times or more faster then the speed of light.

Forget everything you know.


Quoted from someone who routinely breaks the laws of physics EVERY SINGLE DAY.


Of course, we have no idea what the laws of physics really are. All we have are the currently somewhat stable ideas of limited experience.


Of course, we have no idea what the laws of physics really are. All we have are the currently somewhat stable ideas of limited experience.

Exactly! Most of the sciences, no matter their progress in the last two centuries, are still in their infancy.


Or an Alcubierre warp drive. You just need great amounts of negative energy (the same energy you need for wormholes) and you are all set. Gravitational energy is regarded as a form of negative energy, because it counteracts the positive kinetic energy of two massive objects moving towards each other, so that the net energy of the system remains the same. That is, if the law of conservation of energy applies on large (or all) scales, then gravitational energy is negative energy.

The Casimir effect also appears to generate negative energy between two very closely placed plates, an effect that can be measured. The virtual particles of Hawking radiation (by which black holes evaporate) can also have negative energy for a short period of time. We do not yet know how to generate and harness negative energy, but in the distant future we could do it.

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


^^ Heh that exchange! ^^


Speed of light = no aliens

When are you gonna publish your theory or is it already published?

I guess stupidity is your boards signature.


Mr Einstein beat me to it I'm afraid.


Einstein never said aliens are waiting to meet us before we beat the speed of light.

How could he even without lying,since he was present at the 1931 London meeting between Einstein,L.Ron Hubbard,some translators and upper Cla'waH TiikolaB JiujiK(a lizzard man) and his entourage of 47 pieoni (little grey man).The meeting lasted for 97 hours and a detailed report is written in the book of Urh,chapter 5 of the first scientology course alpha A1 and if there was any mention of a speed of light clausule i am sure the meeting would not have happend in the first place.




This is what Scientology does to people.

How sad


I bet if you were living in the 1900's you'd say something like:

We will never breed a horse fast enough to run over 50mph~80km/h.
Yeah sure, but the thing is that we don't have to! :D

Of course nothing can outrun light (except from the Universe's expansion). But even if we could travel x2 or x3 SoL, we would still be riding a "horse", since it'd take us 1 million years to get to the nearest galaxy (=Andromeda).
But we have yet a looot to discover & understand, like how many spatial & temporal dimensions exist, how gravity really works, how to manipulate them, etc. etc....
So saying at this point "it can't be done because of SoL" is kinda short-sighted (irrelevant even).

The Matrix Has You...


Relativity. If we could speed up enough, we could be in Andromeda in a few days, hours or even minutes. And at speed of light (which is probably impossible), the voyage is instantaneous. That would be true only for the person travelling though. For everyone else it would be as you say.


(The point I was trying to make was that the guy above was thinking & judging space traveling stuff with our current knowledge & technology, which is probably silly since we are still in "stone age" regarding space travel.)

On your comment, you theorize what would happen to a passenger if he was traveling with SoL. Math & Physics say you are right (probably), but you are still talking about the guy who rides "the horse".
Forget relativity, conventional physics & horses, those are dead ends. A horse can run only so much, & so can an Atlas rocket.

The Matrix Has You...


The biggest issue with SoL travel for me is that the tiniest asteroid, space rock, junk, random floating object, when approached at the speed of light would tear through the hull of whatever said craft being used for traveling. The sheer technology involved in getting to travel to the speed of light is then overshadowed about the ability to sustain life while going that fast.

All of it makes me wish Cryogenics was real so I could freeze my brain and have someone re-grow my body in about 4-500 years (assuming we haven't blown ourselves up) to see what things are like then.

Honestly, everything is possible, nothing is impossible and no matter how improbable everything can be done. Perhaps with the exception of matter being created or destroyed.

Either way, Science Fiction can easily become Science fact with the right conditions.


Maybe they're here already, invisible to the naked eye. Or maybe they'll never make contact with us because that would be interfering with our evolution. Like carrying a child everywhere instead of teaching it to walk... it hampers growth.


Ive often said this. When people think of Aliens they picture arms/legs walking creatures. Aliens could be around us. So small we can't see them. Could be invisible. Could be so fast we can't pick up on them. etc etc. Its limitless what an "alien" could be.


Ive often said this. When people think of Aliens they picture arms/legs walking creatures. Aliens could be around us. So small we can't see them. Could be invisible. Could be so fast we can't pick up on them. etc etc. Its limitless what an "alien" could be.

But it's not limitless at all, they are bound to the same physical laws as we are. It's unlikely they would be so tiny, or invisible or too fast for us to detect because of that fact. Haven't you wondered why bacteria who have been evolving parallel to us, with billions of years headstart haven't evolved intelligence even in some basic way? Size matters, you can't have a brain as complex as ours at the sizes you're suggesting.

Though I agree they could/would potentially look vastly different to what we can imagine.


The meaning of life (42 aside 😝) is... to live. Nothing on this planet does it better than bacteria since, like you said, they managed to survive fiery & icy cataclysmic events for billions of years.
So, biologically speaking, bacteria seem to be more involved than us. 😉

The Matrix Has You...


Well, the larger the life-form the more vulnerable it is to extreme changes, we can't survive such cataclysmic events because we simply can't mutate fast enough/wouldn't have enough time to develop such protection. For a bacteria, it's relatively simple and very fast in comparison, given their numbers, reproduction rate and how even small mutations could lead to significant survival advantages, like the ability to hibernate during extreme cold events.

So they're not really more evolved, adaptation is just much simpler and quicker and it wouldn't surprise me if the universe is teeming with them.


But it's not limitless at all, they are bound to the same physical laws as we are. It's unlikely they would be so tiny, or invisible or too fast for us to detect because of that fact.

Not true. We have no idea what physical laws they are bound to. In fact, we don't know if our physical laws apply outside our solar system.

Haven't you wondered why bacteria who have been evolving parallel to us, with billions of years headstart haven't evolved intelligence even in some basic way?

Sorry, but scientists have a pretty dismal record in regards to recognizing intelligence. Less than half a century ago, humans were regarded as the only tool-makers, the only self-aware/conscious species, and the only ones with complex language. Fast forward to today, we now know tool use is common, from chimps to corvids to cephalopods to dolphins to spiders etc, etc. We also know numerous other species are both self-aware and conscious. Complex language can be found in several intelligent species, from dolphins to orcas to parrots to chimps. (And who knows how many more we will discover.) We also know many animals experience a similar spectrum of emotions/traits as humans, from sadness to play behaviour to problem-solving. Not only that, many animals have displayed much more powerful memory skills. And finally, there actually is some startling new scientific evidence that bacteria have some form of consciousness (check out the book "Intelligence in Nature"). And as wild as that sounds, it would explain how the cordyceps fungus can deliberately manipulate ants into doing their bidding. Even further, slime molds have solved mazes in various scientific experiments.

Size matters, you can't have a brain as complex as ours at the sizes you're suggesting.

Yes, size matters, but one of the best indicators for gauging intelligence is the Encephalization Quotient, this being the ratio of brain weight to body weight. Ants, for example, have super-high EQ's and they domesticated aphids and fungus millions of years before humans domesticated anything. Not only that, number-wise, they are more dominant than humans. Not only that, they build cities, have complicated communication, move the dead to graveyards, etc etc.

No, thanks. As interesting as such stories are, I believe a rational and logical explanation is always the cause and when an explanation can't be reached, it's often due to the flawed human brain creating things that don't really exist in reality.

Not very scientific to ignore evidence you find unpalatable for whatever personal reasons. Especially considering the Brookings report explicitly guarantees we will never be told if aliens are visiting us.

Regardless of that, I personally think the chances that an alien civilisation even know we are here are extremely remote to say the least, unless the galaxy is teeming with advanced intelligence, which seems very doubtful today.

Why would you think that? And what secret evidence are you privy to? In the last fifty years, we just discovered several different types of extremophiles in exceedingly hostile conditions on Earth, something which greatly increased the statistical possibility of life throughout the universe, a number that is already pretty high, regardless of what variables you want to plug into the Drake equation.

Physics and cosmic distances does. Even if they're thousands or even millions of years more advanced than us, they are still bound by physical laws and limitations. I'm disregarding theoretical stuff like wormholes, Alcubierre warp drives etc. Even at 100% the speed of light, distances between the stars are vast. I seriously doubt any amount of time and technological advances will give us Star Trek like space travel. And IF a civilisation out there does in fact have this capability, they may be harnessing incredible amounts of energy from their host's star(s) as to actually make themselves visible to us today.

Sorry, but there are over fifty stars that are within 15 lightyears. Regardless, even at half the speed of light, it would still be a doable voyage. And even at a lesser fraction, it could be done without requiring large amounts of energy. And we also have no idea what their lifespans might be. Or even if the speed of light is an impassible barrier.

No sign of them yet, but I'm hopeful we spot something weird in my lifetime.

I'm sure there is a chimpanzee calmly reassuring the other chimps that there is no pale, bald female ape watching them, explaining her candybar wrappers as leaves, tire prints as snake tracks, etc, etc, but the truth of the matter is if an intelligent alien species didn't want to make itself known to us, we'd probably not know any better than the chimps debating the existence of Jane Goodall.

Again, not a single shred of evidence.

Although I like to remain open-minded, I have a hard time dismissing the evidence collected in well-researched books like 'UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record' strictly focused on the observations of pilots, military officials, and government members, literally experts who wouldn't be fooled by "swamp gas".

I also don't buy the 'hostile' aliens scenario. If a civilisation manages to survive so long that it can develop the kind of tech needed, it undoubtedly has had to endure and get through many difficulties in its past and solving many issues that plague us today. War, famine, racism, inequality, intolerance, weapons of mass destruction and other global issues that hinder our progress today. Of course, this is just my guess, but to truly get to their advanced stage and move out beyond the stars I really think they'd need to settle a lot of these things.

Completely agree with you there.

Well, the larger the life-form the more vulnerable it is to extreme changes, we can't survive such cataclysmic events because we simply can't mutate fast enough/wouldn't have enough time to develop such protection.

Despite still being taught in school/college, mutation has pretty much been ruled out as the driving force of evolution. Not only that, the field of epigenetics has vindicated Lamarck and shown that traits acquired within a lifetime can be passed on to descendants.

They will be able to advance and modify themselves MUCH faster than us.

Not if we're engineering our own DNA. And besides, a single cell is vastly more complicated than any human-made machine. And likewise, we can't make a single cell from scratch. And no, synthetic biology isn't even close.

in the short term we will find a way to interface humans with tech and information

Perhaps in the long-term, but we are quite a ways off. Regardless, who would want a robotic hand completely dead to the vast spectrum of sensations when you could make a genetically-engineered one that could do everything a robotic one could do, without being devoid of living matter?


Well, it may be not as "limitless" as you think.
Since carbon is very common in the Universe, can easily make & break bonds, makes chains instead of crystals (unlike silicon, the second "candidate" for life building blocks), its bonds are stable, etc., it's highly possible that other lifeforms out there are based on it too.
Now, we can't say for sure that they'd have arms & legs. But if they are complex enough lifeforms to have advanced up to space travel, they must have adequate mobility. & like billions of years of biological evolution show us, "mobility = limbs".
As for the other features you mentioned, who knows, you may be right. But it seems more probable to have them because of their technology instead of their physiology.

The Matrix Has You...


i am an alien ask away i will answer, and no silly questions like what is the meaning of life that is well explained in hitchhikers guide to galaxy.


what type of civilization is your species? and who's the closest alien neighbor to earth?


we are not classed under any species as we do not hold any form to be a species, closest you got to any explanation of alien life who can be contacted was best portrayed in a film called surprise CONTACT by Robert Zemeckis it had few flaws, but every other movie was mumbo, jumbo worst being interstellar, when you say closest alien life you have to define that, alien life is present every where in universe, if you mean intelligent life who can travel through space to earth answer is NO.


They encountered an alien lifeform in the original script for Interstellar. Not one that was capable of space travel though.


space travel is possible but not in the way of interstellar did, travelling to other universes is just a fantasy as a matter but there are other ways, creating an A.I to travel vast distance, find a planet for humans support, use embryos to spawn than repeat, making sure that human race survives.


You're right about AI/Robotics doing our adventuring out that far, but if we do want to do it ourselves we'll have to physically change our bodies to do it. Heavy genetic modification to adapt to deep space travel.


Hi bektaskonca,

How kind of you to make yourself available for questions on our humble internet. I have only one question but it is very important. Do you eat cats?

Thanks again for your selfless commitment to spread knowledge to our little corner of the universe. I hope you plan to rescue ALF from the alien task force while you are here, poor guys been in government labs since 1990.

Nanoo Nanoo. Live Long and prosper. Peace out, man.


as i have mentioned before and you did not read as it seems, we have no body to sustain, so no need to eat cats nor drink blood, how ever we do feed on energy but not the kind you know or have knowledge of it, i am not here to spread knowledge that is a human notion for us there are no difference to human knowledge / intelligence or a maggots, as i have said before i can not help you with ALF but if you are as human so concerned about some one else is well being why have you not done something about it ?


In the distance past, travel as we know it today was a fantasy. If they did not travel by foot or horse\animal or pulled wagon, then motor cars and airplanes was a fantasy to them. Free your mind and *** will follow.


travel and flying was not a fantasy in earth by humans, humans know they can travel far and wide, they simply did not posses the technology back than but knew they could and even flight by looking at birds they know they could to one day fly, i am talking about space travel totally different kettle of fish, i hate to repeat but human form does not allow to travel in deep space nor any other alien made from same substance.


º Where is/was your "home"?
º How long have you been around as a species, in your current form?
º Are you carbon-based too? Do you have DNA? How do you procreate? What's your life expectancy, with & without your technology?
º What's life's dispersion in the Universe? Have you met other lifeforms?
º Have you met other sapient lifeforms? What about their physiology? & their technology?
º Tell us a bit about your technology's timeline.
º How does your political system work?
º How does your economy work?

Now excuse the following questions, they may be offensive for your level of advancement but I have to ask:
º Do you get "emotional"? As in "allowing your consciousness & your decision making process to be affected from your current psychological state & not being strictly logical".
º Do you have religion(s)? As in "organized institutions that claim to know the absolute truth about Universe's & life's origins, despite having no proof whatsoever to support those claims".
º Do/Did you start any wars? As in "attacking & methodically killing other sapient beings (from the same species or not), because you were after their resources (even though you did it in the name of religion/freedom/etc.)". If so, when was the last one, against who, where & why?
º Do you have "art"? As in "drawing pictures or making sounds with no particular usage & then worshiping them (& their creators &/or performers) like religious symbols, often paying huge amounts of currency to acquire them".

The Matrix Has You...


1st no home, we exist simply because universe wills it/ allows it same as humans.
2nd no idea could be as long as the universe existed or maybe after first species in universe gained Consciousness, it is like the egg or chicken idea.
3rd not made of matter, a bit like invisible light, so no dna, as explained before universe wills and we are here, having no body means no procreating, we live as this universe allows us, so no such thing as life expectation nor limit, we DO NOT posses any technology nor we need one in our state, saying that we do not know our origin due to not having any cosmic power, so we could maybe in past possessed mind, body and technology as you see we don't have answers to all.
4th there is life everywhere in universe, if you mean Conscious beings not many as you think, personally no as we are connected with others like us we feel the presence of Conscious beings in universe
5th no, no idea, you are putting too much thought in to technology it is not to saviour of humans nor other Conscious beings in this universe.
6th as said no tech and about time line every being in this universe bound by it but the the good news is once you existed even if the universe no more information is not lost all kept on accordance with time line, well in this universe that is.
7th and 8th n/a
emotion is fabrication of human mind we posses no such thing due to not having a mind, "allowing your consciousness & your decision making process to be affected from your current psychological state & not being strictly logical". all these are human notions as this universe wills it to be, this and others like order and chaos as it is apparent all around the universe, there is no such thing as the free will on any Conscious beings everything is shaped by the universe and all made from same substance as the universe so it is natural humans share the same mind.
religion was created by human mind and again by the will of this universe, in alternate time lines Conscious beings who were not introduce religion did not last, some lost will to live, some just destroyed themselves, i have no cosmic powers to determine if there is a creator but logic states that there is as this universe gave birth to Conscious beings it might be that there is a power which gave birth to infinite universes ??
i said it before no religion, no wars, but if we did posses body and mind once all is possible.
i see you are trying to make sense to world affairs and religion all i can say is Conscious mind and life given to you is a miracle by itself, there is not many beings in whole universe who gets flesh pleasures, from breathing to having sex, shame it is such a short time.
i said it before humans needs such things in their life if not world struggles, pains, pleasures and religion they might cease to exist.


Thanks to humanity Earth is the Third World $h!thole of the Universe and that would be why they avoid us just like taking a round about way to avoid driving through Harlem.


Thanks to humanity Earth is the Third World $h!thole of the Universe and that would be why they avoid us just like taking a round about way to avoid driving through Harlem.

LOL! Ain't that the truth! That said, I wouldn't doubt if they watch us for entertainment purposes, Earth basically being the Jerry Springer show of the universe...


It's like when you're walking around without paying attention to the bugs you may step on. To an advanced civilization we might just be bugs and simply uninteresting.
