MovieChat Forums > This Is England '90 (2015) Discussion > The Combo/Milky resolution was outragous

The Combo/Milky resolution was outragous

Ive lived in some pretty rough places and seen my fair share of violence including having been stabbed. This was the most outlandish thing ive seen on this other wise beautiful show... It just dosnt fit..No one would go that far to deal out that level of consequences to some one who beat them up. C'mon man seriously. And the whole having all the family take him only to hand him off too two suspiciously BNP types??? who we have to assume combo knew or recognized as he freaked out. This is nuts man.. If say we were talking lol's and kells Beast Dad-YES you could see that happening ,you might believe that people would do that to some one whose crimes were so heinous but c'mon... poor end too that story arc very disappointed and the story suffered as a result.

of my mind
'' I don't know what's in there, but it's weird and it's pissed off''


Apologies if this has already been said, but Combo did more than beat Milky up. He beat him within an inch of his life. Could have killed him. How many parents say they would kill anyone who harmed their child? It was totally realistic.


If you've seen the episode and noticed how Combo was a changed man, the conversation with Milky he had and after all that time and knowing what Combo did for lol, the incredible sacrifice he made for the mother of his daughter... The only scenario where this would have been realistic was if Milky was a horrible, ignorant and selfish son of a b.

Although all characters in this ultra realistic show have their good's and bad's like all humans. Milky always seemed to have a good nature despite making his mistakes. In the light of all of that, it was totally unrealistic what he did.

It actually makes me sad because this was such an intensely good show, and how nice would it have been if Milky would have changed his mind just before they took Combo away...

It doesn't always have to be a happy end but now it really feels like the writer purposely wanted a sad ending just for drama...


It's easy to say if you've never been almost killed that you should just forgive, but the reality is not so easy. I do think that TIE should have explored the trauma Milky had to live with after the beating which may make viewers more understanding to the reasons behind his actions. What he did was wrong, but after what he had been through it was understandable.

That being said I don't think Milky would have killed Combo if was just up to him. It was his family more than him.
