funny that Kylo Ren has female fans

Wouldn't he be an incel?

Terrible Childhood

Plus With Horsegirl being overpowered they would say she doesn't need a man especially an incel. What happened?πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”


I don't think women actually find him attractive. what I think is there are some extreme 3rd wave feminist that want this type of beta male to be emulated; so more and more males will strive to be beta to get girls. The goal is to get less men to be alpha males. This is done because extreme far left feminist (not the 1st and 2nd wave equality for all feminist mind you) are usually very unattractive females that no Alpha male even goes for, so they are often left with weak pathetic men that they can walk all over. Of course because they don't actually find this type of male attractive (and all but refuse to bare his children) they are incredibly unhappy and bitter about this situation and are striving to bring the world along with their misery (misery loves company). No women that I know of, friends, ex's, wife's friend's, relatves; none have ever claimed to find Ben Solo attractive (none of them found Anakin or Luke attractive either). real women find Indiana Jones/Han Solo attractive, of course this is generally speaking there are always exception.

At least that is what I hope is going on. Either that or their is some really screwed up 'rules' of attraction going on today. I doubt it though.


a lot of women like kylo ren. the want to fix the bad guy, and the movies make Rey into this all important figure
that kylo desperately wants on his side. he wanted her as "a student" in FA and wanted her to join him in the last jedi after killing snoke. last jedi tried really hard to push the potential couple angle throughout the whole film using
their force link.

total fan fic shlick material that smacks of Twilight


Even in TLJ were people claim they clearly are in love,I never got that vibe, Ren just seemed like Stalker weirdo is if the horsegirl was the one female hes seen other than his mother


That is just it though; Kylo is not the 'bad boy' type that women like to try to 'fix'. He is an emo incel type. The ravenous fanboy types that girls won't touch with a 10 foot poll. At least that is how I saw him; not the Vader/Han Solo/indiana Jones type of bad boy that girls like.

But yes, there was this girl fantasy fan fic type of writing that was trying to 'force' a "Reylo" angle to it; and it was stupid and frustrating.


Crylo Ben


Actually, he comes off as a pathetic emo goth to a lot of people, not an incel. Honestly, his character was as badly written and developed as Rey's. Sadly, the emo goth thing blinded a lot of teen girls to his faults when TFA first came out. [It's possible there are real emo goth guys out there that could have done a better job at the part than Adam Driver]. It was actually disturbing to see him and Rey in fanart, being romantic. The two were enemies, and while it might have been romantic for her to bring him back to the light side through love, that wasn't gonna work in these shitty, feminazi, woke trash films. I feel really sad for the teenage girls stupid enough to fall for this guy. He had about as much fear clout as a bad guy as your average Saturday Morning Cartoon villain.


Females aren't monolithic. Everybody's got a type.


Not everybody. Women these days hate the idea of a strong man


You're talking to the wrong women.


Also ren would be the kind of character a mary sue would hate unless they are ok with an emasculated man they can control or kill


Mary Sues and fanfictions defy any logic outside of the whims of the author. Their avatar character has all the love and power without any flaws and they'll ship who they want.
