Would people like this more if Rey were hot?

Daisy Ridley is pretty but not someone who I would describe as “hot” or “sexy.” Would audiences have liked Rey and thus the Sequel Trilogy more if she were played by a more attractive actress such as Jennifer Lawrence or Emma Roberts?


She has a nice ass


Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Roberts are both a bit old for that role, plus I don’t think either of them are hot to be honest.
Answering your first question, no, I don’t think the fans who didn’t like the sequels would have liked it more if Rey had been smoking hot because I don’t think they would ever be completely happy with anything.
Personally I liked the sequels.


it would be a good start. recast finn and poe as well and kylo and i could live with what disney has done.


No the three young actors were fine. The mistake they made was bringing back the old farts from their nursing homes. All they did was shuffle around in their walking frames and stink the place up.



I'm not sure casting would have made a huge difference, Rey is the 'tough scavenger' which it is hard to make a character like this "sexy". I do think the film could have been better with more sex appeal but maybe they decided to just go with the tough A-sexual girl type which is really popular in Hollywood now days. Although, this makes her character less approachable, I almost just really didn't care what happened to Rey in the new trilogy.

I mean, you don't really pull for Rey and she's supposed to be the heroine in all this I guess?? I dont know...

Needless to say, I would take Leia and Padme over Rey any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


You think Emma Roberts is hotter than Daisy Ridley? Huh.


No. Daisy Ridley is a very attractive protagonist. The problem is that the trilogy was launched without a plan, resulting in a tug-of-war between Abrams and Johnson that gave the audience whiplash. The first film was just a rehash of A New Hope, the second threw out everything it built up, and the third then tried to ignore the second one even happened.


Hard to say. I think Lawrence would have been a better choice, she is a better actress and better looking. Emma Roberts? Nah.
