why wasnt it made clear Palpatine was a clone?

have Kylo or Luke or even the Emperor reveal hes a clone and that his son was a rogue clone who was good that he hunted down and killed so rey is the product of being the rogue/good/failed clones daughter..(could've done a big reveal showing a CG deaged Ian McDiarmid as Reys father in the flashback)

Huge twist in the movie that wouldve explained loads of stuff. and also ties back to Attack of the 'Clones' and the 'Clone' Wars etc

instead that stuff was only hinted at, if that (and revealed later in the novel).. its like they didn't want to say hes a clone for sure because they felt it might be too silly or didn't want to draw strong connections to the reviled AOTC or wanted some JJ 'mystery box' or something so best leave it that ok he might be a clone but also he might've just come back to life after being destroyed at the end of Jedi.. somehow..


His old body blew up and his new one is literally being held together by machines and magic. It is VERY clear he's a clone.


lol - I was sober when I watched this and I didnt even know until RIGHT NOW that he was a clone


This is hilarious, but are you sure (that you were sober)? Because what on Earth made you think his body survive a nuclear explosion (when he was thrown down the reactor) and then another gigantic one when the Death Star blew up?


We all just figured force magic brought him back. In hindsight though that would lave too many plotholes like why didn't anyone else comer back.


Force magic DID (and technology) bring him back.


They were definitely afraid to make a definitive decision one or the other, so they just said nothing. Passed the buck. Let somebody else take the heat. It's how every single creative decision has been handled in this trilogy.


Its kind of similar to Abrams Trek Into Darkness/Khan: JJ didn't want to/chose not to explain why/how he was now a white Englishman so just very vaguely hinted ('John Harrison was a fiction created.. ') and left it to the comic book to show he'd had the Die Another Day DNA/face thing done.. ok they didn't have to explicitly show Khan having his face changed in a flashback but some explanation would've been nice for fans (e.g. have Spock or someone uncover a photo of Montalban/Khan on the computer and be like 'aw shit')


I think it is because JJ often wants to put stuff on screen without much thought to the sensibility of it being there. You can ask the same question about the existence of the first order and the fact they seem to be Empire 2.0 without any explanation. The explanation was left to be filled in by side material. JJ wanted a Empire like enemy force for TFA so he made it happen. He wanted the Emperor back so he brought him back; 'don't think just consume product' is the theme of Disney Star Wars Sequel.


If he could simply clone himself then doesn't this make his plan for Rey entirely redundant?


I have yet to see anyone address this. Why inhabit Rey? Why not create a new clone and inhabit that? And if the Emperor was a clone, why clone himself as an old decrepit man? Why not as a young vital man, instead?


Dude......you think too much man. Dont be a virgin, incel, nerd, loser and just pay the mouse the money!

P.S. you hate women



to sell books and comics
