would they ever DARE do Episodes X/XI/XII?

ok theyve said TROS is the absolute conclusion of the saga but when has anything stayed concluded (Ep III was supposed to be the final SW movie, Last Crusade last Indy etc) and although it was always possible there was really no foreseeing Eps VII/VIII/IX happening after Ep III in 2005 (and especially not with Harrison Ford) so could the same happen for X, XI, XII in 10years or less

Like them or loath them the ST still made a shit ton of money (3 movies = 4.5b). and its the 'episode/saga' movies that are the real deal audiences cant help but flock to.. not so much the spin offs (think everyone realises Rogue 1 was like a fluke/'rogue' movie)

if it were to happen itd have to be a step up from VII, VIII, IX and theyd have to come up with a 3 film arc like I,II, III (not winging it like the ST or even the OT)

I guess itd have to enter around a new set of characters (probably some established names as the main characters maybe from Marvel/DC like Chris Evans, Brie Larson, Scarjo, Cumberbatch, Fassbender, McAvoy, Hardy, Cavill, Gadot, Bale.. with older actors as the obiwan, palpatine types like Ken Branagh, Sean Bean, Charles Dance, McKellan, Viggo Mortenson etc). Rey/Finn/Poe could be used but no way in the main roles as simply not interesting/popular enough (in fact probably best not to). Luke could cameo as a force ghost (as could the likes of ObiWan, Qui Gonn, Mace, yoda,) and there could be threads/references to Vader, the Emperor, Jedi, Sith and all the events of I-IX and obviously it'd continue the force light and dark side stuff but there couldn't be another Empire/death star stuff itd have to be something else completely. and maybe itd have to be set like 50-100 years after Ep IX to give it some real difference/distance to what came before (like Star Trek TNG) otherwise just be more fan film rehash stuff like 789 was


Yes, we are all waiting to see what happened with Rose Tico and how she became a Jedi Master.
