What were your worse moments in TRoS?

Where to begin...

Showed potential at the start but fell hard flat as they shoe horned everything onto the final movie really quick with scene change effects after scene change effects.

-Rey is seen training pretty skillfully with the lightsaber (even more than Luke who only just stood around playing with the target bot on the Falcon + creepy Yoda ride) but when the battles play out, clash clash HRGHHH, clash clash HRGHHH where they just stare at each other. No wicked swordplay or saber throws we saw at the beginning.

-C3PO acted normal after the memory wipe. Whoever built him sucked in the sense they though C3PO was human or something. They literally just wiped his memories of people he's met on his journey but kept the databanks intact.

-Rey went beyond Mary Sue. Even beyond what Luke or Anakin could've accomplished. She became powerful woman like Ms.Marvel. The one to bring balance to the force was nothing compared to her. She could deflect laser bolts (Vader only absorbed Han's bolts) via hand, halt a ship from escaping, already knows how to use persuasion, felt Chewie out from much longer distances, can heal wounds as if they were nothing, can summon all the Jedi spirits like Goku in DBZ. Pretty sure when you're born a force sensitive user, you don't possess skills of parents (besides midichlorian count), they're taught... but apparently she just knows how to use powers she's never learned or really needed to.

-Spent most of their budget on that final battle scene instead of writing a more thought out story. You can see that when they threw in thousands of CGI ships in.

-How the hell was everyone able to navigate so well through the nebula without a scratch? Even large ass ships were able to enter it and dodge the intricate turns and things to avoid within. Palpatine planned this for so long yet still failed so hard. What's worse is they didn't even have a shield generator to protect it let alone put it on another planet like Endor.

-When resistance fighters entered Exegol's atmosphere, the Allegiant General that served under Palpatine for a long time said something along the lines of "Fire/Arm ion cannons." Ion cannons disable ships vs the counterpart of turbolasers. Ion cannons are light blue while turbolasers are green which they were all firing with.

-Movie moves the plot forward with "I have a feeling" remark. Oh noes, the antennae that directs the star destroyers out of the system/atmosphere is off so how will we find out whose leading them?
Finn: That one
Poe: How do you know?
Finn: I have a feeling
*ding ding* plot moves forward on a guess/hunch/whatever which happens more than once like when they got onto Kylo's destroyer and were able to navigate it to get where they needed to go.

-After sucking the souls of Kylo and Rey, Palpatine has a huge orgasm where he shoots his electric jizz into the atmosphere disabling only the resistance ships. With such a huge amount of power, you'd think the force lightning/chain lighting would've short circuited/fried the electronics along with disabling them but nope, that would make too much sense but it was left out to keep the plot moving forward.

-You'd think after his battle with Yoda and other great adversaries that Palpatine would use something else other than force lighting. Twice he's done it where the rival channeled his lightning into one spot and cancelled his power out the latter being his own death.

-How the fuck does one have the ability to develop plant killing Star Destroyers? Seriously. Episodes 1-8 we've established it needed huge amounts of power to generate such a beam and force to destroy a planet from Death Star I-II to Starkiller Base and now all of sudden to just individual destroyers in 9?

-Poe mentions the "Holdo Maneuver" and we see a lot of hyperspace skipping at the beginning. They've really taken on that move to the max. Changed everything in how battles are handled. In the final scene where we see destroyers being destroyed, we see one seen where it showed the contrails of hyperspace through a destroyer indicating someone else used this maneuver to wipe the ship out...

-Magically if you're force light, you know how to heal people too just like how Kylo did for Rey by ghosting himself like the little bitch he was.

-If astral projection Luke could grab a lightsaber and force lift his old T-65 X-wing out of the water, why the fuck can't he battle or do other mischief things against the First Order? He literally can phase through shit.

-CGI Maz Kanata and young Luke/Leia were too distracting and badly made. Maz's contrasting colors didn't mold well with the surroundings and young Luke/Leia looked like they were made with DeepFake facial attachment. There is a good way to do it and then we have these bad ones.

-Rose Tico was insignificant through the film. She even looked like she had problems huffing it up the small hill when we see her gritting her teeth.

Return of The Jedi -> Rise of Skywalker -> Last Jedi


Too much lightning screen flashing in Palpatine's audience chamber. I noticed it even more on my second viewing.
