Holdo will defeat Palpatine [SPOILER]

New leak just in. During the film's epic climax, Sheev will be about to kill Rey with force lightning, when Holdo's force ghost appears out of nowhere and performs a hyperspace ram maneuver with the force ghost Raddus on Palps' geriatric ass. Galaxy saved, credits roll.





I make little race cars from mine!



Holdo is not a ghost. That's actually her twin sister Clingo.


Well she's obviously capable of shattering the egos and crushing the sense of well-being in many bros living in the real world these past two years even though she's just a fictional character in a movie. It would figure if she could take down a Sith Lord, with the power that said fragile bros have unwittingly bestowed on her.


What's a Holdo?


That purple-haired admiral from The Last Jedi.


Opera dress admiral? Yeah... Got it.


This time Holdo returns with bright pink hair and an even BIGGER Mon Calamari star cruiser.


I also heard that Han's Force Ghost will smooth talk Holdo's Force Ghost back into playing for the other team - the guy's still got it.


You forgot that Luke's ghost will appear in front of Palp's face to remind if not distract him that he saved his father from him before fizzing away like no one of importance in the franchise anymore before Holdo appears.
