Still can't believe it
Honestly thought the rumors were some fake ass BS. But actually bringing back the emperor (!), another death star, thousand star destroyers, throne room,....
it's just.... jeez
Honestly thought the rumors were some fake ass BS. But actually bringing back the emperor (!), another death star, thousand star destroyers, throne room,....
it's just.... jeez
Think of Disney Star Wars as fan fiction. BAD fan fiction, at that.
Yet what's funny is it's far better than anything you could ever produce. The fact that you hate these films so bad makes me enjoy them more.
shareLol. Every blockhead on this board could easily fart out something better than this crap.
shareIf you could you would and make good money doing it like Disney is. So what's stopping you?
shareGetting nitpicky here? Nobody on this board produces films. Yet my mentally challenged cousin Søren could come up with better plots than a 130billion $ company like Disney.
shareIf they can come up with better ideas like you claim why don't they?
shareIs that you, JJ?
He could be a crazed shareholder.
shareDon’t worry about moviefanatic, he’s a troll. He knows I hate Disney Star Wars and he’s now on a mission to say the complete opposite of whatever I think, he’s an immature child who needs a spanking from his mommy.
shareNope I actually agree on Memento being better than Fight Club I just disagree with you on Disney Star Wars.
Is that a real question? Try owning the rights, for starters. No one here does. Also try that no one here has the money to produce a $250,000,000 film. That said, if you’re asking why people haven’t written better Star Wars stories, well....they have. All you need to do is glance into the expanded universe to find hundreds of them. Why Disney ignored Lucas’s input/ideas and went with hacks like JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson is something we may never fully understand, but what’s even more incomprehensible is why you’re so willing to defend their shitty storytelling.
shareWhich is why I said get into film production. George Lucas sold the rights to Disney. When someone sells a car can you tell them what interior they can put in it after you have sold it? You can but they will tell you to screw off since you do not own the car anymore. I like how Lucas now is being considered like a brilliant artist when before you guys were throwing him under the bus for the prequels. The prequels were trash why take input from someone who put that garbage out?
shareLucas is an idea man. No one is suggesting that he write or direct the dross currently being spat out by Disney.
shareOh I beg to differ. You know how many times I have heard bring Lucas back to write and direct these new films he will save them? Too many times to count. This is the same fan base that threw him under the bus after he made the prequel trilogy. I personally think the OT Star Wars is overrated. No I do not think it is bad but I think it is overrated. People act like it is a cure for cancer it gets old. Yes it was good but my heavens man. There are other film series which surpass it in acting, writing, and being far more complex. Lord of the Rings being the perfect example of this. A far better made trilogy from top to bottom. It beats it in every conceivable way.
The OT is held to such a ridiculously high standard it does not matter what comes afterwards it will never live up to it. A large part of that is the fan base will not allow it.
A large part of that is the original trilogy is infinitely superior in terms of writing, pacing, direction, acting, cinematography, effects, music, originality, and of course, awesomeness.
shareYeah sorry disagree. The OT is overrated. Many other film series are far better made.
Lord of the rings is a far better trilogy than the OT Star Wars was.
The before trilogy is far better than the original Star Wars was.
The three colors trilogy is better as well.
Yo be honest I'm glad people hate these Disney Star Wars films. It makes me enjoy them even more.
Lol, but we’re not talking about other film series. We’re talking about Star Wars. The Godfather series is better than Star Wars. So is the Pusher series. So is the Three Colors trilogy. But who the hell cares? This is a Star Wars conversation. That said, I fucking hate The Lord of the Rings.
shareI know I was showcasing that it isn't as good as it's touted to be.
I personally enjoy the Disney Star Wars. Come at me. Don't care if you dislike LOTR it takes a giant dump all over the OT Star Wars.
Oh boy, not the "can't criticize food unless you're a chef" fallacy...
I wonder if these horrible "arguments" will ever go away one day. It's like every new generation of dumb kids spout the same crap until they're eventually corrected - ad infinitum.
Where did I say you couldn't criticize? I said if these guys could make better ideas like they claim what's stopping them? Never once did I say you couldn't criticize.
shareOk here's one.
Instead of Luke phoning in his performance via force-skype at the end of TLJ (and then dropping dead), he could actually have turned up and actually withstood the barrage of cannon fire by being a badass jedi.
See ? easy? better than disney thought of.
But you guys didnt get to see that becasuse I'm a nobody and not in charge of writing billion dollar Disney movies.
Thats whats stopping me - its not lack of ideas its not being JJ abrams.
JJ Abrams isn't the only person to direct a Disney Star Wars film. So no apparently that's not the thing stopping you. Go out there and make a Star Wars film. Get into film production.
Theres hundreds of thousands of wannabees out trying there very hardest to do that , cos unlike me they actually want to , and they arnt making it, so ill give it a miss thanks , and just make do with the Star Wars films the professionals are making for me.
I have another: instead of fat Asian bitch knocking Finn out of the way he actually sacrifices himself to save his friends. Or better yet vice admiral gender studies tells Poe the plan, basic rule of leadership : keep your subordinates informed
shareYou are aware that Disney owns the rights to this franchise and if the fan fiction people attempted to make a movie and profit off of their own ideas Disney would put them out of business. You must be aware of this, aren’t you?
shareWhich is why I said get into film production... Get some credentials and build your resume to get recognition from Disney. Then once you get it and they give you the green light go and make a Star Wars film. Since you know everyone on earth claims they can make better films than these Disney films.
shareThat's not how you get into the business. You have to be a member of The Club...
You said “Go out there and make a Star Wars film.”
How do you propose the people on this board do that without the billions of dollars it would take to buy Lucas Films from Disney?
Getting into film production does not allow one to make a Star Wars film.
This is beyond stupid and is being intentionally argumentative. Which I suppose you know you are doing. Which leads one to wonder ... if the topics of the thread bother you so much, why read them at all?
Getting into film production opens up the door for many things. That is how you get recognition and build up your resume for big time movie studios to recognize you. No it is not beyond stupid what is lame is how childish and sore you are that I would suggest it.
Okay right back at you if you hate these new Star Wars films so much why discuss them? Stupid question huh? You along with all the other people complaining will pay your money to see episode 9 then proceed to moan and groan about how terrible it is.
Yes, because all comments must be positive. You realize what an ignorant concept this is? You are just hitting on all cylinders, with these ridiculous arguments (maybe you're just very young).
What would life be like if people didn't critique certain things? I can tell you - there would be no accountability whatsoever and there would be no external desire to improve.
People criticize Star Wars because they care, and they want it to be better. Because they likely grew up with it and it hurts to see it in it's current state. If all we did was just accept dreck and say it's all a-okay, there's zero chance it would ever improve.
You have to call a spade a spade - if you want anything other than unending mediocrity, that is.
Where did i say all comments had to be positive? Point to where I said that.
Critiquing is part of what makes the world flow. Here is the thing though not everybody has to agree with your critique. People like you want to spout an opinion out there of how bad something is then when a person disagrees you are now upset. Never once did I say you couldn't critique people just don't have to agree with you.
I personally think the original Star wars is overrated. Am I denying the cultural impact it had or the critical reception it received, nope not all. I am aks o not saying they are bad films I just don't think they are the cure for cancer everyone thinks they are. I feel other film series have surpassed them in terms of quality. For one
I feel like lord of the rings blows star wars out of the water in terms of acting, screenplay, cinematography and character depth. I'm not telling you to accept it, actually since you all feel so strongly I say you put your money where your mouth is. Do not pay to go see it. Vote with your wallet.
Many of the people on here won't do it. They will pay to see it then say Disney needs to do better! Yeah movie studios really care about your critique when you shelled out the bucks to see it...
"Yet what's funny is it's far better than anything you could ever produce."
That's the exact same fallacious argument I listed before. It'd be like if someone criticized a meal, but then you said "yet what's funny is it's far better than anything you could ever produce." Acting like because they aren't a multi-million dollar director (or a 5 star chef), their opinion isn't valid / they shouldn't be criticizing it.
It's a meaningless, totally fallacious concept.
If you have not produced anything how could I believe you could produce anything positive film wise? I will voice my opinion on why a movie is good or bad but I do not ever say I could do it better. I am not in the film business therefore I would never make a claim that bold. Saying and doing are two different things. Only issue I had was when you said you could do it better, I do not agree with your critiques but that is not what annoyed me. So no your opinion can be valid but I do not personally believe you could make something better than these films. If you can by all means go ahead prove me wrong. Make a different film shut me up.
shareSee what happened was, when the Emperor fell down that shaft, he broke in half when he hit the bottom and his upper half was smashed beyond repair, but his lower half was relatively intact so they just attached it to the upper half of Darth Maul and now you have double stremph Sith Lord!
shareIt’s Abrams going “what cool and beloved stuff can we bring back from the original trilogy?” without actually asking why there were cool or beloved. Seeing the Death Star and The Emperor isn’t going to automatically make this movie good like Abrams thinks.
shareAbrams thinks? 😆 Always a first time I guess
shareAbrams is an insanely smart marketer, but not a good filmmaker. He knows how to get people into the theaters but not how to keep them satisfied.
shareThis entire trilogy makes the battle to defeat The Empire in the original trilogy completely pointless.
Original Star Wars Characters: "Yeah, we busted our asses with everything we had to defeat The Empire, but then the First Order popped up a few years later, and just did all the same stuff as The Empire did again, only bigger, so yeah, everything we did, all the fighting, all the losses that first go round, it was basically pointless...and now we're all going to die, because we're old, and old people suck according to millennials, and we were only a part of this new war to push over a new diverse set of flawless characters who can do everything we apparently couldn't do decades before. Why did we even celebrate at the end of Return of the Jedi? We didn't even get one scene to get the old band together this time around. I'm sure everybody would have liked to see that. I guess we didn't earn that. Oh well. Sometimes things get ruined."
That's Jar Jar Abrams pure copy-paste talent that makes millions of dollars for studios.