Is anyone surprised Disney ruined Star Wars?

The moment it was announced Disney owned Star Wars, was there any doubt they'd mess it up? None of the garbage they've produced should be surprising. It's Disney. They care about money and nothing else.


I'm not, I predicted this back in 2012, it's so rewarding to see my predictions come true especially when no one believed me initially.


They keep being afraid of the SJW of the political climate and double down on it! For example, Kathleen Kennedy should be FIRED...... Rose Tico character should be ELIMINATED...... Princess Leia Organa should've been KILLED OFF in T.F.A....... but NO! They will be ignorant and give the middle finger to those fans that carried star wars through the decades! Kathleen Kennedy = Pathetic = Koward w/a Kapital "K" !!!!


Episode VIII is a disgrace!!
