I am extremely disappointed in TFA and TLJ, basically follows the same plot points as the OT. I don't know what JJ has planned but he better not do a "Lost" ending.
Because they have no lives or perspective, obviously.
If you are capable of being darkly amused by that sort of thing, check out the "Captain Marvel" boards, where the incels are all so horrified by the idea of a female superhero with serious powers that they're ripping the film and its star to shreds, sight unseen.
I keep telling you guys that these films are not being made for the True Fans, they're being made for the mass mainstream. Their priority is not to please the old-school hardcore fans, who are few in number and not that spendy and who hate everything new, but to get billions of people to buy movie tickets and paraphernalia.
You guys will never understand what's happening with these films, until you accept that.
If there really is a problem and the haters aren't making that shit up (I can't be arsed to check), then the studio's solution is NOT going to be to pay more attention to the hardcore fans who hate everything new anyway.
It's going to be to be to pander to mainstream tastes. That's where the money is.
Why do you assume that the number of people who don't know Star Wars at all will far, far outnumber those that do? Hasn't it occurred to you that those who grew up on the OT and PT will show the movies to their children, grandchildren and other relatives? And even if someone is a total newbie to Star Wars, they will see the new Disney stuff, like it, but check out the older stuff and love it more.
The huge majority of "true fans," however you define that term, loved Parts 7 and 8, as did the huge majority of the rest of the world. They were both massive hits, critically acclaimed, scored high with audiences, and made huge amounts of money. You are part of a tiny, tiny group who hates the films for reasons completely unrelated to their merit. You have this board on which to whine and pat one another on the back, but don't expect for a second that part 9 won't be yet another massive financial, critical, audience success that all of us "true fans" adore.
I enjoyed TFA despite its many flaws. I hated TLJ for reasons completely based on its merits. I am not a misogynist. I have loved movies starring strong women for decades. I am looking forward to Cpt Marvel. I know "true fans" of Star Wars that like everything that has the name on it no matter what. I also know "true fans" (the kind who have SW tattoos, no less) that hated all the new stuff so much that they are done.
The point is that there are obviously plenty of people* at both extremes with sticks up their asses and lots of people that have their own strong opinions. Apparently the the ones who love TLJ, or as you think "the majority," are all too busy living life to bother talking about it on the internet. Everywhere I look online the ratio seems to be 100 to 1 against TLJ. I'm sure you'd like to reduce that by 60% to allow for Russian Entertainment Gremlins but the franchise quite obviously took a huge step in the wrong direction. Will it continue to succeed? Of course. It could coast of good will for the rest of our lifetimes. They know that some will eat anything they make.
Transformers and Fast and Furious films ritually make tons of money. There is no reason for them to change their mode. Those movies are shit. Citing their success or longevity does not change that fact.
Its halfway understandable, but this one wont be Johnson.
I thought TFA was amazing, and I still absolutely love it. I feel like rewatching just talking about it. Its my #2 Star Wars, after Empire.
I didnt care for TLJ, and I suspected it would be bad just because of Rian Johnson. I consider him untalented, and it shows. Looper was atrocious! Brick is his best movie and its nothing special.
Too bad Rian's also a technically poor director, and thats based on his own words from his own interviews for TLJ! I am a better director, and more well-versed in complex shoots... Literally!
But with Abrams back, he wants to end it all on a high note. Abrams doesnt have the best track record with me, but he knows what he's doing and he knows his audiences. I stayed optimistic for TFA solely because Abrams directed Mission Impossible 3... the only good one, IMO. I'm glad that paid off.
With Starkiller base, mostly. The new Dark Side weapon that literally drains the light in order to destroy. It's hammered in pretty hard when Poe is saying "As long as we have light there is still hope" (paraphrased) while Kylo is wondering whether or not to kill Han. Then the light vanishes and he does so, even thanking him... Also a subtly powerful scene.
What I love most about TFA is that it is very kinetic, it keeps moving. ANH has dead zones. TFA's plot structure is more like Empire, which makes sense since Kasdan wrote TFA and he also wrote Empire.
You've got to be joking, about Starkiller Base! At least the Death Stars were plausible, that thing isn't.
What do you mean, "dead zones"? Do you mean moments of thought and reflection? That's not dead zoning, that's giving the audience a chance to breath between action beats. If you think like that (as a child does) then you'd seriously hate any Hayao Miyazaki movie, they're filled with "dead zones" (!)
Death Star plausible? Okay, sure. Superlasers blow up planets all the time, right?
First off, I talked about symbolism, not plausibility. Secondly, Star Wars is fantasy, not sci-fi.
Dead zones are usually parts of a movie where things just grind to a halt and you have to go through the rigmarole of something that doesn't actually need to be explained.
Also, it's a movie. You're not likely to lose your breath unless you hyperventilate easily.
Lastly, I love plenty of slow movies. Eyes Wide Shut, Barry Lyndon, Baraka, Killer Joe, and plenty of others that aren't coming to mind as I type this.
I'm glad you enjoy being douchey, but it probably doesn't serve you very well.
So you enjoyed TFA and still do, I'm happy for you. :)
But I didn't. Apart from basically retelling ANH, it has new characters I don't like, and it lacks the Lucas magic that was in the other movies. The same with TLJ which thankfully ruined TFA, they feel like corporate products.