Unless Luke was a malfunctioning clone in VIII - Boycott this

JJ Abrahams the biggess copycat hack in Hollywood - the guy that killed the Star Trek reboot in less than 2 movies, will in no way save this silly, poorly written and conceived elaborate fan fiction.
No way to save this mess.

Unless Luke was a malfunctioning clone in TLJ programmed to seek out blue titty milk and act like a galactic pussy. Forget it.


Get over it, the father/mentor character ALWAYS dies!

It's an official rule, right there in Hero's Journey 101.


How was he a father/mentor character?

He talked to Rey for like five minutes, and basically told her to fuck off.


Exactly. He was like a parody of a father/mentor character.


He knew what happens to father/mentor characters, so he fought his destiny with everything he had, before giving in in the final act!

Why do you think he abandoned being the role of Jedi Mentor in the first place?


sorry dude. Luke is dead. he's gonna be a force ghost in Episode 9.


StarTrek 1 was awesome,TFA was awesome


TLJ was awesome.


While i disagree I will say that it was visually better and certainly not "worse" than the abomination that was TFA.

If anything I liked how TLJ plainly exposed what TFA was & what the ST is in general. It gave a giant finger to all of Jar Jar Abrams' crappy plot hole/ mystery bait. Whatever else is wrong with it i can't hate it for that


Mystery bait? You mean the interesting story arcs he set up for rian Johnson to dismiss and give us a boring space chase, a pointless casino planet , a flying Leia and a miserable luke Skywalker


I'm curious to know what you consider "interesting" story arcs dismissed that weren't a collection of empty fan theory bait. I along with many others could see that TFA perfectly set up the failure Luke that we got in TLJ who abandoned his friends and ran away.


... what interesting story arcs?


Only a fool would go see this trash.


Star Trek Beyond was what killed the Kelvin-line Treks (although ironically probably due to the TFA so JJ still indirectly to blame!).

A little unoriginal yeah but there was nothing really too bad with Episode VII had the TLJ bothered to cash the cheques TFA had written...


Holy crap. That's a twist that could actually save this franchise. Worked for Spider-Man.


Get a life.


Jesus Christ dude. STFU ...LMAO
