Gillette calls you toxic and you still buy their razors. Think Sony is going to stop?

Sony is going to push as much social justice as they can and what are you going to do? You're still going to pay for their next Star Wars. You have no other option. Gillette knows this. Proctor and Gamble makes every razor, even the generics, even the Braun electric line. Corporate America hates you. Hollywood wants to destroy your culture. The Gillette ad isn't even something new. Advertising has been anti-male for decades. Liberals say "it sells". Wrong! You found that out in the last presidential election when we finally had a real choice. You better hope that never happens again.

Sony is going to continue using Star Wars to tell you how much they hate you.


You know what? This whole AltRight/Q-Anon/INCEL/MGTOW/MAGA movement are the ones who are snowflakes, buttercups, cucks, etc.

You guys trigger yourselves with conspiracies against the angelic white male culture that doesn't really even exist. Over half of you don't even date or marry white women and end up with an imported wet nurses from Asia.

Also, if you don't like the new Star Wars films you can always avoid seeing them, like I did after TFA. I already knew it was gonna be somewhat lame with JJ Abrams attached to it.


You ARE toxic, ignorant little troll with nothing to do but post constant bullshit.


Of course, a man could look at this commercial and ask himself whether his ideas about manhood and masculinity are toxic.

But if you're reacting to it with rage, well, I guess we all know the answer to that question!
