It wouldn't be the first time a creator was brought back to revive a company with problems. Example: Steve Jobs and Apple.
Even if it's temporary or part-time.
Lucas to do list:
*Fire Kathleen Kennedy
*Legends becomes EU again
*Ditch the sequel trilogy and standalones which are all original trilogy rehashes anyway. No new trilogy for Rian.
*New sequel trilogy with Lucas' ideas centering on the Skywalker family. Let them go out as heroes. His new ideas and visuals instead of rehash. He can always hire others to co-write and direct.
*Lucas was blindsided with his Kennedy hire. He'll know now to hire people who actually like Star Wars.
*Fix the rest of the company. Nobody buys action figures of dead characters, non-heroes and bores. Old Republic TV show. New EU books. New Video games with Kyle Katarn.
I've seen the name Kathleen Kennedy for decades now, forever associated with Steven Spielberg in movie credits. I didn't know anything about her at all back then, until I recently heard about her SJW senility.
Spielberg did the work, but she took some of the credit. She's probably great at networking or brown-nosing. I know people who get ahead that way even though they know zip.
Conversely, we could be thankful he's gone. Unlike Apple before Jobs returned, Star Wars is doing fine. The films are better than ever, loved by critics and audiences alike, and making money hand over foot. Who in their right mind would want the hack responsible for those three prequels to come back? Not to mention the fact that it has recently come to light that even the original Star Wars was a mess before Paul Hirsch saved it in the editing room.
The farther Lucas stays away from the Star Wars films, the better it will be for the fans.
"The films are better than ever" - Not sure how many people think the new films are better than the original trilogy, I've never heard anyone say that. I'm imagining that is a very small minority of people.
"loved by critics and audiences alike" - Nope. Definitely not. The new films are certainly getting praise from SOME people, but the haters definitely have a massive presence.
"Who in their right mind would want the hack responsible for those three prequels to come back?" - You also seem to forget that that same 'hack' also created the original films to begin with. Nobody is asking Lucas to write/direct the new films, but his involvement would certainly be appreciated, since, *ahem* he fucking created the franchise to begin with.
"Not to mention the fact that it has recently come to light that even the original Star Wars was a mess before Paul Hirsch saved it in the editing room." - As someone who has worked on films (studio films even), I can confidently say that 99.9% of films are a mess during the early editing phases. Your claim really means nothing. Sally Menke has stated that the first cut of Pulp Fiction was a mess before the two came together and made a tighter film, and thousands of other people could say the same thing about their films. That's why films have multiple drafts, just like writing.
"The farther Lucas stays away from the Star Wars films, the better it will be for the fans." - If that were the case, fans wouldn't be starting threads like this.
You come off as someone who was particularly offended by the prequels, or just someone who hates Lucas in general. The prequels aren't good movies (Episode 3 is great, though), it's shitty to act like these new films are flawless masterpieces that top even Episodes 4-6.
I'm not claiming the new films are better than the original three, only one of which was directed by Lucas, but that they are worlds better than the 3 prequels he did direct. I felt the prequels got progressively worse, and Episode 3 is the low point of the franchise, but one can make a valid case for any of the three films as the worst of the bunch. They all stink.
The Force Awakens, meanwhile, is right up there with the first three, and I don't think I'm alone, or even in a small minority, that thinks so. The originals hold a special place in my heart, and the hearts of many, and I'd still rank them at the top, though a credible argument can be made that TFA is a little bit better than Return of the Jedi. The Last Jedi, on the other hand, isn't as good, but still much better than the Lucas-directed prequels.
Critical and audience response to the two new films has been overwhelmingly positive. You are part of a very, very small, but very, very loud, number of people who disparage them. The numbers don't lie-- if audiences don't like a film, it doesn't matter the franchise, the stars, or the characters. Just look at something like Justice League if you don't believe me. Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman together in the movie fans dreamed of seeing their whole life, and it flopped and lost money because it was a lousy film that people hated.
I have no hate for George Lucas whatsoever. He created Star Wars, and deserves eternal admiration for that alone. And, I really like American Graffiti. I simply think he's far past his prime. Look at the changes he went back and made to the original Star Wars. J.J. Abrams, on the other hand, has a strong track record, and TFA was masterful. I'm among the vast majority eager to see how he closes out this trilogy.
The Force Awakens is possibly the single worst sequel in history. Not only is it a terrible film in its own right its existence significantly detracts from the originals: their stories are rendered meaningless, their characters sacrificed to try to give live to their soulless replacements. Not only that it squandered the only chance we ever had of continuing cinemas most influential and popular story in a meaningful way. It's over now. Ruined forever thanks to cynicism, greed, and audiences/critics alike lowering their standards to an embarresing low level.
TFA was in a unique position in history, having both enormous hype (thanks to the OT) and low expectations (thanks to the PT) and it is proof that Disney could have slapped the Star Wars logo on two girls one cup and still break box office records but that universal goodwill only goes so far and the audience reaction to TLJ proves it.
If you genuinely believe that TFA was masterful then you have my utmost pity. You really do. And you think he's going to 'close it out'? Good God man, there is none so blind as those that do not wish to see!
:) :) :) :) TLJ lost way more money in comparision to TFA then any other Star Wars movie before. And Solo lost a lot of money. Also for the first time in histroy. Star Wars is officially dead, SJW! Your agenda doesnt matter when it comes to simply economics, stupid!
There you go again, falsely assuming I have an agenda, or that I'm some sort of SJW. Of course, you also think the 8th highest grossing domestic film of all time, and a film that made over $1.3 billion dollars, was by some stretch a money loser, so it's no surprise that you're making such incorrect assumptions.
I can be firmly opposed to SJW's, and I am, and still find George Lucas to be a hack. I can acknowledge The Force Awakens as one of the best Star Wars films ever made while still finding the SJW agenda appalling, which I do.
Huh? Why would they want him? They purposefully rejected his ideas for the sequel trilogy and shat all over his movies with their disrespectful piece of garbage cash grab The Force Awakens.
They clearly have no respect for the man or his work so I don't see why they'd "hire him in a heartbeat". They'll instead hire whoever can make them the most $$$.
Cause they realize that thier franchise is dying. And the name Lucas will give hope back to movie goers. Kennedy is now officla toxic in terms of box office.
In the making-of featurette on the Star Wars: The Force Awakens bonus feature Blu-ray, Lucas himself appears briefly and explicitly states that he asked Kennedy to run Lucasfilm because he knew that she would protect the company. Kennedy herself also says that she’s been friends with George since she worked on Raiders of the Lost Ark as one of the film’s line producers and that she sees her role as keeping Lucas’s vision alive.
Funny also how quickly people forget that Lucas directed three pretty lousy Star Wars movies one after another. Many claimed that he also ruined Darth Vader.
Personally, I enjoyed the prequels. A little too much JarJar, but otherwise I like them. At least they're original unlike the rehashes which all the Disney movies have been so far.
It's impossible to take that post seriously. "Lied" is extreme, Lucasfilm still makes them not Disney, and rehashing is just a bad road to go down since Lucas literally rehashed a Flash Gordon story into Star Wars after failing to secure the FG license in the 70s. That's literal fact.
Plus, Phantom Menace was indeed largely a rehash of A New Hope, even down to minor character scenes like Padme and Leia covering Anakin and Luke with a blanket on a ship.
Plus some ROTJ... The Gungan army is just like the Ewok army, and the pod racers are a lot like the speeder bikes.
The repetition, of course, is fully intentional. Just like Terminator 2 rehashing the story from Terminator.
I've never found someone bashing a movie for being a rehash and also being willing to bash all rehashes. If you don't like a movie, you don't need to try to find "objective" criticisms. Your opinion is bigger than that!
When talking about 'rehashes' it comes down to whether you're adding/creating/changing or just taking.
The Beatles (and every other rock band since) based themselves on Buddy Holly and the Crickets but you'd be insane to call them unoriginal: they took somebody else's ideas and built upon them, creating something entirely new and unique. As it is with Star Wars: Lucas took Flash Gordon (a 40 year old series at that point) and used it as a template to create something never seen before.
The prequels were always going to be hugely derivative (as otherwise they wouldn't be prequels) and Lucas' references to the later movies were probably one of the few aspects that actually worked, but still they added so much to the story and to the universe. Creatively they were very bold, with entirely new worlds, technology and aliens plus they were filmed in a revolutionary way.
Now Froggy, me old mucker, can you say the same for the sequels? Did they take something and use it as a platform to build upon? Did they add to the Star Wars world/story? Or did they just take?
I'd say they went one step further than take, I'd say they are actually managing to destroy what went before. The universe shrinks, characters regress, plot points are reused to the point of absurdity.