Not as bad as so many make it out to be

I finally got around to watching this and I gotta say, it's certainly not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. Maybe it's because I'm more of a casual Star Wars fan, but despite its flaws it's still leagues better than the prequels. Everyone gets mad about Rain Johnson's writing, but who's to say Lucas would've delivered something any better?


I watched the movie yesterday again, this time knowing that I was not going to be dissapointed as I was back in the year 2017 and without any prejudices (if I can use this word in this case).

Nevertheless it remains as the weakest movie of this last trilogy, most of the jokes are not really funny, Finn and Poe were reduced to laughingstocks (again I am not sure if I can use this word), not to mention what Johnson made with Luke Skywalker.


It's definitely garbage but I think it's easily the "least" sh*t of a sh*t trilogy which isn't saying much. It's the most coherent, well acted & paced of the trilogy. TLJ gets the most amount of misdirected anger because it completely exposed TFA for what it was, shattering the delusions many people had about it. All the main reasons why it's ultimately still terrible can be placed at the feet of TFA which laid down a clusterf*ck of atrocious & un-salvageable groundwork that TLJ was forced to inherit.


simply a terrible film.


TLJ is, by far, the worst sw movie ever


I disagree. Attack of the Clones by far is the worst.


anyone who says they like it is a liar.


What reason would they have to lie? It's definitely not the best Star Wars film, but I genuinely enjoyed it.


i can't find a spot to start at where i enjoy it. at least with the other movies i can skip the first 10 minutes or start an hour in. this has no good spots.

i guess i just don't like the new actors.


Anyone who says they are a rateater is a liar.


it's a name based off someone who was called a rat eater.


Never the less.


are u a fan of tlj ?


I liked the scenes between Rey and Luke. The prolonged and boring First Order chasing the Resistance scenes I didn't like.


i guess rey and luke was ok. but kylo would interfere in those scenes too much.

i remember a real nice foreign exchange kid in highschool named dai chi who kicked the shit out of a kid in the stairway who called him a liar.


i remember a real nice foreign exchange kid in highschool named dai chi who kicked the shit out of a kid who called him a liar.

And how did that make you feel ?


i thought it was cool. though i'm not sure who he beat up.

a year or so later he came to me with a dilemma. he borrowed the vhs bootleg copy of streetfighter 2 anime from a friend of mine. my friend seemed to not care of the warnings that not taking that little tab off the vhs tape would possibly cause the problem of accidently hitting the record button on the vcr and recording over the movie, if said tab was removed their would be no problems, but he was beyond all that it would seem. anyway dai chi did accidentally hit the record button and recorded over the film during the middle. my friend is a big dude so dai chi came to me for help and also in confidence that i will not tell my friend what happened. luckily for dai chi i had already borrowed the film and being an obsessive collector i had dubbed my own copy of this vhs tape and was able to re-record my dub onto my friends original bootleg using 2 vcrs hooked together and saved dai chis ass. i haven't told my friend yet and it's been over 24 years.


Cool story bro


people on my facebook say they like it because it's different and or it empowers women.
