Those that like/love this film
Please detail why you like these aspects of Episode VII and VIII?
1. It is as if Return of the Jedi never occurred. The Rebels killed the Emperor, Vader, the Death Star, a super star destroyer and had the Empire defeated and on its last legs. The Sith are dead.
The Force Awakens starts and it is the exact same situation. Now it is the First Order and the victorious rebels and new republic are now reduced to the tiny Resistance.
2. The exact same Jedi plot. A new youthful upcoming Jedi. Another pair of sith, Snoke and Kylo and another good apprentice turning to the dark side. First it was Vader now it is Ben. The exact same the very next generation.
3. Bringing back Hamill, Fisher and Ford and not giving them even ONE scene together.
4. Why do you agree with completely altering who Luke was in every way?
5. Rey? Why do you accept, like or approve of her being so gifted at everything....without some type of explanation to justify it since every Jedi ever had to learn and train and slowly acquire their powers. Why does that not perplex or trouble you?
6. Why do you like the plot of spaceships slowing down after running out of gas while in the vacuum of space in which all objects continue to travel their existing speed....forever unless acted upon by another force?
7. Why do you like the new slap slick humor "Po pulling a phone prank your momma" on Hux, Finn flopping around and falling off table with leaking water tubes, BB8 acting as if he is plugging water holes in a damn with 10 fingers and finally using his head to fix electoral fuses, surges on a circuit board?
8. Why do you accept Disney's strategy of not having an overall plan for the trilogy, a rough blueprint as to where the saga is going, having the characters and their arc roughly planned out so that all three films go together and build up and resolve......and instead let each single director WRITE the story and play mad libs as they each make up their own stuff....throwing away what the other director had done?
9. Why doesn't the abandonment of JJ Abrams questions bother you......throwing out the importance and history of Snoke, building up the lineage and parents of Rey and than just throwing that out, throwing out explaining why/how Luke's saber "calls" to Rey and why, throwing out explaining how Rey knew she could and had the power on the first try could control people with the Force, knew she could and did call a saber to herself, could defeat a trained Jedi who was trained for years by Luke and than by Snoke and who could stop laser blasts in air......with a light saber she's never trained with ever for even ten minutes? At least explain it somehow.
10. Not mind destroying canon by weaponizing light speed. Every battle that has ever been fought is now thrown into scrutiny for not just remote piloting ships at each other at light speed?
Of course you don't have to respond to all 10 but if you have any good feedback regarding any of these points.