Schizophrenic Star Wars fans...

Star Wars Fans 2015: ZOMG!!!! The REAL Star Wars is back!!!! THIS movie recaptures the Star Wars of my childhood!!! Abrams stuff is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than the prequels!!! For the time in OVER a decade, I am EXCITED for the future of Star Wars. Disney has SAVED Star Wars!!!

Star Wars Fans 2018: ZOMG!!!! THIS stuff they're churning out AIN'T Star Wars!!!! The new movies rape the Star Wars of my childhood!!! Rian Johnson makes me wish we had George Lucas back!!! Even the prequels were better than this stuff!!! I MOURN for the future of Star Wars with Kathleen Kennedy in charge. Disney has DESTROYED Star Wars!!!

Well, that changed quickly, didn't it???


Because there's never been a crap sequel to a movie has there ? *cough* Matrix *cough*


The Matrix Resolutions didn't change my opinion about the first Matrix. It was excellent and didn't need a sequel. When they announced they were doing a trilogy, I said "uh oh, the story was pretty much complete in the first movie, I don't think this is gonna work..."


(Borderline ex) Star Wars fan here.

Rogue One was okay, rest were junk.

Maybe you should meet a few fans before telling them how they are en masse?


Even better, how about avoiding generalisations altogether?


Hey I am not schizo the voices in my head say I am just fine.πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


Schizophrenia is when you hear voices and have hallucinations. What you're describing is more like bipolar disorder.


Loved TFA, Loved RO, Liked Solo , despise TLJ with a passion


How is this hard to figure out? People like one movie and then they don't like the sequel. That's pretty common.


You have to remember, people really wanted to like TFA, for the reasons you describe. I believe it was watched with rose tinted glasses by a fair amount of fans. Its still a solid film, and I won't say that it wasn't, but I will say my opinion of that film decreased hours after I saw it. The more I thought about that film the less impressed I was by it. And if you looked around a little you will see some peoples opinions of the film were hinging on how some of the loose ends and character issues were handled by TLJ. Well after RJ crapped all over TFA and the rest of Star Wars it had some blow back on opinion of TFA. R1 is still the best of the new films I have seen, and that film was not without its flaws and relied heavily on nostalgia.

TLJ was a dud, a financially successful one, but a dud nonetheless. Solo is paying for some of the sins that have come before and its own muddled production and short release after the TLJ mess.

Quickly is a bit strong word to use, its been 3 years and 4 films. 1 good movie, 1 solid film, a reviled one and a massive bomb. Prequels were all successful, but still took a lot of heat and the creator, some characters and actors still have not lived it down, why would you think the new films with many issues and a sprinkle of politically inspired nonsense would not suffer some heat after a few years?
