How many of you were hoping that TLJ would redeem TFA?
I f***ing hated TFA. Really wanted to like it. Bought the Blu-Ray and watched it several times, trying to like it. Tried watching it drunk; tried watching it baked. The best I could give it was: great visuals and great music (I love Rey's Theme.)
I went into TLJ with more than an open mind. I saw it about 3 weeks after the opening because I wanted to avoid crowds, and I avoided ALL spoilers. Didn't even watch the trailers. The only advance word I had was from the "professional" critics who practically soiled themselves in the course of praising this film.
I was hoping that all my "WTF?" moments from TFA would be brilliantly answered in this movie. I was hoping that we would see such an amazing story for Luke that his bullshit cameo in TFA would suddenly make sense. Instead, we got him milking an alien sea cow.