MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Why is it such a crime to like this movi...

Why is it such a crime to like this movie?

I don't think this movie is the greatest ever but it's not nearly as bad as people are making it out to be. I think it's utterly ridiculous and childish to bash or hate on someone just because they liked TLJ, it's just a movie at the end of the day folks......nothing more. Star Wars isn't real life lol. If you hated it that's fine with me, if you liked it more power to ya. This ganging up on the internet and trying to tear everyone down who liked it needs to stop, are we as a society this butthurt over shit? Star Wars has become a golden calf with people and it's scary!


Because it's complete shit. It destroys classic characters, destroys plot threads from TFA, destroys current & new characters with illogical decisions, destroys the logic of the SW universe (space fuel and lightspeed weapons), destroys the Jedi with idiotic nihilistic reasoning, etc... essentially destroys the entire core of the franchise.

Then Rian Johnson comes out and shits on fans, calls names, says there isn't a single piece of valid criticism. JJ Abrams accuses fans of being bigots if they don't like the movie, etc. etc... and you people keep eating their shit up. Which is what they are counting on.


JJ Abrams accuses fans of being bigots if they don't like the movie

I gotta get JJ's back on this one, because that's not actually what he said. That's just how it was presented in the subject line of the topic on the Ep. 9 board.


maul, i completely agree with you.

i agree with the vindictive tone as well. why? because i'm tired of seeing people like the OP stick up for shit movies in this way. like, really? you couldn't be bothered to skim the boards for thirty seconds and find why people are sick of this shit? they insult those with justifiable criticism, and they use shitty reasoning. it's a fairly sophisticated form of trolling, of abuse.

we've seen this stupid shit play out over and over again too. Ghostbusters 2016. "It" 2017. The Dark Tower. Kubo and the Two Strings (it had an atrociously bad story). All offensively uninspired fucking hack jobs, yet we keep seeing people defend them in this way, with this convoluted logic that never adds up to anything substantial.


An obvious sock account accusing others of trolling for liking a movie, love it.


Go in peace, Froggy. :)


Are you accusing me of being that dude? Sounds like projection, buddy - like something you are doing. I don't have a single alt account here, tard.


Pozdnyshev Uh, no. I don't defend anything you just listed above......not even close. Ghostbusters 2016 I've never even watched and don't want to watch because it looks like crap. IT 2017 is very overrated and I didn't find it scary at all, the opening is good but goes to shit after that. Both IT adaptations are not very good IMO, just stick to the book. Dark Tower was ok but nothing special. The other one you mentioned I've never even heard about lol.


"It's a fairly sophisticated form of trolling, of abuse(are you serious?)" Jesus Pozdnyshev, you sound like a triggered SJW. Hate to break it to you......not everyone is going to agree with everything you dislike nor do they have to. That's just life! It's not "trolling" lol. FYI, I did bother to "skim through the boards" lol.....that's the whole reason I asked the question in the first place because all I see is hate for it lol! I DID NOT insult anybody, if giving your point of view/opinion of something is "insulting" to everyone than God help us all lol. You sound way too insecure. It's not that serious lol!


obviously you didnt skim the boards because articulate explanations for exactly why there has been a backlash against this film are freaking everywhere. just look at maul's reply up there.

That is why i call you "abusive." because i refuse to believe you are unaware of the very valid criticisms of this movie, and are only on here asking dumb questions to get on people's nerves. yeah its just the internet, but still.

we are not throwing temper tantrums, I for one am just angry at how the quality of these movies has objectively gone straight down the shitter. i will generously repeat for you why: this script and story is a pile of shit. im not even a star wars fan and im appalled at how this movie takes these beloved characters and turns them into reprehensible idiots.

basically my personal opinion is that you should be fined or something for paying to see this, because it means the assholes at Disney will keep making this bullshit and polluting my life with a crap culture.

i love great movies. i love great literature. there are tons of brilliant writers out there starving to write the next great "Touch of Evil" or "Time Bandits" or even "Toxic Avenger."

But TLJ is SHIT. i am offended that what we get is shit, given Hollywood's resources. and i'm frustrated that most people just slurp it up. then they tend to insult me just because i'm smart enough to perceive scriptwriting that's bubbled out of a dead whale's butthole.


It's the participation trophy generation. These kids have been so coddled that even a simple difference in opinion is somehow a threat to their fragile psyches, and it causes them to lash out. They're basically the incels of movie fandom (and I'm willing to bet there's significant overlap there as well).


Wow, nice completely bullshit generalization. I guess you missed all the Youtube videos - doesn't matter the age, gender, or race... people from all walks of life despise this movie and want a change. Ignorant fool.


How do you explain the IMDb rating of 7.3, Trollie? Did the Joos rig the vote? You're the Ignorant fool!


maul Youtube videos are not the majority of people, that's just a handful at best. "because it's complete shit" ok, that's your opinion but it's not an absolute fact either. Movies are subjective, you either love it or hate it. I bet there are quite a few movies you like that other people hate with a passion, the door swings both ways. Also, I'm not eating anything up lol. I'm not paying to go see Solo nor did I watch Last Jedi in the theater and that's where most of the money is made with these films anyways. I'm not licking anyone's asshole(Johnson or Abram's), just simply stating the movie is not a total shit fest(IMO) like butthurt fanboys claim that it is and want everyone else to believe it is too......sorry, I'm not a follower. I judge what I think is bad and what isn't for myself....don't like it.... too bad.


Then why are you posting here, trying to get validation?


maul I'm posting here because I can. It's called Freedom of Speech.....asking a question, giving an opinion, and starting a conversation. That's it. Why do you assume it's about validation? I could care less. Man, it's not that serious lol. This shit is ridiculous. No wonder George Lucas gets fed up with fans.


How do you explain rottentomatoes user score of 46 then.
Grindovermatter sorry I don't live in your comunist world were everything is fine and dandy and I cannot complain. Now tell me why are you lashing out against people that lash out against the movie, hypocrite?
Are you " one of the kids that have been so coddled that even a simple difference in opinion is somehow a threat to their fragile psyches".?


Bladerunner2049 If you have critical thinking the script of the movie is pure crap.
The movie can work better as a standalone movie but when the movie is part of some developed universe it tottaly shits on previous movies. There is a 5 hour review on youtube by someone named Mauler that points on all the plot holes and inconsistencies the movie has. If you have time please check it out. You would have a better understanding why it is called a shit fest.
Of course you are entitled to your opinion but then you go on calling butthurt people who don't agree with you, that this movie is not a total shit fest. Doesn't that make you also a butthurt guy?


G1102 Sigh.....once again, I'm not "butthurt" or ranting on people who don't like the film, I'm ranting on the ones who are treating others like shit who do like the need to read my post again and read it very carefully as well. It has nothing to do whether you like the film or not, it's about the trolls relentlessly pursuing and attacking people who DARE like this particular film. Whether you like a movie or not nobody should attack someone over it. How many fucking times do I have to explain myself....(face palm).


Fair enough. I understand now.
I actually agree with you.
Bad people are on either side of the fence.


grindovermatter Basically my generation lol. I notice it's mainly the younger crowd that hates this movie which I find very odd. Go on youtube and you'll see what I mean. I guess I was raised differently because I was never coddled or had everything given to me out of "fairness", if you have that kind of mindset then you will never survive this world on your own.


I honestly don't care what anyone thinks of any movie one way or the other. Like it? Cool. Don't like it? Also cool. I hate the prequel trilogy with a fiery passion but many of my fellow Star Wars geek friends love it. We agree to disagree and leave it at that (though the debates sometimes get hilariously heated).

There are plenty of people who hate The Last Jedi but don't resort to insulting those who like it. I have no problem whatsoever with these people, even if I wildly disagree with much of what they say (and yes I do acknowledge the movie's many glaring faults, I just don't think any of them break the film - just that it could have been better but overall I enjoy it).

But when you actually attack or insult someone for liking something you didn't, or vice versa, or even pull the "U ARE NOT A TR00 FAN!" card, you're exposing yourself as a smug turd at best, or a mentally weak narcissist at worst.



I laugh every time the stormtrooper hits his head on the door in A New Hope too.



That's quite an impressive amount of wrong there for only 3 sentences.

These are movies that are purpose built for the participation trophy generation. A key theme from the OT was that if you want to be good at something you have to work very hard for it whereas now they've built the entire trilogy around a character that can do anything she wants with zero effort.

People then take issue with this shoddy writing and for that they get called - by people unable to tolerate any descent - racists/sexists/misogyphobes etc etc.



Ah, think my reply was to Grind hence the confusion.


Ok, gotcha!



MIchiganJFrogg Ok, than just ignore the new trilogy and don't count them as cannon. In the end it's all just fiction anyways and you can do what you want with it, it's not a documentary or real life. You can still like the OT, the originals are not ruined at all. They'll always be the same damn films no matter what comes after it, it's all subjective. You don't have to count these new ones as cannon, it's not like you have to or being made to at gunpoint. They're just movies, dude. I don't count Halloween Resurrection as cannon after H2O because that movie is bullshit and gives a pretty ridiculous reason to why Michael is still alive lol. Also, it was just made for a quick buck. Fiction is all subjective, you can do whatever you want with it because it doesn't follow actual events or facts. Just follow the SW EU because I've heard it's much better anyways, I do the same thing with the Alien EU since Alien 3 pissed on everything after Aliens. Who says you have to follow the inferior later films?


My biggest gripe with people that liked this film is when they say something like: "The film isn't perfect, and it has some flaws, and a few other parts that don't really work, but overall, I loved it."

What??? If it has all these flaws, and things you didn't really like, why are you saying you loved it? It's like you aren't really counting these things against it.

Also, when people say that Luke is their favorite character, and they are real happy with the way he was written in TLJ. Really? That's the Luke you wanted to see after 35 years? You sure? No more adventures, no more green lightsaber battles, nothing even remotely close to resembling the character we left in "Return of The Jedi"? Just an alien boob milking, defeated, crusty old hermit who doesn't even care that his friends and family are dying? You sure he's your favorite character?

That's the type of stuff I have issues with.


So every film needs to be absolute perfection, or it sucks?


Not really what I meant, but I have seen a lot of reviews where people are listing a lot of flaws with the film, but also saying that they loved it. It seems kinda contradictory to me, but that's just my opinion.


I do agree Luke was an asshole in this, can't get around that! That alien titty milk scene.....LOL.


Yeah I saw a lot of that with TFA too.

One of the interesting things about human nature is that our emotional response to something is quicker than our cerebral side. People watch a Star Wars film and when the fanfare kicks in and the scrawl begins they're transported back to all those happy memories and objectivity goes out of the window. Later, when trying to rationalise the film they're faced with the issue that what happened on screen doesn't really match with what they told themselves they saw. Some people just accept this but other are forced to create a fantasy version of reality where the film is deserving of the emotions it created, leading to quotes just like the one you mention "I didn't like X,Y,Z but thought it was great!". Yeah, well, if you ignore everything bad about a film chances are it will be great but great films shouldn't need the audience to do that.

It's also why they get so angry in its defence; it's not really 'us' they're trying to convince, it's themselves. How else do you end up with bizarre logic like "Rey isn't a Mary Sue, Rey is just like Luke, Luke is a Mary Sue" etc etc.


Reply of the year bro.
Well said.


Thanks. I speak from experience as I did the exact same thing with the prequels.


If you liked it that is fine, for me it was my worst Star Wars movie experience. People have a tendency to get on those that try to pretend the people that don’t like it are (fill in your derogatory generalization here) and the film is utter perfection.


I would never call this film utter perfection(it's not, neither was ep.7.....I don't think ROTJ was perfect either honestly) but definitely not a bad film either. It's not for everyone, that's the main problem with it.


wow, victim complex.

Whining and complaining trying to tear down the people who didnt like this film.

"If you hated it that's fine with me"

Obviously not because you are ranting in forums about it.

"Its scary"

People criticising something you like is scary to you?


The massive hypocrisy of this person, and others who act like him here, is amusing.


maul What hypocrisy?


Hypocrisy yes. Where are you in this thread:

I see you are only whining when its people against the film you like?

When its the other way around you turn a blind eye to the insults and talking shit to people?

The hypocrisy is there right in front of our eyes, we can see it.

Stop whining


mitzibishi What in the hell are you even talking about? First of all, I haven't even seen Solo yet so I really can't comment on that film or have you say that it's a film that I like now can I? Second, I'm not trying to be the forum police(like yourself) here and I've got better things to do than to worry about dumb shit like this. I'm only talking about this particular film at the moment and that's it, what does this TLJ discussion have to do with the Solo forum in the first place? Who gives a shit. I was never "whining" about TLJ hate, just ranting on the dumb ass trolls who think they're superior to other people who do like it and calling them names just because they like a movie that they don't which is utterly childish. You still don't get it do you lol? I think you're the one that needs to stop whining.


"I'm not trying to be the forum police"

Oh but you are, this thread shows it. But only police on one side that talks negatively about TLJ and Solo.

"I've got better things to do than to worry about dumb shit like this."

huh, you got plenty of time to be "scared" and worry and whine here.

"just ranting on the dumb ass trolls who think they're superior to other people who do like it and calling them names just because they like"

Well I delivered a thread right here where people are calling names on those that didnt like it.

Where are you on there?

You are a hypocrite.


mitzibishi Dude, who cares! You're taking this shit way too seriously. I swear the drama queens on here SMH lol.

"Oh but you are, this thread shows it......" Shows what? I'm simply just stating an issue with trolls being assholes for no good reason over a dumb movie......simple as that. How is that policing? I'm not telling anyone how to think or feel about this movie unlike the internet trolls from Hell! You don't seem to understand the point here.

"Huh, you got plenty of time to be "scared" and worry and whine here." Blah, Blah, Blah....what the fuck makes you think I'm "scared", "worried" or "whiny"? I don't give a fuck if people hate this movie or not just stop the bullshit trolling, it isn't right. Do you seriously defend these trolls or something? Are you one of them? Why are you so distressed over this shit that I've posted? Seems to me you're the one that's scared and whiny on here. I've got plenty of time for a lot of things but I don't waste it on worrying about someone liking or hating last Jedi or not lol. Only sad narcissistic trolls do that.

"just ranting on the dumb ass trolls....." Yes, they ARE dumbasses because they are trolling on people who don't deserve that and all because they like a movie they hate which is retarded/psychotic. The trolls deserve what they get.....what is your fucking point lol?
"You are a hypocrite" says you. I don't think you even know what that is! Man, you need help lol.


You really didn't read what he said at all, did you?

He's not taking issue with people who dislike or even hate the film. That's their opinion and they're entitled to it.

What he IS taking issue with is people who hate the film and toss insults at anyone who doesn't (and vice versa), as if their opinion is fact and anyone who disagrees is either an idiot or a shill. It's textbook narcissism, and the fact that this attitude is so prevalent on the internet is scary.


grindovermatter Thank you! People who lash out verbally at other people over a stupid movie need some serious psychiatric isn't normal. It makes me wonder how they treat people offline when someone disagrees with them at work or at home. Unfortunately we live in a more narcissistic society more than ever before, that's why you keep seeing it on here. It's not a good sign.


mitzibishi Show me one sentence where I'm trying to tear anyone down, I don't think you read my comments very carefully at all. I'm not ranting on people who disliked the movie, I'm pointing out the ridiculousness of these psychotic fanboys who go on the internet and talk shit to people who do like the movie and think their opinion is fact and is written in stone when it's's JUST AN OPINION. What part of that do you not understand? Read my comments again, you're obviously not getting it lol.

"People criticizing something you like is scary to you?", being a complete asshole to people you don't even fucking know and insulting/threatening them over a fictional movie relentlessly is scary. It shows me you're 3 cans short of a six pack and need help because you're that obsessed over a movie and a person's opinion of it. Way too many people are doing that over the internet nowadays. It's fucking psychotic and narcissistic......yeah, I think that's scary lol!


I’m with you. These fascist retards need to go back in mommy and daddy’s basement and play D&D. I liked this movie. It’s my opinion. I don’t care if you don’t agree with it. I’m not trying to destroy anyone who disagrees with me. I saw a post on another website a while back. Dude’s name was “I hate TLJ fans.” Pathetic.


Lol are you for real wanna be comunist?
Yes send those that don't like the movie to the gulags.
You seem to care a lot about those that voice their opinion against something you like. If you are not trying to destroy them why are you asking for them to be punished.
If I say to you that you need to be sent to do some force labour because you like the movie, and then say a I am not trying to destroy you, would you belive me?


G1102 WTF lol? Did you even read his fucking comment at all? I'm assuming you're responding to CriticalCatalyst? How's does anything in that post make him a communist(that's the correct spelling by the way)? Are you on drugs? Nothing in your comment makes any coherent sense, just a bunch of bullshit rambling. Are you even an adult lol?

"Yes send those that don't...." or whatever you said. He said nothing of the sort and that is just ridiculous. He's talking about asshole trolls who need to fuck off, not people who disliked the film in a peaceful manner.


Are you stupid boy, or you like to lick his ass for some reason. Are you his lawyer or something or some butthurt boyfriend?
Let him say that to me or are you some shit crusader or something. Mind your business retard.
Be civil asshole. Get down from your high horse dumb fuck.
In my country the corect spelling is "comunist" stupid.
Are you running for some kind of election and you need popular votes?
Let the man explain that to me.
I still think people are using too easy the word "fascist" these days. Probably don't even know the meaning.
And the sad part is that your probably right and I misunderstood him. That still doesn't make you less of a shit person.
All you needed was some nice words. You see I am actually mature enough to recognize when I am wrong.
CriticalCatalist I apologize for my comment. I am sorry and I misunderstood you.


G1102 Ok, fucker wanna play rough? You got it! I'll go down the list:

1. Not as stupid as you obviously lol and no, I'm not licking anyone's ass......are you for real?! So tasteless.
2. More than likely he won't say that to you because you'll just flip out on him just like you're doing now so someone's got to do it! The only retard here is you with your incoherent rambling and really bad English lol.
3. I am being civil, you're acting like a fuckin' animal just like any other troll. "Get down from your high horse" Well, I'll do that after you quit acting like a man child......someone has to be the adult here!
4. What country are you from anyways? I live in the US and we don't spell it like that(EVER) so who gives a shit you idiot lol. That's not even fucking important. By the way "corect" is spelled correct "stupid" lol. You can't even write a properly structured sentence or paragraph and you're telling me how to spell? Are you fucking high?!
5. WTF kind of asinine question is that? The trolls get dumber every minute lol.
6. Explain what? Your sentences are all over the place and your English is horrible.
7. Do you even know the meaning of fascist? What is it?
8. If I'm right than what I said is justified and you have no reason to flap your gums at total strangers unless you have a damn good reason for it.......that's the whole point of this argument in the first place lol. No, it makes me a sane and rational person but I guess that's considered "shit" these days among pathological narcissist trolls on the net.
9. "All you needed was some nice words".....and yours was? You just called someone you don't even know a "comunist" for no reason.....congratulations, you're a real saint! Your second response here is just a complete joke......keep telling yourself that lol. I'm not wrong at all, you're just delusional.
10. Ok, this is the first decent thing I've heard you say.....I'll give you this one.


Lol fucker troll This one made my day :)). I mean talk about kids. Did mommy forgot to change your diaper.
Aww did I hurt your baby feelings. This is the real world boy, if you can't take it shut your mouth stupid fuck.
LOL I am being civil. You act like a monkey with someone who didn't have nothing against you.
You had to say something when no one even asked you for an opinion fool.
You do know that there are 159 countries on this earth. So you are understanding what I am saying stupid fool, than why are you grammatically correct lol someone who English is not his first language.
The conclusion is that your just dumb, or you act like your dumb, you fit the role perfectly :))
9.Still playing the lawyer part. Just let it go boy. Don't you have some toys to play with.
Should trow you a banana to go away dumb fuck.
And for my English you seem to understand very well so don't act stupid if you are not. Scratch that already know you are stupid.
You being civil. My God I almost believed you stupid.
1 So tasteless. I get it. You don't have any taste from all that ass licking.
10 wasn't addressed to you shit bag. So you can stay on your high horse.
9 did I call you something stupid?
Didn't bother to read all your shit. Must be proud of it. A shit producing shit. Keep up the good work.


G1102 Wow, you are the definition of an obsessive narcissist lol! Once again, nothing but a bunch of incoherent rambling from a crazy person. You just HAVE to have the last word no matter what lol. You have some serious mental issues, buddy LOL! Your huge ego will get the best of you one of these days. Get off the internet psycho, no one gives a shit about trolls like you. Do you even give a shit about Star Wars? You never answered my question: What is a fascist? Your English still sucks ass either way! :)


Apparently you do mind stupid shit.
If you didn't give a shit you wouldn't be answering questions for some one else like a butthurt boyfriend.
I care about star wars stupid or I wouldn't be here arguing with a dumb person like you.
Do you want me to pull the definition of the word from Google.
Are you to stupid to search for it.
Google is your friend.
Talk about narcissist. Lol good one. Get off your high horse bitch.


Good God, just let it go already lol. I already know what the word fascist means but DO YOU know? Why can't you just answer the question and quit being such a stubborn ass lol?! Go get some're a looney.


Apparently you don't know stupid. I amazed you know how to type. Do you pay someone for that.
Maybe you can learn something from this stupid. Do not interfere with other people business. Who am I kidding. You are too dumb for that.

