At least Lucas had his team organized under 1 leader who had a general direction they were taking
My sentiments exactly. George lucas utilized his writers despite claiming he had it all planned out which was my point earlier. But at least he used his writers during the 70s and 80s. The prequels seemed like wondering scripts with out a plot and the new trilogy feels like the writers are just fighting with each others concepts.
I really think Lucas was more focused on the star wars universe rather which he's best at. He allowed the writers to control the characters. IE Lucas set the stage while the writers handled the characters which is why the first 3 movies did so well.
The prequels seemed to have wasted a lot of development of the characters early on then ran out of time later in the films. IE the phantom menace wasted half the film on a stupid pod race then barely had enough screen time to show Anakins/Pademes love story and his turn to the dark side. In the original trilogy laih and han depised each other at first but slowly fell in love through the course of the trilogy at a really good pacing. Also a lot of bizare universe rules. For Example: Whats up with this 2 dark side siths vs every one else. Like the rules claim theirs a balance in the force but now that implies that the 2 sith are so bad ass it takes every one else to keep them in check. I mean these concepts are unbelieveble and there are better ways to narrate that there is a mystery person running the sith (Wasted plot point since we all knew it was palpatine based on existing star wars lore. ).
The disney trilogy feels random. The ploy of the most recent film is basically a movie long road chase between the empire(err I mean the New order) and the Rebels(I think thats what there still called).Why was the princes ejected from the ship only to mary poppins her way back into the ship. The scene was a total Deus Ex Machina that undermines the danger that any Jedi stronger in the force faced before this point. There was no reason for that scene it didn't advance the plot and only destroyed existing scenes where Jedi were in danger. What were they thinking who are these idiot writers?