ridiculous accents in star wars

The posh British accents in star wars are the worst..... they should talk in neutral English like Luke. Worst was Mon Mothma in rogue one, ridiculous and cringy, sounded like a member of the British royal family.

And perhaps the worst was that Irish accent a character has in the force awakens..... what the hell was that? There is no Ireland in a galaxy far far away. Took me right out of the movie.

really hope they tone it down in Solo and star wars 9


The Scottish accent in Force Awakens took me right out of the movie, which probably wasn’t a bad thing cause that movie sucked!

Star Wars movies seemed better when they mostly used American for the good guys and English for the bad guys, even the many video games from the 90's onwards didn’t break this tradition.


oh, it was Scottish? not Irish, my bad.

Mark Hamill speaks English without a clear accent.... nice and neutral. And that is how it should be, then of course the humans in star wars could have a weird made up accent, from no specific country on earth of course.

when you are in a Galaxy far away, you can't have anything reminding you of different countries on earth, who does not even exist in the canon star wars world


only Brit accent that makes me cringe every time is Rey's, because she is supposed to be a starving scavenger having grown up on a desert planet with creatures talking very differently but she still sports that posh Brit schoolgirl theater accent.

Mary Sue incarnate.


lol Maybe Unkar Plutt took Mary to elocution lessons!


MaRey (Sue) sounds EXACTLY like Harry Potter's Hermione Granger to me. Irritating.




never cared for Potter, but I bet with that Granger character the accent made a lick of sense being congruent with her story background as she likely came from a Brit family and/or was surrounding by people talking like this. They did it with Boyega who changed his accence to fit into the stormtrooler / space janitor crowd.

Rey should sound like Gal Godot with a bit of Jakku spice (also she should have broken-bad teeth, scars from fighting with a stick, severe skin burns being a pale whitefish living in the desert, starvation/malnutrition signs etc).
