You need to see it before making this assertion. There were plenty of elements to work with coming from TFA even if that film was a rehash. At the end of VIII you are left with few interesting characters, no interesting mysteries, a feeling of the directors lack of knowledge/respect for what has come before, no serious villains remaining and generally little reason to watch IX. I believe all of this lies on the shoulders of RJ.
shareYou're not wrong, that I should see the film before making any final judgment. Problem is, I just don't want to because of how much I disliked The force awakens. I just see a lot of fan criticism, and there is a lot, directed at The Last Jedi and Rian Johnson for many things I see as a failing of Episode 7.
I can agree that Rian made the situation worse, but I do think a majority of his failings come from Force Awakens leaving everything too open ended with no context given on plot backstories or characters thus leaving him 2 options I discussed.
Honestly if he just gave the film the expected route, Like having Rey be Luke's daughter and having her Lose* in a fight to Kylo say; would not that have received heavy backlash for just "playing it safe" or "Rehashing ESB"?
I believe you need to strike a balance of what is reasonable for the story itself. You don't need to do safe or fan service but at the same time you have to keep it within the universe and keep your characters in line with what was before.
The character of Luke in this film has little connection to the previous incarnation, he simply isn't a believable extension of what we saw before. Rey and Kylo is a more difficult issue because JJ made a mistake having Rey fight and defeat Kylo. It weakened Kylo and cemented perceptions that she is nothing but a Mary Sue. RJ did nothing to fix this, Kylo is just as weak and Rey is just as overpowered add that to Snoke being entirely wasted and RJ made it overall worse. Rose, Finn and Phasma? might as well have cut them out of this movie, nothing lost and precious time gained back and the list continues on and on.
RJ is not solely to blame for the state of this trilogy, but he is to blame for the overall quality and decisions made in this film. Kennedy is probably the one that is primarily to blame for the mess the trilogy finds itself in today. They should have outlined the entire trilogy and had the directors work within that outline. Instead we tossed away what JJ did and pissed off the third director and he left the project..that is on Kennedy. R1 is still the best of what has come out of the Disney offerings and I don't think Solo is likely to change that.
HEy, sorry, I had a reply earlies but for some reason my replies were vanishing. I do not remember everything that I wrote before, but I do know that I mostly agreed with a majority of your comments.
It's a case of joint liability. JJ Abrams produced it, Ryan Johnson shat it out. Soem things are to be blamed on the one, some on the other. In many cases RJ just added insult to injury, eg.
- The entire broken word building that rehashes the OT (Empire/FO, Palpatine/Snoke, Hux/Tarkin, Vader/Kylo, Yoda/Maz, Tattoine/Jakku etc) is set up in TFA without proper explanations and thereby destroys the achievements and character arcs of the Original Trilogy.
- "Luke the LAST JEDI" (TFA scroll). Luke failed to establish a Jedi Order and let the same old crap happen again (young Skywalker betrays Jedi seduced by dark side lord). What does Luke do about it, does he redeem Kylo and destroy Snoke cleanin up his mess? No, he hides on an unfindable island leaving a silly map. And he "in the meantime" lets the Empire rise again killing billions including family.
- What's up with Adult Diaper Hans? Did he not have an responsibility arc in the OT, now he fails as husband and father (ok, shit happens) but then runs away when his only son is seduced, and Hans becomes a merry geriatric smuggler again (with one of the most recognizable faces, Wookie-buddies and ship in the galaxy, do they even know what smuggling is about?).
That was strange, I tried to reply a little while ago and for some reason the reply vanished after I hit add. Weird, it seems to be working again. I guess I will re-write my reply.
shareI agree with all of what you said. RJ had a lot of bad ingredients to work with and it seems decided on just not even trying to make a decent 'meal' out of it.
- Yes on all accounts.
- I was actually Okay with the idea of Luke failing to create an academy and a student rebelling and destroying it. Than deciding go seek the origin of the force or darkside or whatever. THis is one of the things that RJ made worse, Milking a cow seriously? and that was made even worse by the way they ended luke's story.
- It seems they had an intent on ruining the original heroes, with the way they treated both Luke and Han. I do not know if I agree with some of the claims, but I would be blind to not admit there is at least an appearance of "third wave feminist" agendas.
What do you think of the Prequel trilogy Iramet?
shareI think they tell an overall good story, but just executed poorly. It was in need of some serious script and story editing. With a few fixes they could have been really special. As they are I do not like them. But it is not because of the overall story and characters.
shareNo, just no, rian Johnson wrote and directed this flaming pile of turd, its 100% on him, TFA set up some interesting questions and story arc, rian Johnson thought he would do an indie film instaed of building on TFA
TFA is a lot better than this garbage