MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > The intrusion of moral 'superiority' int...

The intrusion of moral 'superiority' into internet debate

I happen to be a connoisseur of jerks who pick fights on the internet and I like to think I've seen it all. Ever since the Internet's conception discussion has always lead to argument which turns to insult, it goes from 'You're wrong' to 'You're an idiot' to 'Fuck off' in roughly 3 posts. While this can be very annoying we've probably all done it at some point in some way and it does reflect a very human tendency to assume than anyone who doesn't agree with us is a moron. This said I've noticed something that's been creeping into the internet in the last few years that is infinitely more annoying and it is that creeping sense of *moral* superiority. It's not just that you're stupid, or that you're some other meaningless insult (geek, virgin, mother f*cker etc) now it's that you're actually morally inferior due to some entirely bullsh*t claim that you're 'racist', 'misogynistic', 'homophobic' etc.

I've been called an anti-Semite on this board for criticising JJ Abrams.
I've been accused of demonstrating 'the worst kind of toxic masculinity' for criticising Rey.
I've been accused of being 'trump-like'. For not liking a Star Wars movie.
I've yet to be called homophobic but I'm sure when Rian Johnson steps out of the closet any criticism of his films will be met with that accusation.

It seems to be part of a depressing trend in society at large to drag us back to the race/gender/superficiality obsessed past and the bitter irony is that this new piety is created by the exact same instinct that creates racism, the need to 'other', the need to view yourself as superior to your fellow humans.

If you see actual bigotry then call it out but don't presume to be able to see into the soul of your fellow posters and just somehow *know* that when they criticise a female character (written by men!) that it's really just their misogyny shining through. I'll even make it easy for you - here's some actually bigoted comments that would rightly deserve condemnation:

"I don't like Rey because she's a woman"
"I don't like Fin because he's black"
"I don't like JJA because he's a Jew"

You see how it easy it is to spot genuinely hateful comments?

So this is a message to all the psychics and witch-finder generals on these boards:

You are a part of the problem.

You are not helping make society a better place.

You are helping to whip up racial, gender and sexuality based paranoia.

And you really need to just knock it off.


100% QFT.
