Leia flying through space

Is it possible that Kylo did this? Sidius says that you can bring people back from the death with the dark-side of the force. And he refused to kill her so...it kind of makes sense


erm, no , she used the force, did you watch the movie?


How do you know she used the force?


Because we literally saw her using the force as she flew back in.


What the f*****ck are you talking about?


Clearly that question should be for you lol. No one has ever suggested this bizarre theory nor was it ever referenced in the film. She used the force to get back to the ship. That was made pretty clear in the movie.

And Google is your friend man:


Case closed.


Because it showed her regain consciousness, and appear to be propelling herself back.

If it was implied kylo did it, the scene would of been cut with shots of kylo focusing..

These are literally basic filmmaking techniques... like beginner level.


You have no idea what you're talking about


You are clearly a troll but I’ll humor you.

If it was kylo responsible for what happened to her, there would be cuts and shots with kylo. As to imply or show he’s doing it.

If not, there would be no implication, and it could equally be Poe or Luke or Finn or anyone else responsible for what we saw.

Take some film classes you joke.


Huffing glue isn’t good for people’s brains. Just saying.


Why are you people so mean with op? As far as we know, he might be trolling. Even if he doesn't, we talk here about a movie which is a mess from the beggining until the end.

It was obvious for me as well that she used the force, but it doesn't sound SO far fetched guessing that her son saved her.

You shouldn't take it so seriously especially when we talk about an awerage at best movie.


Lol yeah right. Stupid shit should be met with utter disdain. He might as well have said it was the porgs that did it, it would be as worthy of conversation. As for your assertion of what this movie is, remember that’s just your opinion. You need stop acting like what you think is right and everyone else is wrong.


"and everyone else is wrong"

I find this particular part of your statement a bit peculiar considering the fact that most people seem to trash this movie.

And I find it even stranger when I consider the fact that I didn't even hate The Last Jedi. Did I love it? Not particularly. Did I hate it? Not at all. But it did have many flaws.


Most is not all, is it?


Just look at the regards response to what I wrote above. Ha either a troll, or willlingly ignorant and confrontational and willing to defend his stupidity to the end


Actually it would have at least make a little sense.


I think if it was Kylo that did it she wouldn't have opened her eyes or needed to aim her hand at the door. .


I like your concept, it never crossed my mind before.

But I definitely think she did it herself, simply because she is Luke's sister and has The Force herself. We've never seen her use it before so it was nice to finally see something. Maybe Luke trained her.

It would be amazing if Kylo and Leah confront each other in the next film (a CGI Leah, I suppose) and he reveals to her that he saved her and that he made a mistake killing his father. Then I suppose they can invent time travel being a part of The Force and they can save Solo, but that's probably going a bit too far.


No that wouldn’t be amazing. Rian Johnson already gave us boring wish wasn’t characters who were everything and nothing. No thanks


You're an idiot


You can’t even troll well. Give up you failure.


I bet you're fun at parties


I’m not retarded like you so ya I actually can have normal conversations with people. You are the kind of person who probably says something retarded, somone awkwardly tries to correct you and act nice and you just relish in your retardism, smiling like you know it all while everything thinks you have autism
