MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > RT is clearly not counting new negative ...

RT is clearly not counting new negative ratings

Just go look at the ratio of low ratings to high, for pages and pages... yet the rating hasn't budged in weeks. I call bullshit


There is definitely something suspicious happening between Disney and RT. I know RT is owned by WB(?) but looking at the history between Disney movies and RT there is no way there aren't some dodgy deals behind the scenes.


They have immense power and cash reserves, it wouldn't surprise me.



That's exactly what The Powers That Be want you to think!

Wake up sheeple!!



You are really missing the point here. We're not talking about the government or the "powers that be", we're talking about a large company that directly benefits from a positive perception of its products. RT is the single biggest site in terms of this, the one many people go to to inform themselves of a movie's quality. To say these reviews are meaningless is extremely ignorant.

Blindly believing in conspiracy theories in unwise, but blindly believing that everyone is perfectly good, and that no one would dare try to manipulate something to their advantage, is equally unwise.


I'm still shocked that the media called the presidential election of November 1016 so wrong.

How does someone with a 99.8% polling chance of winning lose by 1% of the actual electorate vote on the day?

I think the gatekeepers of information should get out the WD-40 and oil the hinges a little better.

The Last Jedi should be the mark by which you trust or don't trust future reviews from these publications.


"I'm still shocked that the media called the presidential election of November 1016 so wrong."

I know! I'm still totally shocked that Ragnar the Strong got elected over Brutus Crowncleaver.


I still think Steamboat Ricky could take The Dragon on and win!


No one would win that. Another name for The Dragon is Ricky Steamboat. So if Steamboat Ricky and Ricky Steamboat ever were to come together, it would be like matter and anti-matter and the universe would be annihilated! See what you did?


They are the yin and the yang man!

The balance of the universe and all that creamy goodness that is in the centre of it all.

I know what I'm talking about because a child of light astrally projected themselves into my dreams.

Wake up sheeple!


I'm anything but a conspiracy theorist, you ass. I can't think of a single large mainstream conspiracy that I believe in. Stop assuming shit. Why don't you explain to me why the rating hasn't changed in weeks when there clearly is an overwhelming amount of negative reviews coming in compared to positive ones.


The rating is a simple percentage, isn't it? And all the reviews are made public, so you can do the math yourself. 365 reviews, 330 are positive, 90% "freshness" rating. Unless you're talking about the useless audience score, which is indicative only of who has programmed what bot to vote which way. Even that indicated 184,915 total votes, so you'd need something like 1850 consecutive negative votes to push it down by 1%.

Rotten Tomatoes is invaluable as a way to gauge critical response, but garbage for learning how audiences feel. If you want an accurate sense of how an audience feels about a film, I suggest metacritic.


Metacritic's score for TLJ is 4.5... that seems inline with RT


My mistake, I was thinking of Cinemascore but typed Metacritic. Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes are both unreliable ways to accurately gauge audience response because one doesn't need to have seen the film to vote, one can vote thousands of times, and in general area easily gamed by someone with an agenda.

Cinemascore tends to give an accurate reflection of audience response because it relies on asking attendees who actually saw the film what they thought.


Talking about the audience score. Considering there have been considerably more 1/2 star to 1 star reviews than positive ones coming in for weeks, dozens each day, I find it odd it hasn't moved. Some people are saying they aren't counting 1/2 star ratings, I don't know if that's true.


The more reviews that come in, the less each review affects the average rating. I think the RT audience rating is probably legit; I don't think Disney is propping it up and I don't think a troll army is voting it down, 50/50 split seems about right based on the anecdotal evidence.

What is harder to explain is why the critics have been so generous... it's tempting to think Disney paid them off but the truth is far more depressing: the critics have become - largely - a homogeneous block that is highly vulnerable to political, and politically correct biases. Barely a single main stream critic has been critical of the two sequels yet millions of people hate them... and you can see by the insane number of views and likes on random nobodies youtube rants that there is a huge audience out there that is being ignored by the main stream media


It is possible that it legitimately hasn't changed yet, or is on the verge of changing - I just find it odd that it hasn't yet, considering how overwhelming the continuing amount of negative reviews are. If I wanted to waste my time I would tally up all the pages since it changed last and calculate it.

And yes, it seems that anything that pushes an sjw agenda these days is mostly automatically liked by popular critics. It's sickening. That, combined with the fact that they don't want to be on Disney's shit list, is the contributing factor to their reviews I believe - no need to pay them off directly.


RT is no longer a reliable statistic. They tanked their business.


I agree and I think it's the same or worse on imdb. 7.5 doesn't seem possible.


Yeah IMDB also seems to be stopped counting votes...
