One Edit which Shows Just How Much they Fail to Understand Star Wars
So why is there no "I have a bad feeling about this" in this movie? The most iconic SW line ever doesn't make it in?
Well as most of you probably know it actually was in the script. Poe and BB8 are in the cockpit, BB8 makes a bunch of beeps and Poe says "Well I have a good feeling about it." This actually would have been a refreshing way to work in the old line, it could have been a nice little SW moment.
So when they're doing the final edit they just cut Poe's line. BB8 bleeps meaninglessly and that's it. About 3 seconds of dialogue they couldn't be bothered to keep to reference that old line and keep the tradition going. Why would they give a crap about that? Got to free up thirty minutes for that propagandastic Cantino Bight sequence!
I can't think of anything that epitomizes better their COMPLETE AND UTTER FAILURE to understand Star Wars on any meaningful level. And we're supposed to trust these guys with the future of the franchise?