Why is Finn still around?

Jar Jar Abrahms really dropped the ball with the Finn character (Well the whole crappy movie really). I knew the character really had nowhere to go by the end of TFA & his involvement in TLJ would feel awkward and tacked on and boy was I right. Why would the "Resistance" feel the need to keep Finn around for any reason other than menial grunt work at best? It just feels so blatantly like "Well he's "officially" supposed to be a main character so we have to give him something to do. (enter pointless side quest)

Jar Jar wrote himself into a corner with Finn by making the character so simple and limited so much so that his ineptness had to be "slightly" retconned(we see him piloting a vehicle).


Whilst in the bacta spine healing solution they uploaded how to be a pilot into his mind of course!

It's so obvious!

You probably hate Prometheus for the same silly reasons which are obvious when you think about them too!



Dammit, I wanted that reply from Skullomania so I could read it.


🔮 I was just worried that what I said might be taken as racist. Also I replied to you instead of Threadkiller by mistake 😳


He didn’t pilot anything in TLJ. He drove a speeder. I guess it’s the equivilant of a tank in Star Wars.


Diversity quota


Too be fair just about every character and plot point is poorly written but at least other characters such as Poe or arguably even Rey make more sense to be at the center of events. Poe is an established & respected officer & Rey is a nearly fourth wall breaking Mary Sue so they can't let that go to waste. Quotas or not, it's just so utterly lazy & undermines the narrative to write a supposedly main character as an unnecessary after thought who's just kind of there.


Whats sad is that Jar Jar became a Senator in AOTC while Finn is still a side character. The main problem like you said is that there is no character development. I think Poe has the best story line so far except for getting bitch slapped by Leia. Rey snapping her fingers and then seeing herself in the reflection made absolutely no sense.


Yeah, for the most part i've never really understood or thought Finn was all that developed. just a dull character really.

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I don't remember anything from the force awakens, why do you say jar jar painted him into a corner?


[i]Jar Jar wrote himself into a corner with Finn by making the character so simple and limited so much so that his ineptness had to be "slightly" retconned(we see him piloting a vehicle)[/]

The fact that Finn's arc is essentially completed in the first film & being written as pretty inept & with no special skills or abilities made it very difficult to give him a meaningful/believable role in follow up films. There was really no reason why he and not an actual "Resistance" member (who could actually bring some important skills to the table) would be assigned on this side plot.


well it's the new world, there HAS TO BE a black character that is an appendage because Hollywood is still so hypocritical they won't give the lead to a black person, so the entire film is off-balance. It is starting to look like a soap opera, what do we do with this character? It's kinda pathetic, only way to fight back is to not go to the cinema, and that is what I do.


He's got no place else to...
He's got nothing else.

