So, an anti-SJW would be an SIW, right?

Social Injustice Warrior?


Or maybe SAW, Social Apathy Warrior


If they were apathetic they probably wouldn't be warriors though. Maybe Social Apathy Groaner?


...or maybe they wouldn't even care about society, they'd be Nihilist Apathy Groaners, or NAGs


Well I guess it's like going to war to fight for peace. Plus I think it's definitely possible to fight for more apathy, like spreading messages that encourage apathy.


So they're outraged by the lack of apathy and oblivious to the hypocricy of being outraged instead of just apathetic about it... Sounds about right.


Maybe Bavarian August Bagels? BAG?


BAG. nice


This is like religious people saying Atheism is another Church.

Anti-SJW is to the religion of SJW like Atheism are to traditional religions: they just don't share your faith. That doesn't make them Devil Worshipper, SIW or anything else. They just DON'T share your religion.


Non-SJW =/= Anti-SJW

Being "anti" is an active choice to oppose a view.


A lot of SJW's are authoritarian, and they are not just on the left. There are right wing SJW's as well. Doing things like shaming two women into shutting down their fajita truck in Seattle just because they are white. Or trying to shut down any speakers that have a different opinion at universities instead of debating them.

So it's people who are against authoritarianism. You must think it's wrong for someone else to have the morale authority to tell people who they can, and can't marry? How is that any different from telling people they can or can't have a certain business they might be providing a good or service. That didn't originate from their culture?


Great response.




Those who constantly fight for the status quo don't see themselves as SIW, but often they are. You can't fight for the norm when the norm is unfair. Then they're people who are simply apathetic, who are neither SJW or SIW.

Basically, if you're asking are there SIW, yes there are.


SJWs ARE the norm, they ARE the status quo. That's what makes "the resistance" so humorous -- Power fighting itself...


SJW are only the norm if you think society is optimized in forms the SJW champion. For instance, if women had total equality or everyone agreed that should be the norm, then there'd be no need to fight for women's rights. Ever. Then, SJW positions would have been realized, and their efforts would be redundant.

If that's where you think we are, okay. But others would note that there are solid groups of alt-righters, Klansmen, Nazis and others holding beliefs from the early 1900s. Maybe that's where the term "resistance" comes from. Perhaps, SJW feel they need to actively oppose those people (the most committed SIW) for any change to move forward or even to keep society from moving backward.



Without the ability to claim victim status, one might be forced to enjoy life.


Claiming victim status is done by both SJW and SIW.


This is true. And it's unproductive. Two outdated ideologies battling for supremacy on the Victimhood Totem Pole.


SJWs are just some stupid outsiders. There are no norm at any society.


How I wish that were true...


The SJ in SJW is ironic. People don't dislike SJW's because they dislike Social Justice, they dislike people using 'Social Justice' as a cover to be bigoted. Turning the word 'White' into a pejorative, propagating racial division with terms like 'cultural appropriation', denying non male, non whites agency and treating them like children is NOT helping social justice, just the opposite. Nobody - outside of a few fringe nut jobs - has a problem with people campaigning for more equality, for women's rights, to end systemic racism, but SJWs don't do that. By definition. While women rip off their veils in Iran SJWs write articles for Salon about how air conditioning is sexist. About how Taylor Swift is a White Supremacist. About how Trump invented AIDS.

They're just the modern version of the corrupt clergy telling the plebs they're going to hell while they themselves commit every sin they can get away with.

If you're looking for the term to describe someone who is anti SJW and their poisonous racial/gendered politics then the term your looking for is... wait for it... 'A liberal'.


So correct!


Very true. SJWs are pretty much the opposite of liberal.


S'opposite Invert Weinstein?

I don't get it!?!


Just Social.

Not justice, no warrior - Just social, like the rest of us.


The awesome Ben Shapiro on SJWs :


You dont get the irony of the term SJW? It means that thos facist guys dont give a sh*t about social justice at all. They are hating "liberals" which think that with some low priority side issue could distract from their otherwise asocial behaviour. Its the same as with the term Gutmensch. They arent good at all. They just feel like they are acting good. Thats again ... irony. Something stupid fanatics never will get. What youve proven with your posting.
