Who can stand Daisy Riley?

Untalented, HIDEOUS LOOKING, just godawful in every way. Is this how it was back in the day? I don't know, if I saw Star Wars for the first time back in 1977 I wouldn't ask the same about Mark Hamill, he was cute looking, he is obviously a natural for the camera. Now I seem to ask this question for EVERY SINGLE FILM RELEASED TODAY. Who thought these people could step in front of a camera? So fucked up. It's the Dustin Hoffman effect I guess.



speak for yourself.



Someone should tell SJWs that their priority for feelings over facts isnt shared by the rest of society ;) .



Yep, facts are opinions. Thats how postmodernism tries to work :) .


next to Adam and John she looks likes a beauty queen


I forgot to mention them in my post but they are equally horrific.


Daisy Riley is just an actress, she has not written the awful script and we don't know whether she agrees with it. The same way Hamill is not to blame for what they have done to Luke.


my point is, the people in charge are terrible, hence why they cast someone who is terrible.,


And my point is that you can't really say that one actor is bad with such an awful script. At much, you can say that they are not great actors, because such ones would make even a terrible script look fine (and indeed Hamill has proved how an amazing actor he has become). But young actors are rarely that good.


lol young actors are rarely that good?? go watch a young Elizabeth Taylor. That's the fucking problem, everyone is acting like film was invented in 2013. Sorry these new actors are HORRIFIC. And Hamill unfortunately was terrible too.


lol young actors are rarely that good?? go watch a young Elizabeth Taylor

So, let me understand your reasoning here: I said that young actors are rarely that good, and to prove my statement wrong you point out to an actress born in... 1932.


Yikes, you don't know Elizabeth Taylor was a child actress?? Poor you, seriously.


I repete since you it seems you didn't get it: to prove wrong my statement that young actors are RARELY that good you point out an actress born in 1932.


Again, film did not begin in 2015. Since the beginning there have been unbelievable young actors. You are just making excuses for mediocrity. A lot of the greatest film actors began when very young and they were incredible. But to know that, one would have to know about films produced before 2001, which I'm not sure you have seen any.


Yeap, and the first one you could remember was born almost a century ago.

Let's make it clearer with an example:
- People rarely use cloak nowadays.
- LOL!!! what do you say? I saw one guy wearing a cloak 10 years ago!!!



lol wtf?? you seriously do not make any sense.


damn, this dispute is a convoluted mess.


There's nothing remotely special about her and think her acting is somewhat flat but she has enough of a generically attractive enough face in a poor woman's Kiera Knightly sort of way to get the hapless nerds fawning over her which is almost guaranteed for whoever the female lead is in Star Wars films


that's the thing, she is not attractive at all.


Yet another posh English girl with little acting talent, who also seems to be a bit of a bimbo by believing the term Mary Sue is sexist.


I have nothing against her but there's something about her head shape that irks me, it looks like a box or something. I can't put my finger on it.


shes not too bad, alot better than hayden christian , i cant stand him in the prequels , sounds like a dumb ass


I find it difficult to feel strongly about Daisy Ridley either way...
