Prequel references?

According to imdb triva Luke references Darth Sidious which was only referred to in the prequels so guess that was a prequel ref?


When did he do that?


When he was telling Rey that the Jedi were deceived. He says Sidious since it was before the Emperor days


It makes no sense in this universe for Luke to know such details.


Why? You think he didn't study Jedi/Sith history prior to starting his school for the Forced?


We got all spun up thinking darth sidious was gonna be the new Darth Vador. But nope he gets cut in half in the very first movie and we never hear of him again. How many lines did Darth Sidious have in the prequels again?

Oh wait that was Darth Maul. Never mind.


Luke also called his lightsaber a 'laser sword' which is a direct reference to Phantom Menace when Anakin called Qui Gon's a laser sword.
