He didnt kill Star Wars. The haters just dont understand how a movie works.
Most peoples who hate The Last Jedi hate it because their own personal theory werent fulfilled. They wanted Snoke to have this big backstory. They wanted Rey parents to be important to the whole saga. All those things were only in the imagination of peoples on internet. Rian Johnson never said anything that could make peoples believe these, it came from themselves. And now they get mad because they were wrong, but they wont admit it. Thank god that those arent movie writers, because they would write some really shitty stuff.
It reminds me of all the people who were upset at Luke Skywalker only appearing in the very last minute of The Force Awakens. They were mad, because they were promised that Luke would be important. That promises only existed in their head. Luke was not in any of the trailers. Luke was not in any of the posters. And J.J. Abrams never said that Luke had a important role in it. But people were mad because, once again, their own personal theory were not fulfilled. You would have thought those peoples would have learn from their mistake in the last two years, but unortunately they arent smart enough.