TLJ makes the Prequels look good

I've been hearing this a lot lately, and I am 100% behind this. Fans may hate on George Lucas for "ruining their childhoods" with the Prequels, but they are nothing compared to the damage being inflicted by Disney/Abrams/Kennedy/Johnson. TLJ may look polished and exciting, but analyse the plot thoroughly, and it doesn't make sense and feels heavily contrived.


the prequels story is brilliant , its just ruined with the over use of CGI creatures and bad acting choices, i cant stand Hayden Cristen and Jake Llloyd , or SLJ for that matter as Mace Windu , but there are some fantastic elements to the prequels


Lucas ruined Lloyd's life. He shouldn't have cast a child Anakin. Stupidest move ever. Should have started from 20+ years old Anakin.

But there's no discussion about ST being the worst. My SW died after dumbass Lucas sold it to disney because he couldn't stand criticism about the stupid decisions he continued to make - canonizing TFU, making TOR instead of Kotor 3, TCW messing with EU, Ashoka, lego SW. Sequels were quite good lore-wise. They introduced something new about SW with each new episode, and that in turn made Expanded Universe richer and stories written outside the movies greater with every new edition. Only Lucas was too arrogant to pay attention to them. But at least he ignored them. Disney idiots with the worst manager ever - kennedy - completely erased them. And, yet, they keep stealing ideas from the patriarchal capitalist, racist, non-socialist old world SW and EU. Ridiculous.

I think he knew that selling the franchise to Disney with Kennedy at the helm would piss of those who criticized him even further, except for pussy liberals and newly baked idiot fanboys. It's his revenge for daring to criticize him, which wounded his ego.


If you watch the interviews at the time, it looks like it pained Lucas deeply to sell SW to Disney. He had, as they say "a bad feeling" about it. Even referred to it as selling his children into slavery. But he did it anyway, because billions.


I've seen the interview. He sold it, because he had mismanaged it with idiotic projects. Had he paid attention to what fans were asking for, he'd still be in charge. Some of the requests were - make new movies (with characters outside the big 3, new eras etc.), continue making games, that are actually popular within and especially outside SW fandom, and have huge fanbase.


Wow, even now you're blaming Lucas for something he's washed his hands of, years later.

As FuriousStyles said, the PT story is brilliant, it just wasn't executed brilliantly. Lucas didn't listen to the fans? Neither did Disney's lot - what are you getting at?


Of course Master_Lo's post also pretends that "fans" are a single entity with one request.

Which fans should Lucas have listened to? That is a question with no answer. Can't make everyone happy.

Indeed, the Prequels have a great story, with a largely flawed execution other than fantastic art direction and cinematography. Better actors with better written dialogue would have changed a LOT.


What the fuck are you on about, dude? Wanting new movies was a universal thing. what else would SW fans want from SW creator? Ice cream? It was a dream of every fucking fan. You too, dipshit. Unless you're a freshly cooked one, from the "liberal" generation of SW fans. Attracted by bullshit diversity promises and feminism and all that creepy nonsense.


the diversity and girl power thing never bothered me in TFA, but the more i think about it the more its starting to piss me off, Kennedy has an agenda , and it aint all about making star wars movies, everything about these stories should happen naturally , not " we have to make the hero a woman" " we must throw a black guy and some asian chicks into the mix aswell"

Write the story , write characters just as they did in the day , get the actors.


Character genders and races have little to no effect on stories. That largely comes down to casting decisions.

Also, George Lucas specifically wanted Lando to be black, as well as to feature many black background actors in Cloud City, solely to combat the all-white cast of the first Star Wars.

That must have really damaged the Empire Strikes Back storyline. What an awful SJW-fest that movie was!


Nobody has problems with that.


"Character genders and races have little to no effect on stories." So when Wonder Woman becomes an Asian Male in the next one, it won't matter, right?

When Black Panther becomes a white woman, with a white population in Africa in the reboot, it won't matter, right?

Dumb post.


Here's the list:

TFA - female lead, which might be ok, but she's mary sue, I don't like the story, complete rehash,
R1 - female lead, the strike team is racially diverse, has no white males among them,
TLJ - ridiculous female fantasy, disaster, all white males are evil, emotionally unstable fascists,
SW Battlefront 2 - female lead (nothing new in video games, but it counts towards total in SW), DLC story - once again female lead,

Star Wars Rebels - probably the only "enjoyable" side of the new SW, but there are clear indications of females once again being written to be superior from a certain point of view. Especially in later seasons.


Of course, Master_Lo, like all narcissists, believes he is the only one whose opinion matters. "He speaks for the.." fans. Only the fans have their own voices and their own brains unlike Dr. Suess's trees...and many of them are not white, heterosexual, Christian, males.


I'm not a narcissist. Do you even know, what that means. Save your pseudo-liberal political rhetoric for your own kind. You're among free-thinking people here, not sheep.


Nothing says “free-thinking” like regurgitating right-wing name-calling




I'm getting at the same you are - it was better off with Lucas, but he blew it himself.


P.S. I liked prequels. And they also opened new vasts for EU.


Kind of like how hatred of Hilary made Trump look like a viable option for some.


It was actually a good movie with regards to Rey, Ben and Po. It's just everything with Luke, ruining Snoke's story and building up Rey's background and then ruining that too that ruin the film. I may have liked the film if Luke was really, physically there battling Ben and then lived on until the next film instead of being a hologram who then dies. That's where they lost me.
