Your opinion

I haven't seen The Last Jedi yet and I really want to, but people have really different opinions on it. And I am really interested in what you guys think


Pretty - looks GREAT. Poor story lines. No story follow-through from TFA. Political SJW-motivated topics/plot points left and right. Luke Skywalker ruined.


In other words, it's a turd. Or, as Admiral Ackbar would say: "It's a TURD!"




Definitely has it's issues, but still worthy of the saga.

Liked it much more on a second viewing.


NOT in any WAY, SHAPE, or FORM


It's worth seeing. The good parts are great, the few boring parts are balanced out with some great action, and even the "bad" parts are entertaining to witness (I put bad in quotes since of course there is no uniform consensus on what parts are bad, and some find the whole movie to be a masterpiece).

It's also pretty memorable, for better or worse.


The only real significant flaw with the film is that aside from one or two events, the whole thing seems rather inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Other than that, the film is excellent and Luke - who was always my favorite non-villainous character in the franchise - was handled perfectly. The movie takes a lot of bold risks to be sure, and I think that's what's ruffled some fans' feathers, but that's honestly what the series needed.

Once the dust settles, this will be a fondly remembered film for certain.


half decent for a kids movie... on part with the better transformers and marvel movies...


There's a lot that doesn't make sense, there's stupid humor, ruined characters, and story lines that go nowhere. However, if you go in with low expectations, there are some neat visuals and satisfying scenes. I was never actually bored because there was always something going on or something to think about. I walked out of the theater having had fun, but then spent the next three days thinking about everything wrong with it. If you're interested at all, I'd say check it out and judge for yourself.


It depends on many factors...
Are you a Star Wars fan?
Did you likeTFA?
Did you like the prequels?


I don't find it a bad film at all. There are definitely script flaws, most of which things that the past movies have established that this one just throws away, but it's entertaining.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-
