Moments in The Last Jedi That Made You Cringe
I found many moments in this movie to be cringeworthy. I was really enjoying the first hour of the movie, but as the film went on I found myself rolling my eyes one too many times. So here are the moments in the film (that I can remember) that really annoyed me:
The complete tonal shift. There were moments of humor in The Force Awakens and in all the other Star Wars movies, but this was the first IMO that went for a straight up comedic tone in several parts of the film. It felt at times like Johnson was trying to imitate the snappy dialogue of writers like Joss Whedon. Having watched Brick and Looper, I never got the impression that Johnson is a particularly funny writer. That being said, I did laugh at several points in the movie. I don't think this was the worst sin Johnson committed, but it is an example of his lack of regard for keeping any sort of consistency with The Force Awakens
Leia flying through space. Enough said.
Leia giving a speech about how Holdo "sacrificed herself and didn't need to be looked at as a hero". If you think about what actually happened, Holdo, Leia, Finn, and Poe are all responsible for the unnecessary deaths of several Resistance members. If Holdo had explained the plan to Poe from the start, that their plan was to evacuate undetected in small ships, then Finn would not have been sent to recruit DJ, who in turn would not have betrayed them and giving the First Order the information they needed to massacre the people in the escape pods. I'm not sure who is more at fault, Poe Dameron, Finn, Holdo, or Leia, but the bottom line is that a good chunk of the movie was pointless and resulted in many deaths. It baffles me that Johnson could write such stupid characters
Cheap and obvious emotional manipulation. If there is one word that I would use to describe Johnson's script it's "obvious". Despite his desperate need to subvert our expectations with his anti-twists, several scenes show how lazy he can be when writing pathos. In the scene when Luke dies, Rey claims something along the lines of "I can't feel him anymore. He's gone, but he's at peace". In other words, Johnson is TELLING you, the audience, how you should feel. Yes, Luke died, but it's not a tragedy like when Han Solo died. It's a happy death because Johnson decided to kill Luke off in the final 20 minutes of a 2.5 hour film and thus couldn't properly convey that it's not supposed to be sad
Another cheap, lazy example of emotional manipulation is when you see the slave children recreating Luke's final heroic act and then you see the kid practicing his lightsaber skills with a broom. Here Johnson is trying to say "yep, Luke's final sacrifice had the intended effect of galvanizing the galaxy against the First Order. A few minutes ago no one wanted to help the resistance but now they feel hope again. The scene was just so cheesy and saccharine. Once again Johnson is shoehorning story progression into a small space because he wasted so much of the film's running time on pointless sidequests
Finally, the most cringeworthy moment in the entire movie for me was when Rose told Finn "we aren't going to win by fighting those we hate, but by saving those we love". I swear, this is soap opera level writing. It's so fucking cheesy. Disney/Lucasfilm are infamous for micromanaging their projects, why did they not get a room of ghost writers to polish Johnson's script and give us something that isn't full of plot holes and embarrassing moments?