Didn't think it was terrible but...
I can see things from a hardcore Star Wars fans point of view and see why they would say this movie is one of/the worst Star Wars movie. Considering a lot of fans hate TFA, I have to say that it was a MUCH better movie than this...
I left rather disappointed because it was like Disney got scared of repeating too much from the previous movies so they threw away everything they were building up from TFA. So, the twist of this movie is that there is no twist and basically nothing happens except that Luke "dies maybe, probably..?"
They could have taken Finn and Rose out of the movie entirely. The whole Poe storyline was a waste of time because it just makes him look like a moron and Rey's story is the same thing as Empire and Return, which is fine with me BUT we hardly get any time with her because of the cutting back to the pointless side stories. I wanted to see more interaction between her and Luke and more backstory between those two and Kylo but we get nothing.
Don't even get me started on that stupid ending with the kid. Why do we need set up for another trilogy of movies just because Disney hired Rian to make more, that will probably not even end up actually happening now? Why does every movie need to be connected to/setting up other movies that won't be out for 5+ years?