Didn't think it was terrible but...

I can see things from a hardcore Star Wars fans point of view and see why they would say this movie is one of/the worst Star Wars movie. Considering a lot of fans hate TFA, I have to say that it was a MUCH better movie than this...

I left rather disappointed because it was like Disney got scared of repeating too much from the previous movies so they threw away everything they were building up from TFA. So, the twist of this movie is that there is no twist and basically nothing happens except that Luke "dies maybe, probably..?"

They could have taken Finn and Rose out of the movie entirely. The whole Poe storyline was a waste of time because it just makes him look like a moron and Rey's story is the same thing as Empire and Return, which is fine with me BUT we hardly get any time with her because of the cutting back to the pointless side stories. I wanted to see more interaction between her and Luke and more backstory between those two and Kylo but we get nothing.

Don't even get me started on that stupid ending with the kid. Why do we need set up for another trilogy of movies just because Disney hired Rian to make more, that will probably not even end up actually happening now? Why does every movie need to be connected to/setting up other movies that won't be out for 5+ years?


well Rian did cut more Luke/Rey stuff, will be deleted scene on bluray

"And then on the island there’s a massive sequence that we shot with Daisy and Mark, which is kind of an additional sort of trial/test that she goes through, that involves her and Mark, and then a big emotional scene between the two of them. I mean, it’s big stuff, it’s like actual real scenes"


Glad he decided to cut "actual real scenes" in favour of 40 minutes of filler that has nothing to do with the storyline xD. I really don't see how Disney trusts this guy to make a brand new trilogy (one of which we don't need by the way because it will just be the same thing again and again).


Arrogant Rian Johnson believes his vision is "progress" over George Lucas's vision which fans have loved and supported for the past 40 years. What arrogance!

There is enough rage on the message boards against Johnson that Disney will find another director for the trilogy. In a few months, Johnson will suddenly become unavailable.

Any bets?


I'm sure Johnson will either direct the first of the trilogy or be kept on board as a producer and/or writer. I just don't see any reason why there needs to be another trilogy at all regardless. It's just going to repeat the same beats from this trilogy, just as this trilogy is repeating a lot of the same beats from the original trilogy but there won't be 40 years between this trilogy and the next so it's all being rushed out way too soon (Take a shot every time I say the Trilogy xD).


Disney has been playing it super safe because of the money involved. The fans are angry. They're the ones who see a movie 6x in a theater, give it positive word of mouth and buy merchandise like crazy. A critic or casual viewer who may like the film sees it maybe once. Who has more weight financially?

Super safe Disney won't further upset angry fans by having Johnson make a trilogy.

The three trilogies were about the Skywalker Saga until Johnson butchered the storytelling. A different trilogy would be fine if they did The Old Republic or the Jedi Sith Wars. I think they may just create a new trilogy surrounding Rey. Play it safe, again. I actually like Rey and Ren so no problem for me as long as Johnson isn't involved.


I think the set up with the kids at the Casino planet (can't remember the planets name) is what he is planning on doing moving forward. The same plot as The Force Awakens considering the kids were idolizing Luke like Rey was in TFA.


Years will have to pass because Disney didn't want young children to star. I read that's why they rejected Lucas' idea. I think trilogy with Rey and Ren and a possibility of Luke starting up a school if he's not dead.

They're playing it safe with the standalone movies too. Han Solo, rebels who blow-up the death star and Obi-wan. No originality whatsoever.

Lucas was able to keep Star Wars fresh for 40 years. Games, books, EU stayed interesting and he kept the heart of it the same. Johnson wants to go in a different direction, change what fans enjoy. Fired by Fall 2018.


"Glad he decided to cut "actual real scenes" in favour of 40 minutes of filler that has nothing to do with the storyline xD."

Yep, and as an aspiring screenwriter, seeing a Star Wars writer making an amateur mistake is absolutely maddening... Especially considering Rian spent 15 MONTHS on the first draft and had producers reading over his work.

An irrelevant subplot is a huge red flag in a screenplay. If I took a script to an agent with something like that, I would be told to remove it or rework it because the agent would NEVER pitch that to a producer or a studio.

What's even worse is when the script includes an irrelevant subplot AND the script is also way too long. At that point, an agent would probably decide the script needs too much work and they would say "What else do you have? This one is not ready to be shown to anyone, not even me."

I like the movie overall and it has some greatness to it, but it's still obviously written and structured by someone with pretty limited experience.

I wish I could make these kinds of amateur mistakes in a script, manage somehow to get it sold and put into production, AND THEN SUCCESSFULLY PITCH AN ENTIRE TRILOGY OF MOVIES WITH NO ACTUAL CONCEPT OTHER THAN "THREE COOL MOVIES ABOUT OTHER STUFF."

Rian Johnson must have some dirt on one of the executives or he's sleeping with Kathleen Kennedy and giving her the best sex of her life.

Honestly, stuff like this is a bit disrespectful to all the aspiring, nonprofessional screenwriters whose scripts are held up to a higher structural standard than this.


Don't even get me started on that stupid ending with the kid. Why do we need set up for another trilogy of movies just because Disney hired Rian to make more, that will probably not even end up actually happening now? Why does every movie need to be connected to/setting up other movies that won't be out for 5+ years?
I don't think that scene is a setup for Johnson's trilogy. It was just going with the theme that resistance/rebellion still isn't dead and there will still be more Jedi.


I feel it was set up mainly because the kids were shown twice for like 30 seconds each and then the one kid shows up at the end using the force. I feel it's too big a coincidence to not be set-up for later movies and this is Disney we are talking about here.

I don't mind all of this set-up in Marvel movies because it works there, but here, it's forced (no pun intended).


Doubtful. If it's a setup for anything, it's not Johnson's trilogy, which is supposed to be completely unrelated to the saga entries.


Yeah I'm with you. I think it's supposed to reflect Rey being a nobody with Force powers.

But I'm still waiting for someone to bash this kid for being an untrained child who is using a Force Pull casually, as if it was nothing, just to pull a broom five inches.

That's more powerful than Luke was. That's more powerful than Anakin was. I thought this kind of thing wasn't acceptable, after all Rey has been criticized for two years over the same kind of stuff, and she is a LOT older than this kid, plus she doesn't use Force powers until she experiences someone else using that same power against her.

Where are all the people who have been slamming her as a Mary Sue? They're quiet because this kid was a boy, and boys are allowed to do stuff like this.


I don't mind that anyone can be one with the force, but it felt like it came out of nowhere and again, it's not apart of the main plot. I actually like Rey and want to see her story continue but I don't give a shit about Finn or Poe anymore because of how wasted they were and how idiotic they look from this movie.


Yeah, Finn and Poe were both very flat this time around. At least Finn was given something interesting to do, Poe was largely relegated to complaining about his superiors.


Finn was given something to do alright and he accomplished nothing


That side plot should have been Finn and Poe, and it should have resulted in something that actually mattered to the plot.

But I would not have Finn and Poe kiss near the end XP


They didn't need to kiss at all. Finn and Rose clearly weren't built with being love interests in mind but yet they threw in Rose loving Finn for literally no reason (even he looked surprised). Nothing wrong with having two dudes going on a mission together and being friends. Finn should have sacrificed himself to stop the laser because then it would have actually given his character a purpose.


What was the First Order doing after they blow open the blast door with that laser?

The walkers are just standing there waiting. They even stand there watching Finn pull Rose's body out of her ship, put it on a slapped-together sled, and drag it through the salt ALL THE WAY back to the base without doing anything.

They probably waited in their walkers for 10 minutes, at least, before Luke walked out.


Not to mention the fact that the resistance is made up of what? 30-50 people or so now? How can they fight the First Order without any real help?
