More annoying: Rose or Jar Jar?
I think Jar-Jar ... but not by much.
shareNot by much, yes. But Rose is the Jar Jar of the new trilogy. She is like that annoying acquaintance that imposes themselves on a party they weren't invited to. Her dialogue was cringy and her acting was horrendous.
shareStill little anakin for me...who cares about an alien created for comic relief or a side character who's sole purpose was to pacify the Asian market...but the patriarch of the entire saga sucking like an Electrolux? Now that's pod racing...yippee!
shareRose. Much to my own surprise. I like the Gungans as a species, I thought Lucas was quite creative when he came up with them. So I can't hate Jar Jar entirely :) Rose was just straight up annoying, poorly acted, and had the wrong personality for an engineer, the latter mostly being quiet introverts.
shareYeah, I always thought the non-Jar Jar gungans were kind of cool. Lucas could have done a lot with an underwater race of aliens but he dropped the ball.
shareGreat question.. tough one. Shit I'd have to say Rose
shareRose for me. Jar Jar had more plot purpose than she did, lol.
shareIt is not possible to create a more annoying character than JarJar.
shareRose, most definitely. She's so out of place in that universe.