MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > angry joe - why star wars last jedi suck...

angry joe - why star wars last jedi sucks

1. The Death of Luke
2. Luke’s Legacy & Behavior
3. The Death of Snoke
4. Finn & Rose’s Subplot
5. Rey’s Parents are Nobody
6. Death & Return of Leia
7. Death of Phasma
8. Humor & Tone Issues
9. Dropped Force Awakens Subplots
10. Plot Holes
11. First Order Fleet Chases instead of Destroys
12. Vice Admiral Holdo Sucks
13. A Single X-Wing can Destroy a Dreadnought
14. Why didnt Kylo notice Luke Projection
15. Knights of Ren Dropped
16. Kylo Ren & Vader Relationship Dropped
17. Rey Perfect Saber Techniques with No Training
18. Snoke doesnt know his ship can track the enemy?
19. Yoda looks weird! (and can control lighting?)
20. Rey happens to be at correct spot to save everyone and lifts all rocks with no training.
21. Why was Finn hurt if it has no ramifications?
22. Rose Falling in Love with Finn was Stupid!


That should be a 100 things I learned from watching the last Jedi


Fuck him, he thinks justice league is awesome.


I thought justice league was fine as well. A few mishaps, but nowhere near the craphole this movie ended up being. And to be fair, he did give this film 7/10 - which is NOT what I'd give this film.


Sorry, but justice league was a shit show from start to finish. The score was horrible which isnt a surprise since eflman had to score it from story boards. The pacing was horrible because it was shot by two directors with vastly different styles and then edited to fuck by money men that wanted a two hour movie.

Ben affleck looks bored because half the shit he did with the character ended up on the cutting room floor. Remember how everyone bitched about man of steels final act? The destruction porn? And then it was addressed in the sequel? And then in the sequel everyone bitched about batman killing dudes? While that was to be addressed in justice league with batman feeling very guilty and suicidal because of the things he did. Thats why affleck looks so bored because hes doing something else. This batman has a death wish, and its only touched upon very briefly in the final act of the finished film. Thats way you keep hearing rumours of affleck wanting out, because the shit hes done with the character has been turned into shit.

Theres a huge difference between a movie not being to your taste, and the shit show that is justice league.


You should check Angry Joe's twitter. After he turned the camera off after his non-spoiler review, he dropped it down to a 6/10. THEN after the spoiler discussion video, he dropped it once more. It all then eventually led to him making the video about why the movie made him angry. The end of the twitter post shows "?/10" since he doesn't really know where it'll finally end up.


You're right justice league sucked.....but still fuck you. You might want to wait a couple days to do that since your still butthurt from your boyfriend banging you lol


Not as butthurt as you are that the movie isnt what you wanted. Your man crush luke isnt the perfect jedi you masturbated to all these years.


Lol so you admit u are butthurt. You gotta stop letting your mother stick his pipe up ur crack. Ur boyfriend is not gonna like that ur cheating on him lol


Oh gays jokes, how edgy of you. Once again lashing out because a name on the internet hurt your feelings. It’s sad really, giving such power over yourself to words by people you’ll never meet.

You should really have more self worth.


Lol it's so funny cuz everything you say ur talking about yourself. Like u said ur never going to meet me oh but your letting me have power over you since your replying to me. But don't worry ill be ur friend and reply to you. But remember I'm only ur friend not to mention you shouldn't cheat on your mom lol


Oh you turned the tables on me so well, Frodo. I have tasted my own medicine and it is so bitter. You win, Frodo. You win.


guys... please be nice to one another... they're just movies... just opinions... everyone likes different things...


Dont tell me, tell him. Hes the one getting all salty because people dont agree with him.


my comment here was also meant for him... we can all be nicer, while still disagreeing on movies


Some of us can, others just can’t accept that other people are allowed to have differing opinions.


Yay I win :) so now that we're friends we can hug and make up, but no poking my stomach


guys... please be nice to one another... they're just movies... just opinions... everyone likes different things...


I also liked justice League tbh despite the flaws.

But this film, idk.....


To each their own. I was far more annoyed by Justice league than I was this movie. That horrible cgi superman’s mouth made him look like it was superman’s stunt double running around. It just distracted every time he was on screen, pulling me right out of the movie.

Last Jedi is far from perfect, but I can’t say it’s problems ever made me roll my eyes as hard as justice league did. It’s a shame as it looks like it might really have been a great movie before Snyder stepped away, and then whedon changed the tone of the film and the no talent money men butchered it even further to shrink it down to 2 hours to maximise cinema screenings.


So your issues with JL is solely based on the cgi?

I guess that is problematic with me to an extent but I'm used to watching a lot of older films even from the 20s so I can overlook it.

For me, the story and characters matter more than cgi. Even the best cgi today will be crapped on 20 years from now. Look at The last Starfighter as an example.


No that was just one example. I gave another in my previous post. I could go on for ever with what I found wrong with justice league. Im not trying to convince you that youre wrong. You liked it, thats fine. As I said, to each their own. I hated the danny elfman score for example. The reuse of his old themes from 1989 were really out of place in this film. Others have said they liked it in much the same way that they like hearing john williams superman theme playing. For me williams theme can play on anything, its universal. Elfmans batman theme was very much a part of the world burton created and feels horrible playing over the tone of synders batman.

As for the story, its was full of holes. for example, the reason for reanimating superman was, in my opinion, stupid. The original reason made far more sense. That being that steppenwolf was planning to resurrect superman for his need to kill darkseid. Steppenwolf himself had more story that was removed to make way for time, thus making steppenwolf little more than a bad guy with no depth. The list goes on and on. What was shot clearly had more things in mind and you can see things going on that lead nowhere as vast amounts of things ended up on the cutting room floor.

All of the characters were rushed into the story without any kind of real effort into telling us who they are. We are all just supposed to know that barry allen heals really quickly and thats why his broken foot is gone by the next scene. Affleck looks out of sorts in a lot of scenes but we never see why. Turns out batman had a deathwish resulting from his murderous ways in the previous film. Aquaman doesnt give a shit about anything, and then does without any real effort put into why. The family living in the house where steppenwolf is trying to bring the mother boxes together is pointless. And the last act is pretty weak. OP superman comes and saves the day making the rest of the team completely pointless. Ive run out of space but you get the idea


JL definitely felt rushed and the other characters were underdeveloped.

But why do you find so many issues with JL yet give so much leeway to the insurmountable problems with episode 7 & 8?

JL's problems are more forgivable in that it is a new franchise with a smaller world in films. And by that I'm referring to the new Snyder films that are not in the same universe as Reeves or even the comics.

SW otoh has a stricter canon of films. Episodes 1-6 are directly related and in the same world as R1 and the newer trilogy. So the dismissive treatment of past canon/characters is jarring.

This has also been my problem with the new Star Trek though I liked the third film and loathed the second.


In what regard do you think the newer films have mistreated the past films? Ive seen people comment on things like "luke wouldnt do that" or "thats not how the force works". In respect to luke not having a moment of weakness to kill ben, I would say that is very much in his character. He was never trained properly as a jedi, he never had full control of his emotions and as such its not outside the realm of possibility that he would or could lose control and give into his fear for a moment. Theres lots of stuff from the previous films that back up the way that luke has acted here and over the past 30 years.

The force has always been the force. Its in everything, its between everything, it connects us and binds us and holds the galaxy together. If fallen jedi can commune from the dead why not from across the galaxy?

I realise you havent said these are you problems with 7 and 8, they are just the problems I see people mention over and over again. Well that and the mary sue thing that people just cant seem to get past.

In much the same way that empire had a theme of loss, last jedi has a theme of failure. We see heroes as who they really are. Imperfect and not the "legends" their stories make them out to be. Its a different take to be sure, but its not an awful one. There are of course issue with the film, but ultimately they are choices made by the director and fit in with the story he was telling. Unlike justice league thats a story told be 3 distinct groups(zach, joss and the no talent money men).

Perhaps you could point the canon and character treatments you mean?


Super accurate for me. Only number five did not bother me. I would replace it with the entire casino sequence.
