Does Anyone Think Some Reviews Are Bought These Days?
This could be an incredible movie. I have no idea, as I haven't seen it, but it seems like every reviewer in the world loves almost everything that Disney does. I wouldn't put it past Disney to buy positive reviews. I hate thinking this way, but I can't help it at this point. I don't trust a damn thing that anyone says on the internet.
The Force awakens was entertaining in my opinion, but it wasn't the greatest thing to ever happen as most of the reviews would lead you to believe. I thought Rogue One was a lot better. But here we are again, with over 90% of reviewers saying this is "yet again", the best Star Wars movie to ever exist.
I'm not trying to attack this film, because I think it looks really good. I just question the legitimacy of some of these reviews. Anyone else get the feeling a billion dollar giant like Disney could buy positive word of mouth on everything it does? There has to be some kind of split in the reviews somewhere for some of these movies.