Just curious friends....
Why is this the forum that you all migrated to? I'm glad a lot of us are here, but it's an odd choice....
shareWhy is this the forum that you all migrated to? I'm glad a lot of us are here, but it's an odd choice....
sharewhat other ones are there?? i wish imdb was still going on at times like this! :(
sharefilmboards has all the old boards archived like this, but the format matches the old site and you can link your IMDB account and keep all your old post history.
The also have a browser plugin that puts all their forum pages back in the IMDB movie pages.
I don't know if posting a link is against the rules, but it would be awesome if there was actually traffic on that site.
linking will be fine
shareOK. Check it out. Here's the TLJ board. As you can see, it's dead. But the layout, archive, etc are pretty sweet.
And look at my profile for example. I linked it so it includes current posts but also all my history from the old site.
The old smilies even work. Lol.
There's a plugin that links this site to IMDb pages as well.
shareNot very active: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/181808-star-wars-the-last-jedi
shareTrue. I get why many of us are here: the activity.
shareI really liked the layout of this one. I hate the standard message board design most sites use. This place had the same IMDb styling and the creator and moderators understand the spirit of what made IMDb fun.
shareTheMovieDB (TMDB) has the best non-IMDB database... The forums there aren't as active, but they have some nice regular users... Definitely film enthusiasts there, not juat fanbois... No general discussiom, just movies and TV shows...
This is the most active site, i think partially due to ease of use, old threads and nice users overall...
I use both boards
Its the most popular concerning Star Wars. :)