Totally flawed argument. The Force Awakens is a direct copy of A New Hope. Star Wars was not a direct copy of Flash Gordon, it was influence by it, but not a copy of it. Star Wars was also influenced by WW2 specifically the Nazi's, also Japanese Samurai films specifically The Hidden Fortress, it was also inspired by Lucas' own life, as well as classic mythological story-telling, and many other things. Flash Gordon was B-Level production and story-telling, Star Wars was A list level, and forever changed the idea that Sci-Fi couldn't be blockbuster movie material.
The Force Awakens demonstrating that it was unoriginal, does make it bad. It was a near exact copy of A New Hope, and yes, that makes it automatically bad. Flash Gordon, in the comic strip, was a Polo player, among other elements, Luke was not. Luke was an orphaned desert dweller with the hidden power of the force, and that is exactly what Rey is...exactly.
The problem with your thinking, is that you're not thinking. YOu're not digging into it enough and only looking at the surface, which is a problem with knee-jerk types like yourself. You don't have the brain power to think deeply enough, nor the experience, nor the understanding of the history of anything your talking about.
The more YOU know!