I hope it is better...

...than The Force Awakens. The writing was horrible and the only good thing in it was Chewbacca. Rogue One was much better than The Force Awakens. Rian Johnson is a good director, but I am not sure that he can even help The Last Jedi. We shall see.


I am hoping they looked passed the financial success and really took a critical look at TFA as a whole and made suitable adjustments for this film.


If they really did "took a critical look at TFA", they woudn't have hired Jar Jar Abrams for Episode IX.



Not likely, these were going to be retreads of the original trilogy all along evidently.


There definitely doesn't seem to be very much excitement or anticipation for this. I'll be surprised if it gets anywhere close to TFA's opening weekend box office.


But then....you're still smarting over Justice League, aren't you Jar-Jar?


It's going to be just as bad. Because it continues the story of already laughable plot. It started weak and it will continue weak.


I just don't know why they couldn't make it good. Why wasn't it more like the original films? Movies have changed so much since the 70's and 80's and these new movies reflect exactly what is wrong with Hollywood and movie viewers in general. I hear the same thing over and over...It was an OK movie. Why aren't these movies great? That is the question.


You're asking the questions you already know answers to. Disney. Also, producer Kathleen Kennedy (supporter modern feminist ideas) is one of the reasons the new movies reek of liberal pop-culture. The lack of originality is because of lack of original ideas. There were no attempts to make them unique in the first place. They are feeding us the same old ideas with refurbished technologies. What bothers me is that SW fans are really in denial by thinking that something will miraculously get better! It will not. At least not with the current management and so called "story group". What a bunch of amateurs. Rogue One was there best they could get. And even that was mediocre.

Every product they've made so far is needed to support the new trilogy. It is so weak that they need shitload of comics, games etc., animated TV shows just to keep it afloat. After Lucas made PT, which wasn't that great, but it introduced new, refreshing ideas and angles to explore, it gave comic book writers, game developers new ideas to expand on. There were created many independent from the main plot characters, fantastic, new storylines, that existed outside the movie universe. But in this new Disney SW universe everything is needed just to fortify their shitty terrible storytelling.


"They are feeding us the same old ideas with refurbished technologies."

Every time I read crap like this, I know the person is just blowing smoke out their ass and have no concept of history.

Star Wars in 1977 was "the same old ideas with refurbished technologies."

Even in '77 people knew that, especially fans of the old Flash Gordon serials that Star Wars liberally borrowed from.

Here is just one minor example:

So according to your logic, once Star Wars is demonstrated to be unoriginal, then that means it's automatically bad. Right?

See, the problem here is that people grow up thinking the stuff they loved in their youth was all original, and then as they age they see the same concepts being repeated. It takes a while to accept that there are only so many stories that can be told.

The more you know!


You moron, SW TFA basically is a terrible copy of A New Hope. If only they had used different sci-fi to write down new story from, that would have been so much better than what TFA was. But they were even lazier. They picked jar jar abrams and rehashed SW EpIV. Are you really so much in denial? It doesn't even matter, really, ANH was good despite what it had borrowed ideas from, whereas TFA was terrible, terrible pile of refuse.


Totally flawed argument. The Force Awakens is a direct copy of A New Hope. Star Wars was not a direct copy of Flash Gordon, it was influence by it, but not a copy of it. Star Wars was also influenced by WW2 specifically the Nazi's, also Japanese Samurai films specifically The Hidden Fortress, it was also inspired by Lucas' own life, as well as classic mythological story-telling, and many other things. Flash Gordon was B-Level production and story-telling, Star Wars was A list level, and forever changed the idea that Sci-Fi couldn't be blockbuster movie material.

The Force Awakens demonstrating that it was unoriginal, does make it bad. It was a near exact copy of A New Hope, and yes, that makes it automatically bad. Flash Gordon, in the comic strip, was a Polo player, among other elements, Luke was not. Luke was an orphaned desert dweller with the hidden power of the force, and that is exactly what Rey is...exactly.

The problem with your thinking, is that you're not thinking. YOu're not digging into it enough and only looking at the surface, which is a problem with knee-jerk types like yourself. You don't have the brain power to think deeply enough, nor the experience, nor the understanding of the history of anything your talking about.

The more YOU know!


"Why aren't these movies great?"

Well if you go around looking to validate your own opinion, then that's what you'll find.

Try asking someone you don't agree with. Ask me why The Force Awakens wasn't great, and I'll say "Because it was AMAZING."



It was not very good. Glad you liked it, but the story was lame, screenplay was bad and the new characters lacked a lot.


"Because it was amazing" is not a reason it wasn't great, it's a subjective opinion. An opinion clearly by someone who doesn't think very deeply.
