What would make it good?

Especially for those that hated TFA what would TLJ need to do to be good for you?

For me it would need to give a good explanation for Rey, having her mind wiped or something of the like, being so powerful. And make sure they make her a more modest character, sort of put her in her place. She was just too powerful and inexplicably so in TFA so something needs to be done with that. Best case scenario is she turns to the dark side and Kylo to the light and everyone teams up to fight this super powered anti-jedi.

Must be vastly different from ESB. TFA was just too much of a rehash and TJL needs to distinguish itself. The trailers are already suggesting this is not going to be the case but hopefully it is misdirection.

The nature of the first order and Snoke must be explored and given some credence. In TFA it is just there and does not go into detail or even speculation on how the first order maintained such power after the fall of the Empire. TFA just put it there and demanded we accept it.

Much much less pandering. TFA was too focused on pandering to nostalgia and modern 'diversity' sensibilities and was not concerned with story telling. Disney is becoming more and more notorious for this, seemingly having a 'diversity check in the box list'. I do see how this is not racist or prejudice. 'make sure we have some blacks, Mexicans, Arabs, and Asians in there.' And I swear they better not make good on their threat to start doing openly homosexual relations just for the sake of it.

Do not let the OT characters be belittled and reduced to pathetic again. Han and Leia are pathetic shells of their OT characters in TFA. This better not be the case with Luke, but the trailers are already suggesting he is going to be.

That is all I can think of at the moment, to me it already seems an impossible task.


Personally, I'd like to have some of the open questions of the familial relations resolved. Notably, how are Kylo and Luke related, if Kylo is Han's son? And if Luke is related to Han, how can Darth Vader be Luke's father? Is it possible that Vader is also Han's father (and Leia's father, eww...). Perhaps Luke and Leia really aren't brother and sister, and that was just something that Vader told Luke to throw him off and make him concerned for his "sister" during their duel in Cloud City.


"how are Kylo and Luke related, if Kylo is Han's son?"
Luke and Leia are siblings, and Kylo is Leia's son. So Luke is Han's brother in law.


Yeah but Kylo is Leia's son. I understand the link between Han and Luke.


Luke is Kylo's uncle.


But Luke is not Hans brother. Is he an uncle by marriage then?


No, he's an uncle because Ren is the son of Luke's sister.


So Luke is Ren's uncle, but Ren is Luke's cousin because they are a different generation. That clears things up.


Dude??. Are you seriously admitting to not knowing how aunts and uncles worK? One of them is ALWAYS made so by marriage...unless brothers and sisters get married to each other in your kneck of the woods...


Do you understand what it means to be an uncle? If you have a sister, you are an uncle to her children. Luke has a sister, Leia, and is an uncle to her son, Ben aka Kylo Ren.

Here's a sort of family tree for you:

Darth Vader has 2 children, Luke and Leia
Luke is his son
Leia is his daughter

Leia marries Han Solo
Ben aka Kylo Ren is their son

That makes Darth Vader Kylo Ren's grandfather
Because Luke is Leia's brother, he is the uncle to her child, Kylo Ren.


I hope Rey goes to the Dark side, and Finn Dies. That might get me to care, with JJ Abrahams directing episode 9 you know he'll throw in gay Characters just to virtue signal. For Disney to get me to care about their brand of Star Wars, prove that they don't hate that the Franchise was built on a male fan base, and stop treating us like we are the problem.


... you know he'll throw in gay Characters just to virtue signal.

I literally LOL'd at this.



The Ackbars agree. Stars Wars just reminds of how JJ rebooted Star Trek. Its the same thing just a different franchise.



I agree. Being a fan does not necessarily qualify someone to be a good interpreter of said subject. If a director allows the team to make their contributions without micromanaging the creative tone - let actors invest fully in their performance, respect the original texts and the evident meaning of those scripts, etc.


A new reboot would ruin the franchise structure and the effort to build a brand and a consuming fanbase. It doesn't seem likely that they'll be reformatting the story development.

I'm concerned about Abrams coming back as director - that's something they could change. They need to step away from politicing and social engineering.



Should I have cited a copyright notice next to my comment to prevent Disney expropriating it? ;) In any case, it's unfortunate when a popular brandname is all that is needed to rake in the money from fans. Hell, you can even get a Star Wars electric shaver now. (lol, yeah, I know...)

They reformatted the classic narrative but that reformat is supposed to be the framework upon which their property is meant to gain uniformity and credibility. They want to reproduce predictable fan service product that:

- Appeals to an 8 - 20 years age bracket

- Sells mechandise

- Promotes Disney's concept of a cohesive, benevolent society

Thus, playing the Devil's advocate, I'd further say:

They can't indulge older audiences who may like the older movies without seemingly alienating the millennial crowd who relate to young protagonists; resisting the urge to change stories, add characters and other changes might limit mechandising profiability; and the older movies were chiefly about inidividuals and their moral struggles against a civil war background, but does that serve a social agenda that wants to promote cultural types and gender politics (not that ulimately this matters even the context of the new movie narratives)?


So, I'm arguing that Disney is a bit stuck. That said, this is what they have been doing for a long time - creating Disney friendly/kid friendly versions of popular stories.


Based on the film now released there has been no attempt to explain any foundation story elements besides the relationship between Kylo/Ben and Luke.

I do feel it is a stronger, more interesting film compared to TFA. They tried to make it more charming/buddy adventure oriented, and the action scenes were excellent. TLJ is a more emotionally affecting movie.


Nothing. I'm done with this Disney abomination. After these spoilers I read I cancelled plans to see this movie. Disney is more incompetent than Lucas EVER was with the prequels...and that's saying a whole HELL of a lot.

Fck you, Disney.


I’ll tell you would make it good, not over hyping it for 2 years. And by that I mean all the geek websites bombarding the fans with horse shit to get clicks 24/7(I’m looking at you nerdist). It’s been so build up with theories on this that the other it was never going to make everyone happy.
