Ripoff of Empire
Hopefully Rian only ripped off 50%
shareThe Force Awakens made an assload of money by ripping off A New Hope, why would they change things up when they can just play it safe and make money hand over fist?
shareA New Hope made an assload of money "ripping off" Flash Gordon after Lucas was unable to secure the Flash license. He decided to change it around after that, like a sampled remix, and the rest is history.
If you're so bothered by copying, you need to dispense with the entire saga.
Never saw Flash Gordon but the fact that you have to deflect to it and can't defend your movie makes me feel really good. Thanks for that.
shareI'm not talking about the 1980's Flash Gordon, I'm talking about the old serials that George grew up on.
The fact that you have to deflect my point about the entire Star Wars series and can't defend A New Hope makes me feel really good. Thanks for that.
You're boring, like listening to a broken record.
Okay, I love the 1980 version, I've seen the old serials, and I've read some of the comics that started it all. There isn't a huge direct resemblance between FG and SAW, although they gave many common elements, such as being about likeable regular guys who suddenly find themselves having adventures in outer space. Flash and Luke aren't all that similar, Flash is an adult from a "good background" and knows nothing about life beyond Earth.
But everyone knows that Lucas used a lot of genre cliches in his story, and used them better than anyone else. Borrowing from older sources is not new, hell "Flash Gordon" borrowed heavily from "Buck Rogers", to put it politely.
I appreciate borrowing from old sources, it's how art evolves.
UltimateHippo, however, likes to call it "ripoff" over and over and over and over again. He even says TFA is a "plot point for plot point" ripoff of A New Hope, which is a lie.
Thus, I figured I'd school him with things he couldn't deny, and of course he refuses to address any of it, and deflects, and projects, and demands more of others than he's ever willing to do.
Another one of his TFA-bashing buddies on here called TFA a "frame by frame" ripoff of ANH. Another lie, even worse.
Frankly, I think Hippo and that other account are the same person, considering how similar the posts were and how often they post about bashing TFA.
I admit that I haven't been keeping track of which raving hater has said what foolish thing, but I had certainly noticed that they all repeat the same idiotic points. That doesn't necessarily mean they're all sock puppets, for all I know there's some sort of Haters' Community out there where they all tell each other that TFA is a frame-by-frame remake of ANH until they all believe it. But yeah, it's funny how the haters not only repeat the same things, none can argue points of canon worth a damn.
Which would make them the sort of people who can watch something a thousand times and learn nothing from it, not even the bit about anger being the path to the Dark Side. But the world is full of such people.
Here's a little tidbit to wet your whistle:
Look at all that originality!
A second tidbit for you: The story in question deals with Flash (a simple Earth kid, sound familiar?) flying off with Dale Arden and Dr. Zarkov (translated into Leia and Obi-Wan) to deal with Emperor Ming's weaponized planet, which is approaching Earth (Emperor Palpatine, Death Star, Yavin IV).
In fact, in response to the popularity of A New Hope, this Flash Gordon story was adapted into an animated movie version which hit TV in the early 80's.
Many other Flash Gordon stories contain more and more blatant sources for Star Wars characters and locations.
Again, Lucas isn't being dishonest about any of this, it's a fact that he sought the Flash Gordon license in the early 70's, and when it couldn't be done, he decided to make his own version. He had to get some money and momentum for the project, though, so he did American Graffiti first.
Again this just shows you can't defend your movie. It sounds like Lucas was paying tribute with that one plot point. And for the record the rip off of A New Hope is only the tip of the iceberg, there is A LOT wrong with The Force Awakens.
shareAlready repeating yourself AGAIN? This is basically what you said last time!
I like how it's a "tribute" when it's convenient to you. Your words mean nothing.
I like how you aren't even bothering to "defend" anything at all while criticizing me for the fact that I'm actually continuing the point I made in the beginning of my replies.
You're trying to deflect by pretending that I'm avoiding the discussion YOU want instead of addressing the discussion I'm having.
If you don't want to defend A New Hope, why even bother replying?
This is just too easy, but showing up trolls is basically just done for fun anyway. It's not like you guys ever say anything of substance, just mindless chatter.
You can't deal with actual discussion, so you repeat yourself ad nauseum.
I call that "The Broken Record Club" and every member of it sounds exactly like you, because y'all are so dull and robotic that it comes out the same!
LOL, seriously I could do this in my sleep. I almost AM doing this in my sleep, I'm so tired....
No I asked you to defend your movie and all you could do was point to some other movie which wasn't even the topic of the discussion. That shows that TFA can't stand on its own two feet, you have to justify it with some serial from the 30's. Thanks again for proving my point.
shareNo it is just he realizes how stupid you truly are so he doesn't bother. I remember you back in the days of imdb. You would constantly belittle people who disliked anything you loved and vice verse. Funny thing is you would always use imdb ratings as a measurement and argument against people as long as it suited you. You claimed the force awakens to be the worst Star Wars film ever. Well according to the data The Force Awakens beats all the prequels on imdb, Rottentomatoes and Metacritic. Also Last Crusade beats Temple of Doom in that aspect as well. Therefore I am going to ask you a question why should we put more stock in you than film critics and the people of imdb? Given your posts I will put more stock in them than you.
I myself never liked any Star Wars films. I did not hate them I just was never that into them. I thought they were all derivative of The Hidden Fortress. Myself I always thought Lord of the Rings was a better written story.
No I asked you to defend your movie
No you didn't, LIAR. Your FIRST post to me in this thread said "the fact that you have to deflect to it and can't defend your movie"
There was no "asking" involved, obviously. Hilarious how you can't even be bothered to pay attention to your own posts.
I brought up a different subject and then you pretended like I was "supposed" to be "defending" The Force Awakens, EVEN THOUGH WE'VE ALREADY HAD THAT CONVERSATION.
Lying = LAZY TROLLING. You're boring, you have zero creativity, and that demonstrates that you're probably also a dumb person.
You have not provided a single compelling reason why TFA is anything but a complete joke. You know that it was just Disney taking advantage of peoples nostalgia just so they could make billions. The franchise has been raped, it is nothing but than a rehash of what people loved back in the 70's and 80's with different characters, different planets and political correctness. I am still willing to give the Disney films a chance, but The Last Jedi had better be the best damn Star Wars movie ever or else as far as I'm concerned anything past ROTS/ROTJ isn't real.
Rogue One and TFA were two of the worst films I have ever seen. They need to get Christopher Nolan in here, he took a franchise that was considered to be beyond repair and he then created the greatest trilogy ever (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises). Not only that but The Dark Knight Rises is hands down the greatest third entry in any trilogy.
Lol wrong again. That honor belongs to Lord of the Rings the Return of the king. Let me stop you before you attempt your lame excuses. Tolkien died before the films came out and the films are not the exact same as the book. I mean they are close to the source material but there are some differences. Therefore we will never know how he views the films. Each film was rated individually by the people on imdb, and by critics on Rottentomatoes and metacritic. Therefore since they measured it individually I will as well.
Lord of the Rings Return of the King beats The Dark Knight Rises in every way you can possibly imagine when looking at the objective data. It beats it on imdb, it beats it on Rottentomatoes, metacritic in box office and in Oscars won. So um no The Dark Knight Rises is not hands down the best third entry sorry. You will do your best to try and disqualify LOTR as a trilogy because it threatens your beloved Batman films. Funny thing is I do not care that you think The Dark Knight Rises better than any LOTR film.
I find it funny how insecure you are. Since you want to shove ratings in people's faces I am doing the same to you. Return of the King kicked The Dark Knight Rises's ass in objective data. Literally kicked it's ass so hard I am over here laughing. The Dark Knight Rises could not claim one category pretty hilarious.
Woa all I said was that The Dark Knight was the greatest trilogy ever and in my opinion that is true. As for LOTR I really loved the books, I read them for the first time since high school last summer and they were great, the movies took a big huge dump on them. As for the definition of a trilogy I don't know where you are getting this from, I never put forth that argument and I don't think it is appropriate to argue that on this thread, I would be more than willing to discuss that on the LOTR board however but for the time being you need to chill the hell out.
shareYeah sure. I have read the books as well. The movies do anything but take a dump on them. Funny how Return of the King won 11 Oscars and The Dark Knight Rises did not get one single nomination. Talk about getting your ass kicked. You need to accept that the objective data does not support your claim in thinking The Dark Knight Rises is the best third entry. I put more stock in the majority than you.
shareI really couldn't care less if ROTK won every single Oscar and Golden Globe and was considered by every single critic to be the greatest thing mankind has ever produced, that still would not change my opinion. The problem with the movies is that they start to introduce plot points that were in the books but they never finish them so in the end it really doesn't make any damn sense and comes across as incredibly stupid. Example: why the hell would Sauron think that Pippin has the ring, well it makes perfect sense in the book but no sense at all in the movie.
shareI do not care what your opinion is. You have a right to think what you want. However do not say The Dark Knight Rises is hands down without a doubt the best third entry ever as if it is some sort of objective fact. You need to add in my opinion after saying that. If The Dark Knight Rises beat Return of the King in objective data you would be rubbing that in everyone's face. That is why I decided to give you a taste of your own medicine.
shareYou did not give me a "taste of my own medicine" at all, I simply stated my opinion and you jumped down my throat with a bunch of nonsense. I did not care for the LOTR movies, they did not respect the source material and there are so many plot points that are just half assed or just flat out silly. The Dark Knight Trilogy told a compelling story from beginning to end with understandable and relatable characters and had an incredibly strong conclusion that was emotionally satisfying. The Dark Knight Rises made over a billion dollars, you can't deny that the vast majority of the public adored it.
shareI know very well the vast majority loved the Dark Knight Rises. I never denied that. Return of the King is simply more loved you can't deny that. Sorry but in my book Return of the King was a more satisfying ending emotionally and the vast majority agrees that it is superior. I do not think The Dark Knight Rises respected the source material.
shareGood for you, enjoy your crapfest of Force Awakens, Rogue One and Last Jedi. Again you will never change my opinion about ROTK, I simply think it wasn't that good and I have actual evidence that it didn't respect the source material.
shareI have evidence The Dark Knight Rises did not respect it's source material. Irrelevant point. We judge them as movies first. Also how do you know Last Jedi is crap? Oh that is right because you make up your mind before seeing films. Remember when you asked if you could give Dunkirk a 10 before you even saw it? Remember how you voted on Deadpool and Rogue One before it was even released? LMAO!!! Just stop you are a true moron.
shareThe Force Awakens and Rouge One were both sh!t and somehow made money hand over fist, why would Disney change anything? I will also never forgive Jackson for what he did to the army of the dead. Also while I still think Dunkirk does deserve a 10 I did find it disappointing and one of Nolan's weaker films, sounds like I'm not the blind Nolan fan you portray me as.
shareI will never forgive Nolan for what he did to Batman in the Dark Knight Rises.
shareNah I will let the data do the talking for me as you did. Objectively Return of the King>>>The Dark Knight Rises. The data backs me up on this.
shareWell in the book the weapon of the army of the dead was "fear" and basically all they were really able to do was scare their enemies. In the book the army of the dead sent a bunch of Sauron's enemies running for the hills, many jumped into the river and drowned but they did not fight the battle for the people of Gondor and that seems to be a recurring theme. When Gandalf and the Hobbits return to the Shire and discover that Saruman and Grima have taken over and created an economic crisis Gandalf tells them that he is not going to fight their battle for them, they now have the skills to take back their home. The movie so oversimplified it and gave the pirate ghosts an updated superpower where they could just kill whoever they wanted yet couldn't be killed themselves. It was a cop out and one of the very dumb moments of Return of the King.
At least I can defend my criticisms.
All I need to mention in The Dark Knight Rises is the clean slate. Talk about exposition that absolutely ruined the film.
shareThe concept of the clean slate fit into the story, it was how Bruce and Selina were able to start over and have a life away from the chaos of Gotham. I actually admitted that the exposition scene between Selina and Daggett was poorly executed but it only lasts like 40 seconds, who the hell cares every movie has a scene that doesn't come out as well as it could have. ROTK has PLENTY.
shareThere are many other things I hate about that film as well. Let me ask a question why should I listen to you when critics and the public disagrees with your assessment of films? TFA is considered better than any of the prequels. You claim it to be the worst. Are you arrogant enough to think your words mean more than the average public? I will let you in on a secret I will not listen to your words when the objective data is far more reliable than your dumb ass.
shareThe only reason TFA did so well is because it directly ripped off the O.T. and played on peoples nostalgia. It was a compilation of fan service that reminded people of the days of the O.T. There was no creativity put into it, they went the safe route. That may work in the short term but I think people are eventually going to catch on and it will be the end of Disney Star Wars films. Nolan could have just remade The Dark Knight all over again but he didn't, he did something different and it worked very well for me.
shareSo then how do you explain Rogue One being rated over the prequel trilogy? People catching on? Last Jedi is on track for a huge opening so I sincerely doubt that.
shareAgain ripping off the O.T. may work in the short term but I have doubts that it is going to create the legacy the O.T. did. Most people are just seeing it because it is Star Wars. Rogue One was also a complete insult to my intelligence.
shareI already know you hate Rogue One. Explain to me how that one was a success.
shareBecause it's Star Wars and some people will go see it simply because it's Star Wars, kind of like how people initially thought that Phantom Menace was the best of the saga. Time will not be kind to the Disney movies.
Right now we are in the denial phases where no one wants to admit that these new Star Wars movies are horrible.
Professional film critics are in denial? Yeah right. Even when the prequels came out they were never well critically received like TFA was. They received money because it is Star Wars. Critical acclaim was not something the prequels ever received until Revenge of the Sith. Even that being said TFA is better critically received than any of the prequels including Revenge of the Sith. So no try again. You're an idiot and that is why I trust the public and critics over you.
shareYou can trust all the critics you want, you won't change my opinion, you will never convince me TFA is any better than the sh!t I just took.
shareYou can complain all you want. You will never convince me that the prequels are better than TFA.
shareGood for you, enjoy your Disney crapfest
shareGood for you enjoy your terrible Batman film.
shareI intend to, I have been watching it consistently for 5 years and I don't see myself getting tired of it anytime soon. It is still just as good as it was in 2012.
shareI intend to keep watching TFA. I have been watching it for almost two years now and it is still just as good as it was in 2015.
shareNot defending your opinion of TDKR because I think that movie was awful (not nearly as bad as TFA) but isn't interesting that one of the defenses the TFA defenders use to deflect criticism is it is all opinion and no objective criticism is 'allowed' in looking at TFA?
a series or group of three plays, novels, operas, etc., that, although individually complete, are closely related in theme, sequence, or the like.
(in ancient Greek drama) a series of three complete and usually related tragedies performed at the festival of Dionysus and forming a tetralogy with the satyr play.
a group of three related things.
I saved you sometime. That is the dictionary definition of trilogy. As long as it fits one of those definitions I as well as others can consider it a trilogy. LOTR fits that bill. Check and mate! Get off these boards Hippo and gain some knowledge about cinema please.
Dude, you fail to understand two important things:
1) Being taken seriously is a privilege, not a right, a privilege that has to be earned.
2) You're not the boss of anybody, and you don't get to control the discussion.
And no, I don't see any reason to take you seriously. if I respond to you at all, it's because I don't get to mock the stupid at work so I have to come here.
You just proved once and for all that you have absolutely zero idea what you’re talking about. Please stop clogging up these boards with your nonsense.
shareYou honestly think Rian has much creative control on the film and is not just following the formula laid out by Disney?
shareA lot of movie fans, especially young ones, think that the writer of a script has ultimate control, even hired writers like Rian.
It has been known since 2015 that there was already a basic framework developed for the trilogy before The Force Awakens was ever written.
Disney would never proceed without a three-movie arc already in place. It's the same thing they do with the separate Marvel movies, there are very basic concepts and goals in place to link the movies, and then the various writers and directors work from that.
I mean, you'd think that it would be pretty basic knowledge that concepts and ideas precede "writing." People even usually know that they're going to TEXT before actually typing it out!
Actually, there were published reports saying that there was no overall plan, that they planned a trilogy but had no official story for the second and third films.
Which seems hard to believe, but I might be true. It's entirely possible that they higher-ups at Disney haven't given their writers any more direction than "Everyone is mad about the derivative script for TFA, so be original this time. But not TOO original, it's a billion-dollar tentpole and everyone in the world has to buy a ticket!".
Well I know Kasdan helped plan out the arc of the three movies, but indeed the framework was said to be quite loose and flexible:
“We talked about [the ending] — and there’s a certain thing that people who are involved with it feel should happen. There’s a kind of movement that happens. But it’s not in your control. It’s going to veer off with Rian, and it’s going to veer off another way with Colin.”
Now remember, Colin Trevorrow was already removed from Episode 9 because he wanted to go a different direction with the movie than what Disney wanted. He probably wanted to veer TOO far off the basic plan and change the ending.
It's tricky information altogether because there is a big distance between a structure of basic ideas and goals, and an actual planned-out story.
It's good to leave a lot of flexibility while still making sure the three movies become a cohesive whole.
For example, characters like Lor San Tekka probably weren't thrown into The Force Awakens with zero backstory.
I want to add without editing: Lucas did the same thing with the old trilogy. He had a very basic goal-oriented story he wanted to tell, but was still able to make it up as he went along.
He even changed characters. Darth Vader in ANH was literally just a warlord who HAD killed Luke's father. That's how the movie was written, and then Vader was changed into Luke's father in Empire. Yoda in Empire refers to "there is another" which was actually intended at the time to refer to another lost Jedi who was going to appear in the last movie, but then that idea was changed to Leia being Luke's sister.