the "LAST" star wars!!!!

FOOLISH that Disney killed off HAN SOLO; will probably also kill off princess Leia (due to the "convenient" death of Carrie Fisher) and EAGERLY MARGINALIZE LUKE SKYWALKER in order to make way for the "new order" (pardon the pun)~ DAISEY RIDLEY (REY)...... a radical feminist and although I am a HUGE FAN of John Boyega because he's a great actor, FINN, is a political correctness character AT BEST! Oh! and LAURA DERN, a nymphomaniac LBGQT new character inserted as MORE IMPORTANT and VALUABLE than force-ghost yoda, obi wan Kenobi, anakin skywalker, darth sidius because all in the name of DIVERSITY! I'm sure Kathy Kennedy must be OBSESSED w/inserting a NON RELATED star wars character that is a TRANSGENDER alien species! Because LUKE, HAN + LEIA can all go F*CK THEMSELVES because they LACK DIVERSITY! I also noticed how VERY LITTLE SCREEN TIME that C-3PO and loveable R2-D2 got...... I'm sure CHEWBACCA will be next on the chopping block to be killed off and/or REDUCE his screen time because after all, FINN deserves MORE SCREEN TIME for his "valuable popularity" to the star wars saga....... NOT!!!!!!!!!! Because after all, a darth vader character is NOT a diversity character anymore and/or darth maul or even count duuku! Even that new droid, BB-8, was SO ANNOYING w/it's whiny worry-wart complex inserted as MORE valuable than the likes of a BOBBA FETT character, that will make the prequels "vintage" and aging like a fine wine!


u go girl!


Cool story bro!!!




I liked it
The diversity thing is kinda long overdue...there are gays and black folks and women everywhere...just makes sense that other groups would figure into our space fantasy movie
Relax bro
We will survive


Diversity is a misleading term. No two people are alike so true diversity in film is anytime the characters are not all played by the same actor. Diversity based on skin color or sex is inherently racist and sexist because you are basing the qualification on those lines alone.

For example any time a white person is cast in a Asian themed film the term 'white washing' is thrown in, even if the rest of the cast is Asian. The same critics will then complain if there are not enough black actors in a film like Dunkirk. This is called cognitive dissonance. I mean we have 2 recent films that demonstrate this perfectly; Dunkirk I already mentioned and the other being Ghost in a Shell.

Also take into consideration not all black people or Asians are all the same either. For example say a film was made in South Korea with an all south Korean cast however the film is about the Japanese occupation of the Philippines. No one would complain unless a white person was in it ignoring the fact they are being racist for just assuming nothing is wrong because the film has Asians in it not even considering the fact that its not the correct Nationality. But hey they all look Asian right?


all good points and I agree
But its still cool that my favorite movies and stories are starting to include more people that are not very much like me (white straight catholic-ish middle class married father type...)
I just like diversity in films cuz i live in New York and encounter tons of 'different' people everyday
AND i would totally call a movie out for mixing up Asians...that shit is totally racist


I think that depends on what you are putting more precedence on, story telling and setting fitting together accurately or making the setting feel relatable to your own experience. I feel much heavier on the former; that I want the setting and narrative to be functional and I do not need it to be relatable. I am white American and I enjoy Asian films and drama as well as indi films. I can watch movies with all black, asian, hispanic or alien cast and not care that no white person is present as long as the narrative is sound. Some people really want/need to be reminded in the film that everyone is represented equally. That does not even enter my head until some 'critic' puts it there.

To fit your New York encounters if a film takes place in modern New York it makes perfect sense that it would be a diverse cast. In a fantasy story such as star wars that takes place in a totally fiction galaxy it simply does not matter. So why are we making it matter?

Also, I think you missed my point about the mixing up Asians totally. I was saying we should not put any precedence on skin color or appearance at all unless for some reason the specifics of the story call for it. For example you should never cast a white or Asian as an American Slave for the sake of diversity. That would be silly.


Good stuff
Thx MX!





Is Melania Trump jealous that you suck her husbands dick off every night? It's an honest question...


No, she's NOT at all jealous but I bet you are! DONALD TRUMP = THE MAN w/THE "GOLDEN GUN"


That man gets duped at the end and killed by bond.


Wait. Dr. Ellie Sattler is in Episode 8? o.O


Who is Dr. Ellie Sattler?????


Laura Dern's character name in Jurassic Park.


Yep! She's got purple hair and everything.








The damage is already done, the next movie's title will be along the lines of 'The New ....' to indicate that the 'old' male Jedi are extinct and 'the new and improved' female 'you can do it if you believe in yourself girlfriend' hero will be something much better than the Jedi.

Phasma will come good because she is a woman (or she will have been a good spy all along).

Star Wars died the SECOND they sold out to disney.
